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IT'S ten a.m. and the day is already long.

I set a chart on the ledge of the nurse's station and flip through it in hopes of finding some dressing change orders, but the damn thing is crammed so full that it's wider than my body and ready to burst apart at any second. I must have a month's worth of orders to sort through.

And then a cup of coffee suddenly appears in front of me.

"Some Milky Way Joe?"

My disbelieving eyes meet Harry's, and I hastily take the coffee from him. I'm torn between being extremely grateful for this unexpected cup of heaven and letting him have it for treating me like a girlfriend or something.

Because I am not his girlfriend.

Even if it means Milky Way coffee every day.

And then I notice something.

"Are you wearing glasses?" I ask in disbelief. Harry frowns before quickly reaching up and removing them. He looks a little embarrassed.

"My uh...one of my contacts ripped this morning," he mutters.

God, he's cute. Even with the glasses. I grin at him.

"You don't have to take them off," I tell him. "I just never saw you as a guy with glasses. A guy with glasses who goes on blind dates." I sip my coffee and it's still hot.

"You go on blind dates." He puts the glasses in the pocket of his lab coat. I wonder how well he sees without them.

"But no glasses," I point out, pointing to my bare eyes. "Perfect vision. But thank you for the coffee," I quickly go on. "You don't have to do this, though. I usually drink it before I come to work. I was just running late yesterday."

He smiles at me, and it still causes that same damn feeling.

"We're dating now, April. It's only proper that I attend to your...needs." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"Gross," I lie as I try to occupy myself with my drink. On the contrary, that wink makes me think things that would have my mother blushing. Well maybe not my mother. But someone's mother, surely. "But our outing is tomorrow," I remind him. "So we're not dating."

"We've already gone on one date. This will be the second."

"The first date still doesn't count."

"Why not?" He feigns offense. "I paid for your dinner. I even walked you to your car! It was a very good date, I think."

Does a date even count anymore if there's not a kiss? I'm so out of practice that I can't remember, but there's no way I'm bringing it up in case it gives him any crazy ideas.

It's hard enough keeping my cool while simply talking to the man. Having his tongue down my throat is bound to complicate things, right?

Yes, April. So no funny business.


"I guess I just have high standards," I tease with a shrug. Harry frowns and crosses his arms as he scrutinizes me.

"Noted. I'll be sure to step up my game," he replies.

Oh God.

"Hmm. Well I hope that works out for you." I smile at him, but inwardly I'm screaming at myself for encouraging this behavior. I have no idea what he's planning, and I'm not so sure I want to know.

Scratch that. I wouldn't be going out with him if I didn't want to know.

I am so screwed.

* * *

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