My New Boyfriend

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I say in my head "It would be better if I disappeared" I break down to the floor and cry I look up at my mirror and say to myself "Your Such a slut" "Your worthless" "You're a waste of a life" 


I end up falling asleep on the floor that night when I woke up in the morning I was on my bed and I saw a note next to me -Hey Alex I'm sorry about what me and my friends did to you, Sarah let me in and she said I could see you when I walked in I saw you laying on the floor so I thought I would put you on your bed just to be nice after what I did for you please forgive me and if you do meet me at the cafe at 2:00 pm, From Lewis.- I read the note and smiled I looked at my phone to see it was 12:00 pm so I got up and put on regular shorts and a regular shirt with some black high cut converses.

When it hit 1:55 pm I walked down to the cafe to see Lewis already there, so I walked up to him and said: "Hey Lewis" He looks up and says "Hey Alex thanks for meeting up with me" I looked at him with a smile and sat down he smiled back at me and said, "I'm so sorry for what I did I only took the opportunity because I like you and I wanted to be more than friends" I smile and say "I'm willing to give you a chance Lewis" He smiles and says "Thanks" I look away and say "No problem" He grabs my face so I'm forced to look at him and he says "I will make sure no one will ever touch you but me when you say I can again" I say as he let's go of my face "I would love that" I say to myself "My world has just gotten a whole lot better"  I smile even more and he says "I got you your favourite drink" I look at him and say "Thanks" As I say that a waiter walks out and gives us our drinks I got a choclate milkshake and he got a vanilla milkshake.

***A Couple Hours Later***

Me and Lewis are sitting in my room watching Netflix he is the best boyfriend ever that's when Sarah walked in she knew about us dating but this time she walked in crying and she says "The police are arresting my brother for rape again so you obviously reported it" I look up at her and say "When was the call made" 

"1:00 pm" Lewis looks at her and says "Impossible she was with me," he says and I look at her and say "Yeah I was with him and I said I'm done with the police"  she looks at me and says "then who did it" 

"I don't know Sarah," I say she walks out and closes the door I look at Lewis and say "She doesn't believe me, I think I just lost a friend" He looks at me and brings me into a hug and says "I believe you that's all that matters right now ok" I smile and kiss him on the cheek and say "Thanks Lewis" He kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter and closer I start to smile even more knowing that I have someone that cares.

We end up falling asleep I was so lucky he decided to stay on campus as well otherwise I don't think this or us would've ever happened this summer. 


I hope you enjoyed that little plot twist let me know if you did please I would really like to know.


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