
I walked up to him and said "Hey baby Happy anniversary" I hug him he hugs me back and kisses me on the forehead and says "Happy anniversary babe" I smile as he let's go and takes my hand and says "May I take you to our table" I smile even more and say "yes you may lewis"


After that lunch we went to the beach I took my shoes off and carried them as we walked down the beach, Lewis's arm is around my shoulder and he says to me "It's been 3 years since I apologised to you I'm so glad you forgave me otherwise we wouldn't be here right now" I smile at him and say "I'm glad I forgave you as well because you have made me way happier than I was after what you and your friends did to me you are the love of my life" He smiles at me and says "Your the love of my life as well"  We continue walking down the beach then we decide to go back to my dorm room and sleep so we make our way up and when I open the door I see that Sarah is asleep on the couch.

We walk to my room and lay on my bed he turns to me and says "I love you so much I can't wait till our next one" He smiles at me while he holds me close and tight. I smile back at him and hold him back as tight as he's holding me, I look up at him and say "I love you so much" he smiles and says "I love you so much more" I look at him a with a pretend angry face and say "No I love you much more than you love me" He smiles and says "fine you win you win" He looks away and says under his breath so I can't hear it "I love you more than you love me" I smile because I heard but I pretend I didn't.

After a while of cuddling watching Netflix and making fun of each other, we finally fell asleep. The next morning I wake up and see Lewis still asleep I grab my phone and go on it when he wakes up he takes my phone and says "It's my phone now" I look at him and say in a little kids voice "But give it back it's mine" He looks at me and says "No mine now" I look at him with an angry face and say in a little kids voice "But I want to play games" He looks at me and says "Fine take it back" I smile and grab the phone back and lay back down and start to play my games again.

After a while, Sarah walks in and says "Hey guys what time did you get back" I look at Lewis and back at her and say "Maybe 10:00 because you were asleep on the couch" She looks at me and says "Ok I'm going to leave you two to it" she leaves and shuts the door behind her.

She's Mine ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now