The hidden girl

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It had only been a few months since his wife had died, he had found women to warm but none had caught his attention again.
"Your grace."
"There is something you must see."
Charles Brandon, the Duke of Suffolk, followed the young man as he hurried him to the stables. As he entered the stable he could hear one of the female servants speaking softly to someone. Charles walked further into the stable and was surprised when he came face to face with a terrified young woman, her deep emerald green eyes held fear in them.
"When did you find her?"
"About an hour ago, we have been trying to get her to come inside, almost had her until you returned and she heard your horse."
"Oh." He and lowered himself so he was eye level with her, her face was filthy, her hair tangled her dress torn.
"I'm Charles. We won't hurt you. Come inside we can get you some food, maybe a bath. Would you like that?"
She shook her head but shrank back when one of the servants reached for her, Charles held his hand out to her and she accepted it.
"Come, let these nice ladies help you. Alright? I promise they will not hurt you."
She nodded again and allowed the ladies to lead her inside.
"Your grace."
"I believe she may have been taken from her home."
"When she is able we will ask. Until then none are to ask."
"Yes your grace."
Charles sat down inside near the fireplace when he looked up, the young woman that had been found in the barn was now clean, she wore one of his wife's dresses, he could see she had deep red hair and brilliant emerald green eyes. But it was the marks on her wrists that gained his attention.
"Are you hungry?"
She nodded yes. He wondered could she actually talk.
"Come over here." He said leading her the table. She smiled at him and sat down. They ate and she smiled but still said nothing. One of the younger male servants reached out and touched her arm, she scrambled backwards out of the chair she was in and backed into a corner.
"Hey, it's ok he wasn't going to hurt you. He wanted to know if you wanted more wine." Charles said coming over and holding his hand out to her. She took his hand and stood and spoke softly.
"No thank you."
"Alright. Come sit down here by the fire. Do you have a name?"
"Its an honor to meet you Bridgette. Can you tell me how you got into my stable?"
"No." She said shaking her head. He could see that one question had scared her, he wouldn't push her further on it.
"Are you tired?"
"Alright, go with these ladies they will take you to your chambers."
"Thank you."
Charles had long sense gone to bed, some nights he barely slept, as he finally had drifted to sleep he heard her scream. He dove from the bed and headed down the hall to her chambers.
"She had a nightmare your grace."
"I can tell. Is she alright?"
"She is terrified your grace. She won't let anyone touch her."
Charles slowly opened the door and walked into the room, Bridgette looked up at him and climbed from the bed and scrambled to him. He looked down at her and put his arms around her.
"You're safe here." He said soothing her.
"Yes. You are safe. Are you going to be alright to go back to sleep?"
"I will try, I am sorry I woke you."
"Its fine I was already awake." He told her, she moved back to the bed and he waited until he saw her close her eyes before he stepped from the room closing the door.
"Have someone stay outside the room, for her own safety. If she wakes again and I don't hear her come get me."
"Yes your grace."
Charles headed back to his room, he hoped whatever was plaguing Bridette's dreams would calm and let her sleep.

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