His Promise

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Charles looked up as there was a knock at the door, one of the ladies stood and answered it.
"Your grace, his majesty is here to speak to you."
"I'll be right there." Charles slid out from under a sleeping Bridgette and headed into the next room.
"Your majesty."
"Charles, how is she?"
"Resting right now, her head will heal, the physician thinks she has a couple broken ribs. Do we know who could have ordered something like this?"
"There are rumors about who ordered it."
"Boleyn." Charles almost growled, Henry nodded but didnt understand why Anne's father would so such a thing.
"Could be possible or something one of those under him decided to do on their own. I know Anne couldn't."
"That woman hates me." Charles said looking at him.
"I know but I have told her you love me. She tends to leave things alone after that. Stay close to Lady Bridgette."
"Believe me I am going to."
"Let her know I came to see how she was doing."
"I will, thank you Henry."
"Anytime Charles."
Henry turned and left the apartment, Charles walked back into the room with Bridgette, he lay back down on the bed and pulled her back into his arms. He was going to do everything within his power to keep her safe. No one was going to ever do what had been done to her again. Charles looked down at her, he kissed the top of her head and felt her sigh. He was happy as he held her, he closed his eyes and woke suddenly when he felt her soft lips kiss him.
"Thank you." She said softly, he reached out and moved a stray hair from her face.
"Thought you were still sleeping."
"I felt you move. I'm sorry for all of this."
"This is not your fault. And I promise you this will never happen again. I will never let anyone near you again."
"You can't be with me always."
"I will try, and when I am not there will be someone with you. You will never be alone. You should never have to feel afraid. After what happened to you, you will be treated the way you should have always been treated."
"You are to kind to me."
"You deserve it. Get some more rest, I promise I am not leaving."
"Alright." Bridgette said closing her eyes and lay closer to him. Charles held her close and relaxed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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