His affection

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Bridgette now stood in a large apartment, there was a large fireplace, nearby was a table with four chairs and two chairs near the fireplace. In the other room was a large bed, even larger than the one she had in her home before she was taken. Charles noticed she was shaking and came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
"You're safe here, I promise."
"Are you going to return home?"
"In a few days, the guards and staff will keep my son safe. But it's you I want you be sure is safe."
"You are too kind."
"You deserve some kindness." He said reaching out and touching her face. She did not back away but she did not move closer. He moved slightly and leaned down and kissed her. His hand moved over her soft skin and for once he saw her flinch slightly.
"I would never hurt you."
"I fear if you would see what was done and never touch me." She said to him, she turned away from him. Charles reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"You are a beautiful woman and if someone can't take you for who you are then they are not worth your time."
"Are you sure?" She said lowering her dress and showing him her back. Marks crisscrossed her back from being whipped.
"Yes I am sure. You deserve to be loved as does anyone."
"No your grace." Bridgette told him. Charles looked at her and wondered how he could get through to her. He placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him, he pulled her close and kissed her, he deepened the kiss as she held onto him. He slowly finished unlacing her dress, he let it fall to the floor as his hands moved down to her exposed breasts and she moaned as his hands moved down her body removing the slip that was covered the rest of her body. He lifted her naked body and headed to the bed, Charles looked down at her as he pulled his own shirt off as her hands roamed his chest, her kissed almost insistent as if he was the air she needed to breathe. He slipped out of the remainder of his clothes and looked down at her, Bridgette adjusted herself as her hands moved down his body, catching him off guard slightly as she almost helped him slid into her. He leaned down as he moved with a purposeful motion, he captured her mouth in a deep kiss. He felt her body react to his motions as he moved down and kissed her neck. Bridgette, flipped him over so she was on top, she moved her body slowly and then more quickly as he moved his hands up her body caressing her breasts. She threw her head back as she climaxed as he did. She slid off him and lay next to him, he pulled her close, her head resting on his chest as his fingers running through her long hair. Bridgette sighed and looked up at him, she raised up and kissed him once again, she craved his attention and at the moment the kind he was offering was what she would take. She raised up and straddled him once more. Bridgette leaned down and kissed him deeply as his hands again roamed her body, he lifted her and lay her down onto the bed as he again slid into her as she gasped as he moved faster and harder as she moaned and dug her nails into his back as she climaxed and her moan was heard in the hall. He rolled onto his side and looked at her.
"You are acting as if I would disappear."
"You might." She said to him.
"I won't. I promised you I would protect you and that is what I will do."
"Thank you." She said to him, she slid from the bed and leaned down to gather her clothing, he could see how absently she put her clothes back on piece by piece, until she turned and faced him, holding the front piece of her dress still open, a mischievous smile play on her lips as she moved her hands over her body, Charles climbed from the bed and moved to her, his hands now moving over her breasts and kissing her deeply, they would get nothing accomplished but he didnt care, if this made her happy then this is what he would do. He lifted her into his arms and moved her back to the bed, pushing her skirt up as he slammed into her she wrapped her legs around him and moaned loudly, he felt her climax and slid out of her and lifted her up.
"There is a lot hidden in you isnt there."
"Yes your grace." She said adjusting her self onto his lap. Charles smiled and kissed her deeply. He sat her down onto the bed and stood and dressed, he helped her into the rest if her dress and both turned toward the door, Charles was her only guard because Henry didn't want to draw attention to her being there. Bridgette buckled her shoes as Charles put his on. He walked toward the door, and then turned when he heard the other door open as a man moved behind Bridgette, the man's hand clamped over her mouth as he held her tightly against him. Charles moved forward and then stopped when he felt a dagger at his throat.
"Now your grace, this way out. No one saw us come in and none will see us leave. Do anything stupid and we will kill her."
Charles nodded and moved forward, he could see the fear in Bridgette's eyes. They were led out a side door to a large enclosed black carriage, Charles was shoved in first and grabbed by someone inside and his arms were bound behind him and he was gagged, Bridgette was pushed in next and the same was for her.
"Why do we have him?"
"Well if we can get some decent money selling her. How much do you think they will pay for him?"
"Good point."
"Get comfortable, it will be a long ride."
Charles looked at them, he knew if they got away from the area they would never get free, he moved himself until he was able to get his arms in front of him. He waited until they were talking among themselves and reached for Bridgette and then kicked the carriage door open and fell from the carriage. He pulled his gag out and the one from Bridgette.
"Run." He told her. She nodded and headed toward the guards, they looked up as she came running toward them, they caught her as she started to fall, one used his dagger to cut her arms free. She turned in time to Charles stabbed in the chest.
"Charles!" She screamed, she started to run toward him.
"We will get him get inside."
Bridgette nodded and headed into the palace, she turned and rushed down the hall toward where she knew the king would be.
"I..I need to speak to the king."
"Let her in."
"What is wrong Lady Bridgette?"
"His grace has been injured."
"The men that took me came for me and took us both, he got us away but he stayed to try and fight he was stabbed your majesty." Bridgette said, tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at him.
"I'm sorry." She said looking to the floor.
"Its not your fault. Come let's see if they have brought Charles in."
Bridgette nodded and took Henry's arm, they moved into the hallway.
"Take him to Lady Bridgette's chamber."
"Yes your majesty."
"Someone summon the physician."
"Yes your majesty."
Bridgette looked at them as they lay Charles on the bed.
"I'm sorry." Bridgette said moving to the bedside.
"Isn't your fault." Charles said to her. Bridgette looked at him, she took his hand in her own.
"You protected me."
"As I said I would."
She looked up as the physician entered the room. He looked at the two guards.
"Roll him on his side."
They nodded and rolled Charles onto his side. He could see the wound was in his right side of his ribs, closer to the back.
"I can stop the bleeding your grace but it will hurt."
"Go a head." He said trying to keep the pain from his voice.
"I'll do it." Bridgette said suddenly.
"Do you know how?"
"Yes. I need this heated." She said handing a dagger to one of guards, Henry took it and placed it in the fire.
"We are going to have to roll you onto your stomach.
"Alright." Charles said adjusting. After a few minutes Henry handed Bridgette the hot dagger, she turned and looked at Charles.
"This is going to hurt allot."
"I know."
Bridgette looked at the wound and then Henry. He nodded at her and she placed the hot knife on the wound and it took everything in her power not to cry herself as she listened to him scream in pain, thankfully he finally passed out.
"I will bandage it. You will have to change it often to ward off any infection."
"I will watch him. Thank you."

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