Her affection

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Bridgette sat next to the bed, she held his hand and looked up when she heard the door open.
"Your majesty."
"Don't get up, I was just checking on Charles."
"I hurt." Came the voice from the bed. Bridgette looked toward the bed and saw as Charles looked up at her.
"You have always been stubborn."
"Yes I have your majesty. Are you alright Bridgette?"
"You get stabbed and you ask me?"
"Yes well I did it so you could be safe."
"Very honorable Charles. Now don't go scaring the young lady like that again."
"Yes your majesty." Charles answered with a smile. Henry smiled and turned and left them alone. Bridgette helped him sit up and looked at him.
"I worried."
"I know, I'm sorry I caused you to worry. But you're safe and I made a promise to keep you that way."
"Yes but in that pursuit you became inured."
"Anything for one as lovely as you." Charles said to her, he raised his hand and touched her face lightly. He could still see a hint of fear in her eyes.
"I make you this promise, for as long as I draw a breath none will ever get close enough to hurt you again. I would rather die than see that look in your eyes again."
"You are too kind." She said, her face becoming warm as her cheeks became red.
"Bridgette, I have already told you I would protect you. Know that not all men are like those that stole you from your home."
"I know, but even after what we did, you must give me time."
"And I will give you all the time you would ever need."
"Thank you." Bridgette said, she leaned in and kissed him. Charles knew she cared for him, she had shown him that much with her worry of his injury but could her heart really heal after what had happened to her, and even that he wasnt totally sure what had happened she never really told. He needed to speak to those that were taken to the tower.
"If I am feeling up to it, tomorrow I must do something for the king, I want you to remain in your chambers until I return. Do not let anyone but me in."
"Alright." Bridgette nodded, she was tired, she walked into the next room and stripped of her clothing slipping into her night dress and sliding into bed next to him. Bridgette lay closer to him, her head on his chest his arm over her protectively, he felt her relax and drift off to sleep, he would go to the tower he would find out what they did to her one way or another

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