Before the King

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Charles held his hand out to her, Bridgette took his hand and let him lead her from the house. He had a carriage waiting, he helped her up into it and climbed in with her.  He could see the fear in her eyes.
"You will be fine. I promise. The king is a kind man, a bet sometimes rough around the edges. But he is a kind man."
"You are his friend?"
"Yes, for a long time." Charles leaned across and took her hand in his and smiled.
"I wont let anyone hurt you."
Bridgette nodded and looked out the window as the scenery changed, and the palace came into view. She jumped slightly when she saw the crowd of people that was gathered near the gates. Charles held her hand squeezing it reassuringly. They stopped and the door to the carriage was opened Charles climbed from the carriage first and held his hand out to her helping her from the carriage. He escorted her into the palace, Bridgette held onto him as they started into a large room.
"You're alright." He said to her, she looked up at him and nodded. Charles looked to see Thomas Boleyn standing near the doorway to room where the king was.
"Bringing your hidden beauty to court Brandon?"
"Come in Charles." Henry said from the next room. Charles took Bridgette into the room, Thomas Boleyn turned to go in when he was motioned to go away and the door was closed.
"Your majesty."
"Your grace, I've been told you had this young woman hiding at your home."
"I found her in my stable. My staff found her hiding there. She was terrified."
"Do you have a name my lady?"
"Bridgette, your majesty."
"How did you find yourself hiding in the Duke's stable?"
"I was hiding from some men."
Bridgette looked toward Charles, he nodded and squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"I had been kidnapped your majesty. Taken from my home in the middle of the night."
"Where are you from?"
"A small village in northern Scotland. My family is dead your majesty."
"Has the Duke been keeping you safe?"
"Yes, a man named Thomas Boleyn arrived at the estate and refused to leave when his grace asked him to leave. I don't trust most people yet."
"What did he try to do Charles?"
"He walked toward her I believe he was going to touch her, but he scared her instead. His men had been at my house earlier in the day."
"I will discuss this with him later."
"Your majesty." Bridgette said, her voice again soft.
"Yes my lady?"
"Do I have to leave his grace?"
"Not if you feel safe there."
"I do."
"Then she is in your care Charles."
Charles nodded and looked at Bridgette and then back at Henry.
"Your majesty, if it is alright I will return Lady Bridgette back to my estate and then I will return."
"Alright. I hope to see you in court sometime Lady Bridgette."
"Thank you your majesty." Bridgette gave a weak smile and bowed to him. Charles bowed as well and then led her from the room, looking angrily at Thomas Boleyn on his way past him

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