A Kings Wrath

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Bridgette sat in a chair, she held some needlepoint in her lap, the extensive design was taking shape. She knew her family crest but this was something different, the beautiful birds were taking shape along with the beautiful trees with pink colored flowers. She looked up when there was a knock on her door and then it opened, she had never seen who had entered and dropped what she was doing and backed away. He smiled at her as he turned and latched the door, he advanced on her.
"Please." She said, her voice shaking. But it didn't stop him as he finally reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her to him.
"So what does his grace see in you? A little whore is what we have heard from our master says that Mastrr Brandon keeps you around because of that."
"Get away from me." She said trying to pull her arm free, he just smiled and held her tighter and began kissing her. His hands moving over body, finally she found her voice and screamed. His eyes as well as hers looked toward the door.
"You little whore." He said backhanding her hard knocking her to the floor causing her to hit her head on the edge of a table. Bridgette looked up, her world spinning as she saw the door spring open and two guards rush into the room, followed closely by Charles looked toward the man standing over Bridgette and then down to her, he could see blood running down the side of her head. The guards grabbed for the man only for him to grab Bridgette by the hair pulling her up, she raised her arm and elbowed him causing him to drop her once again resulting in a kick in the ribs. Charles ran at and tackled the man to the ground, punching him in the face before the guards pulled him off the man. Charles looked toward the door and then at Bridgette, Henry was kneeling beside her, he could tell she was barely conscious.
"Get him out of here." Charles almost growled. The guards grabbed the man and pulled him from the room.
"Bridgette." Charles said dropping down next to her.
"I'm sorry." She said looking at both men.
"You did nothing wrong my lady. I will have them take him the tower. Charles I will send for my physician. Take her into the other room. Let these ladies help clean her head change her clothes
"Alright. Come on Bridgette." He said helping her stand, catching her as she stumbled, he put his arm under her legs and lifted her into his arms and headed into the other room. He sat her down on the bed when two women entered behind him.
"Give us a little while and we will let you know when we are done."
"Alright." He said backing from the room.  He looked toward the chair she had been sitting on, he looked at the floor and picked up the needlepoint she had been working on, he ran his fingers over the design.
"Your grace."
"Yes?" He said looking up.
"She is waiting for you."
"Thank you." He answered, he set her needlepoint down and headed into the other room, he looked toward the door as the physician was escorted in.
"I will only be few moments your grace."
"Ok, Bridgette I will be right out in the next room." Charles told her squeezing her hand. She nodded and looked at the physician.
Charles sat down and waited, he knew she had been hurt, he just didn't know how badly. He would find out who the man that came into her chambers worked for and there would be hell to pay. The physician stepped back into the room with Charles.
"Her head will heal, you must be careful with her for the next few hours. She has two ribs that might be broken but she was hurting to much to allow me to check her better."
"Thank you."
The physician nodded and left the room. Charles looked toward where Bridgette was and walked into the room, she looked up at him and gave him a tired smile.
"I'm sorry."
"The king already told you this wasnt your fault. But you will need to rest."
"You wont leave me?"
"No, I've sent word to my people to keep my son."
Charles sat down on the edge of the bed. Bridgette placed her hand on his, she slid over and he lay next yo her and held her close.

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