Returning to court

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Charles looked outside and knew he had to go to the the palace.
"Your grace." He heard a soft voice say. Charles turned to see her standing there, the deep red dress made her hair stand out more.
"I have to go to the palace, you will be safe here I will not be gone long."
"I won't tell anyone you are here. But I can not keep this from his majesty forever."
"I understand. I am not ready."
"I know. Remain in the house, my staff will not harm you and will help you if you need it." Charles told her. Bridgette nodded and jumped slightly when a small hand took her own, she looked down to see a young sandy haired boy looking up at her.
"Hello." She said looking at him.
"Forgive him, this is my son Edward."
"Hello miss. Father is the staying with us?"
"Yes Edward she is."
"My father will keep you safe." He said to her, Bridgette gave him a small smile and looked back up at Charles.
"I will return. Edward you be good."
"I will father."
Charles walked into the palace and headed toward the council chambers.
"Charles." Henry said as the meeting had ended.
"Your majesty?"
"You seemed distracted."
"It is nothing."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. It was just something Edward said before I left."
"How is the boy?"
"He is doing well. He was just curious where I was going. I believe he feels I should always be home."
"As most boys would. Go be with your son."
"I will, thank you your majesty." Charles said bowing. He turned to leave and nearly ran into Thomas Boleyn.
"Your grace a moment."
Charles sighed but stepped aside to find out what he wanted.
"Yes my lord?"
"Who is the young woman at your home?"
"What? Why were you at my home?"
"I sent someone to fetch you, you were late. So I ask again who was the woman?"
"None of your concern. My lord." Charles bowed slightly and turned and left.
He rode into the courtyard and jumped from the horse and headed inside.
"Where is Lady Bridgette?"
"She entered her room shortly after one of Lord Boylan's man arrived."
"Did he see her?"
"Yes, before we could stop him he walked up to her."
"What happened?"
"She held her composure until he touched her. Your grace she was terrified."
"I will speak to her. Where is Edward?"
"He is the only one she would allow in the room with her."
"Alright. Prepare the meal I will speak to her."
Charles walked to the room where Bridgette was with his son. He knocked lightly on the door, he slowly opened the door and walked in.
"Are you alright?" Charles asked. Bridgette looked up and nodded.
"Father, that man kept asking her who she was, he grabbed her arm."
"Was he harsh with you?"
"Yes. I would not answer his questions. He said he would tell his master about me. Am I safe?"
"You are safe here. And no one will ever do that again. Are you able to tell me how you came to be in the stable?"
"Not with the boy."
"Edward go play."
"Yes father."
Charles sat down in the other chair and looked at her.
"I was being chased."
"I could tell. How come your wrists look like they do."
"I was bound."
"Tell me my lady, how did you get as far as you did before you came to be in my stable?"
"I was kidnapped your grace."
"From where?"
"I can not say." She said, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
"You are not from England are you?"
"No, your grace."
"It would explain the accent. I do not judge where you are from. I will have to bring you to the king soon if we have others arrive here."
"He will not hurt you." Charles assured her.
"I can not be found."
"I will not allow anyone to hurt you. Did they hurt you?"
"The night I was taken they took me and my sister and killed my family. My sister killed herself after they raped her."
"And you?"
"I cant."
"You did nothing wrong. Come let's eat. We will not talk about this any longer."
"Thank you."
Charles held his hand out to her and led her to the dining room. They sat quietly as they ate, the sound of horses entering the courtyard caught both of their attention.
"Your grace."
"Who is here?"
"Lord Boyeln."
Bridgette looked up her eyes wide with fear as several men entered the room.
"Why are you here?"
"I came to see the beauty you had hidden in your home. His majesty would like to meet her."
"When she is comfortable with coming to see his majesty I will bring her there." Charles told him. Thomas Boleyn looked at Bridgette and walked toward her. Bridgette stood and backed up, she could go no further as the wall stopped her.
"Get away from her Boleyn."
"Why is she so frightened?" He said reaching out for her. Bridgette moved her hands to cover her face, Charles moved to her side as he was to protect her, he could hear her crying.
"Get out of my home now. Your grace." Charles said to him, Boleyn smiled and turned and left the house. Charles looked at Bridgette and pulled her shaking form into his arms. He would make Boleyn pay for what he had just done.

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