Her fears

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Charles looked at Bridgette.
"Let me escort you home and then I will return to see the king."
"He is kind."
"I told you he was." Charles told her. They rode back to the estate and it was Bridgette that noticed the men that were standing in the courtyard.
"I can't."
"Can't what? Do you know them?"
"Please I can't."
"You're safe with me. I'll talk to them while one of my guards takes you inside."
"Alright." Bridgette said to him. Charles held his hand out to her as they exited the carriage.
"Please take Lady Bridgette inside and stay with her."
"Yes your grace. Come with me my lady."
Bridgette was led inside the house.
"Was there something I could help you with gentlemen?"
"That girl belongs to us."
"That girl is under the protection of the king. And as such my protection as he has requested." Charles told them, his head snapped toward the house when he heard her scream. Two men pulled her struggling form from the house. Charles rushed toward them and shoved them away from her.
"Leave now." Charles said to them. He held Bridgette close to him. He turned and climbed onto a waiting horse pulling her up onto it with him, he took off out of the courtyard and headed back toward the palace.
"Get them you fools."
Charles rode as hard and fast as he could get the horse to go. He held Bridgette in front of him as they rode back toward the palace, he was happy it was one of the days his son was not home. Bridgette lay against him, he could almost feel her fear. He looked over his shoulder and could see they were being followed, he needed to get them to the palace. Bridgette looked over his shoulder and screamed as they were knocked off his horse, he held Bridgette close to him as they fell.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. But."
"I know, stay close." He said as he grabbed his sword and the horses reins. He knew he needed to get back on the horse, to get her to the palace to safety. He put her on the horse and looked at the men that knocked them from the horse.
"You will not get her."
"We will kill you to get back what is ours."
"She is not yours." Charles stated his hand on the horse, he grabbed the saddle and pulled himself up behind Bridgette and spurned the horse forward heading them again away from the two stunned men. Charles looked a head and rode into the courtyard of the palace. He climbed down from his horse, he reached up for Bridgette and helped her down. Both looked as two riders came riding into the courtyard.
"Where is the king?"
"He is in the main chamber your grace."
"Thank you. Arrest those men, they tried to take Lady Bridgette from my home."
"Yes your grace."
Charles grabbed Bridgette by the hand and led her into the palace and headed where he knew the king would be. Henry looked up as he came rushing into the room.
"We have a problem."
"What's wrong?"
"Those that had taken Bridgette from her home came to mine to reclaim what they felt was theirs I told them she was under your protection they didnt care."
"Make sure Lady Bridgette is given a chamber of her own here."
"Yes your majesty."
"Charles stay with her."
"Yes your majesty. Those men followed us here. The guards arrested them outside."
"They will be taken to the tower. Go take Lady Bridgette to her own room."
"Right away."
Charles took Bridgette by the hand and led her away from the king. The guards took them to a large apartment for Bridgette.

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