Good Morning (Short)

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Hey geeks and peeps! This is my first story, it's a bellow diamond story too! 13+ ⚠ as this story says bad words. If you're cool with that, then lets get to it!


YD's pov :

Blue always has been strange, never talking, never smiling. And yet here I am doing her work, and for what? Probably just a nod, a whisper to herself and her turning her back and walking away. I don't mind necessarily, its just copying over work I've done before. Its not HARD, but not necessarily easy either.

"My diamond, Blue Diamond is here for you. "

"T-tell her I'll be one moment, Pearl."

"Yes my diamond."

Shit... why am I nervous all the sudden? Why is she here? My hands are sweaty and I have a million thoughts in my head. I'm so confused why she'd talk to me? I mean we've talked when she's needed me.. maybe she needs me again? Hopefully she just needs more reports done.

"Yellow. Hello."

What the hell? She talked me me first? She's never.. Why'd she... What?

She chuckled quite noticeably at my confused and flustered face, enough to knock me off guard

"G-good morning Blue."

A mental facepalm, on my part. Good morning? Really? It's 11pm!


"Ah, y-yes Blue?"

"I was passing by and decided to stop by and say hello. "

"R-really? Why?"

"Just wanted to. Are you perhaps.. hiding something that you don't want me to see Yellow?"

I became visibly flustered and I could tell by the way she was looking at me. A small grin and that goofy little chuckle. Her soft lips parting letting out that same goofy chuckle, being so happy. It's rare to see her happy. It's rare to even see her speak. But like normal, I get defensive! Who's she to ask ME if I'm hiding something? She's the queen of hiding things!

"N-no! Are y-you hiding something B-blue?"

She immediately quieted down, not smirking anymore.

"Blue I'm s-sorry. You know I was joking."

I messed it up bad. We were having a moment, a moment where she was happy around me... A rarity amongst gems when it comes to blue.

"It's.. It's fine Yellow. I'd better go now. See you soon, darling."

Darling? She felt so comfortable around me? While pondering in my own thoughts, she managed to leave the room with a wave and a small smile, before I could say goodbye. She never waved. I quickly opened the door stuttering still and shout after her...


Aha! Sorry for the cliffhanger! It's 11:46pm and I'm TIREDDDD. That's right, the timing wasn't just random. I started writing this around 11! New chapter soom! Sorry for the short chapter btw!


My geeks,

My peeps,

My guys


Nonbinarry pals

Have a good night!

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