"It's Raining..."

308 11 1

trigger warning : self harm, foul language, and body shaming.

Hey geeks and peeps! Quick re-cap!


"Wanna go to the m-movies tomorrow?"-Y

I parted my lips to let out a small chuckle, and pondered her offer. This could be a good moment, a good time to really get to know her. If, she wasn't too hungover of course.


"Mmm.. good."

"Are you warm Yellow?"


"Good." I whispered, slowly stroking her forehead, hoping she'll fall into a slumber soon.


"Shh, go to sleep Yellow."

"Not.. tired..."

"Here, if you go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up. Promise"

A bit of time passed, and it was silent.

"Mm.. fine.."

She slowly fell asleep, leaving me with my thoughts. Leaving me in silence. If not for a while at least.


that morning

Blue's pov :

"Morning sleepy."

Yellow's eyes glistened in the morning rise, ever so beautifully. I rubbed the sleepy from her eyes, as she mumbled and groaned.

"I feel like trashhhhh."

"I mean, you DID drink 6 bottles of beer last night."


The room was silent for a bit, just stroking her hair.

"How about I brush your hair?"

"Denied, Yellow."

"Man. I've never even REALLY seen it ya'know."

"I know, Yellow."


"How about I brush your hair yellow?"

"Only if you tell me everything I did last night."


"Well, not everything if you don't want to. Just, something. Ya'know?"

I couldn't tell her everything. About the cuts, the bruises, me canceling the meeting, the last thing I need right now is her nagging at me. A lecture, a crisis. She's like me with Pink. She blames my issues and problems on herself, even when she has nothing to do with them. One time I was telling her how I was insecure about my body, she blew it way out of proportion. Telling me that I'm beautiful, and I'm perfect. It helped, but she still asks about it sometimes. If I need to talk. Lately though, she hasn't been talking to me much. She works up a nervous sweat everytime I even as say a word to her. Even saying hello has made her nervous.



"Are y-you okay?"

"I.. yeah."

"You don't h-have to tell me if you don't want to. B-but I'm.. I'm here for you."

Silence. The room was quiet, a nice silence. A few minutes, maybe a couple hours passed as we sat there chatting. The longest talk in a while. Before.. Pink was shattered. The topic of image came up, and we talked about our bodies.

"So, you happy with your body Blue?"

"Actually.. I think I am Yellow."

I was lying through my teeth. I felt horrible. Lying to Yellow.. it felt horrid.



"You're lying. Your gem."

My gem? What does she mean my gem?

"My gem?"

"It's glowing. You glow when you lie."

"Oh.. I do?"


A minute of silence passed.

"Blue.. do you hear that?"

"Hear what, Yellow?"

"Oh my gosh!"

"What are you going on about Yellow?"

"It's raining!"


"Look for yourself Blue!"

It really was raining. Yet it hasn't rained on homeworld for light years.

"It's so.. nice.."

Yellow smiled, she smiled with her teeth. She was so.. happy. Excited. What I've been trying to do for her all these years.

"Why are you so excited over rain silly?"

"I've only ever heard of it Blue, I didn't know it was actually real."

"You didn't think.. rain was real? Wait, wait, wait. This is your first time seeing rain?!?"

"Look how beautiful it is Blue.. "

"It's quite nice, isn't it?"


"Come here Yellow."

"Oh, okay."

"Lay down."

She proceeded to lay down.

"Why am I-"

"Shh, don't speak. Listen."

We sat there for a good hour, just listening. Listening at the sound, the sound of the pitter patter outside.


She was out cold. I don't blame her, she deserves to relax. Not to mention the rain is calming.

"Lights out for you then."

Getting up, I went to her court. She had work to be done, and I'd better do mine while I'm at it.

"Blue Diamond!"

Yellows Pearl ran to catch up with me.

"Blue Diamond, have you seen my diamond?"

She saluted.


She was a bit shocked I responded so quickly.

"Do you mind showing me, your royalty."

"No. She's busy."

"Then shall I remain with you?"

"Take the day off."

Shocked, and confused, she turned out the door.

"Time to do these reports."

I sighed loudly.


Wow. Holy shit. That was pretty lone! Man. Anyways... wasn't that cute? I hope you enjoyed it to be honest. Now, It's time for me to sign off.


My geeks

My peeps

My guys


Nonbinary pals

Have a good night!

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