A Storm Is Coming (Short)

330 11 2

trigger warning : self harm and slight addiction

Hey my geeks and peeps! This chapter is a very short chapter, maybe under about 450 words.

On to the re-cap!


"Blue Diamond, you have a meeting with the Zircons in ten minutes."

I looked down at my lap, at an obviously drunk, tired, and not mentaly stable diamond.

"Tell them I'm busy Pearl."

She smiled at me and walked away.

"You should go to that.. It sounds important-ttt."

"Your slurring Yellow."


"It's fine. You should get some rest."

"Are you s-shure? I have reports... N I have..."

I cover her mouth.

"Good morning Yellow." ( cause of the first chapter she said good morning and not good night )

She blushed as I picked her up, walking her to my sleeping chamber. I can't leave her around alcohol at this point. I knew White should have told her no... She didn't believe me when I told her it made gems loopy and addicted.


"Yes Yellow?

"Why are your arms covered in bruises and cuts?"

She had lifted my sleeves up without me even knowing.

"Those.. Those are really old..."

"No they're not Blue. T-this ones still healing."

"Just... Leave it alone.


"Did you just kiss the cut?!?"

"It'll heal better and happier Blue."

I forgot she was drunk. 6 bottles.. Right. She won't even remember this.

"We're here Yellow."

I layed her down on the bed and began to leave.

"Can you stay with me till I'm asleep?"

"Yellow.. I.."


Blue's pov:

"I'll stay."

Smiling small, Yellow blushed a golden yellow. Making her happy was what I was after, I just wanted her to smile. She's always so strict and stuck up, never letting loose, this is a new side of her that even I haven't seen of her. Tired, drunk, unstable. She's never been in such a manner, it's almost shocking. I'm the one helping her this time, I sort of like it to be completely honest, even White complains that she never takes time for herself. Poor Yellow, always stuck doing work. Must suck.

"Hey Blue.."

"Yes Yellow?"

"Wanna go to the m-movies tomorrow?"

I parted my lips to let out a small chuckle, and pondered her offer. This could be a good moment, a good time to really get to know her. If, she wasn't too hungover of course.


"Mmm.. good."

"Are you warm Yellow?"


"Good." I whispered, slowly stroking her forehead, hoping she'll fall into a slumber soon.


"Shh, go to sleep Yellow."

"Not.. tired..."

"Here, if you go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up. Promise"

A bit of time passed, and it was silent.

"Mm.. fine.."

She slowly fell asleep, leaving me with my thoughts. Leaving me in silence. If not for a while at least.


oh MY god. that was short and cute. but yet, another fricking cliffhanger. What will blue think? What will she say? I dunno, you'll have wait till next time.


My geeks

My peeps

My guys


Nonbinary pals

Have a good night!

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