Fall (Short)

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Hey Geeks and Peeps, and welcome back. Today's re-cap is a bit long, so sit back, bundle up, and read. I'm currently working on a schedule for posting, and I was thinking, Mondays, Thursdays, and important chapters at a weeks notice. I'd also like to focus in on Blue more, and her POV. Anyways... - onto the re-cap!


Walking in the room, Yellow was still sleeping, cute as ever. Walking over, I went ahead and booped her nose. A small giggle came from her mouth, as her facial expression loosened. She was so happy, so snugly, so calm. Relaxed, dare I say. All that time being nervous, uncomfortable, all the stuttering, it all just seemed to wash away. As if she had come over it, like she awakened from a dream, and came back to reality. As if she uncovered the veils of illusion, and realized it was okay to show her true self. Full of flaws, and imperfections. All her perfect flaws, her beautiful imperfections. Sitting down on the side of the bed, I just looked at her. I could tell that I had that goofy and idiotic smile on my face, but I didn't care. She was so peaceful. She laid there, slightly snoring, but it was so quiet I didn't mind at all. I could tell that she was tired, more than that even. Working for thousands of years on end, she must have been exhausted. Truth be told, I've always thought that she worked to hard. She spends so much time on the little details, she tends to lock herself out. As if screaming at the top of your lungs without producing a sound, and eventually giving up. Deciding that it would never happen, so what was the point of trying? That there was no use, so you just do what needs to get done. A little time passed sense I'd started pondering, and I think I'd like to lay with her. Walking over, I first sat on the bed, inching over little by little. Picking up her head, I set it on my lap, her laying there made me warm inside for some reason. She smiled and got comfy, while bundling up. After an hour or two, she woke up. Looking up at me, she blushed a golden yellow, somewhat embarrassed.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

"Well... Not the whole time."

The room went silent, listening to the rain again, we relaxed.



"This has been nice and all.. but I really have to do my work.."

"I already took care of it, Yellow."


"I did it for you."

"Well I'm sure there's more now..."

Opening her screen, I showed her the almost empty "To Do" list. It was only almost empty, but one thing. " Spend Time With Blue. " Seeing that made my heart flutter, knowing she cared about me. I thought about this though, this was making me think that she liked me. I knew she didn't, yet I convinced myself she did after seeing that. At least she was thinking of me.

"Blue! Turn that off, now!"

Clearly flustered, she blushed a golden yellow again, this time darker than before. After closing the screen, she buried her head under the blankets. Playing with her hair, I giggled, happily smiling. I could feel her face getting hotter on my thigh, clearly stating she was embarrassed in a quiet way. Uncovering the blankets, I started to put my hand on her face, feeling the warmth radiating off of her. Seeing her gem glow powerfully, and putting my hand on hers.


Pulling my hand back from her's, it was burned. Badly burned. She stood up quickly, bright orange.

"Blue I.. I'm sorry! I-I didn't think.. I shouldn't h-have let you get that close!"

Smiling from her embarrassment, I couldn't help myself. I quickly stopped though, looking at my fellow diamond, realizing she was close to tears.

"Yellow, it's fine. It's just a little burn.. nothing a bit of time can't fix."

"B-but.. I hurt you!"

"Oh no-no-no! You didn't hurt me!"

Rushing over to her, I tried to make her stay. She was going to leave, I could tell.

"I swear, you didn't hurt me."

She lightly grabbed my arm, looking at the burn, sighing in self shame.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"It's fine Yellow.. It just shocked me is all."


Blue's P.O.V :

Pulling her in close, she had tears building in her eyes still. I couldn't feel her glow anymore, instead it felt cold. Like a dark void came over her, her heart stone, her eyes dull. Wiping away her tears, I embraced her tighter, I never wanted to let go. Fuck the pain. It hurt, but fuck it. Yellow mattered more. Fuck the world. Fuck this all.

"Let's go."

Slightly crying, she lifted her head.


"Come on."

I walked out the room, her following close behind.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere that's not here."

We reached my ship, and I pulled open the door.

"Get in."

"A-Are you crazy?! We can't j-just leave!"

Tears flowed down from her eyes to her cheeks. Almost as if a stream running down a rocky river.


She backed away, clearly in shock.

"W-we just... we can't.. t-this is where, I-I, belong. It's m-my place.."


"F-finally... you've come to your s-senses.."

"I'm still leaving."

"W-why? You have e-everything here..."

"Why? Why not. Homeworld hasn't done SHIT for us."


Yellow's POV :

"Why? Why not. Homeworld hasn't done SHIT for us."

That moment she walked away. She went into her ship, and was gone. I couldn't do anything about it.. So many thoughts... Why did she leave? What did she mean homeworld hasn't done anything for us? How long was she going to be gone for? And why.. why did she leave me? I can't believe she left.


Shit man. Now I'M sad. Don't you hate it when you planned for them to get married in the next 5-7 chapters but now one of them's leaving for years and decades on end.

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