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Hey my geeks and peeps! Another chapter huh? This one is mainly blue diamonds perspective, but first a little re-cap. This is blue speaking first, and yellows pov. Basically, Blue randomly visited Yellow

BP - Blue Pearl

YP - Yellow Pearl


recap from last time

"Just wanted to. Are you perhaps.. hiding something Yellow?"

I became visibly flustered and I could tell but the way she was looking at me. A small grin and that goofy little chuckle.

"N-no! Are y-you hiding something?"

She immediately quieted down, not smirking anymore.

"Blue I'm s-sorry. You know I was joking."

I messed it up bad. We were having a moment where she trusted me... A rarity among gems when it comes to blue.

"It's.. It's fine Yellow. I'd better go now. See you soon, darling."

Darling? She felt so comfortable around me? While pondering in my own thoughts, she managed to leave the room with a wave and a small smile, before I could say goodbye. She never waved. I quickly opened the door stuttering still and shout after her...


And that's the recap, on to the story folks.


Blue's pov :

"G-goodbye B-blue!"

Yellow diamond waved after me, clearly flustered. I blew a small kiss making her face go basicly a deep, almost crimsom red. Reminded me of the roses I'd once seen, sharp on the outside, and yet so soft once you took the thorns off. I wonder if Yellow is like that. Kindly being interrupted by my thoughts, my Pearl came running to catch up. I slowed down and went to get her, halfway across the bridge from me.

"Sorry Pearl" I whispered, while brushing her hair away from her eyes, ever so gently of course. I could see she was already tired from running, the bridge is quite long.

"I-it's fine my diamond.."

Clearly startled by my actions, she blushed a dark blue, trying to put her hair back over her eyes. I chuckled, it was cute in its own way how she tried to hide her face. I knew that she looked up to me, figuratively, and most literally.

"Pearl, you're are one of the cutest gem I've ever seen." I spoke out loud, her thinking a moment, and then moving her hair back out of her eyes. Putting part of it behind her ear, she looked wonderful.

"Not as cute as.." I cut myself off. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I could see BP clearly interested.

"I'll.. Tell you later Pearl."

A small grin appeared on her face, as I put her on my hair, she relaxed.

Yellows pov :

"Pearl. Play my song"

"Yes my diamond."


[Big Sis - By SALES starts playing]


This is my favorite time of year. Tomorrow is my one day off. I can relax, maybe think about Blue.. Her graceful walk.. No. No, I shouldn't. I yawn, as my Pearl looks shocked.

"Pearl, take tomorrow off."

Looking alarmed, she nodded.

"And.. Call Blue and tell her to meet me here tomorrow."

She ran off to call Blue, as I sat there all night, thinking off Blue. And one reoccurring question. I grabbed a beer and drank...

"Is this love?"


Ahh! I'm totally not grinning like an idiot and blushing. Totally. Anyways, that's it for this chapter. until next time!


My geeks

My peeps

My guys


Nonbinary pals

Have a good night!

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