A Nice Day

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Hello my geeks and peeps! Two chapters in a day? Wowzers. Warning, profanitys, self harm, and Yellow is QUITE drunk. Re-cap time!


Yellows pov :

"Pearl. Play my song"

"Yes my diamond."


[Big Sis - By SALES starts playing]


This is my favorite time of year. Tomorrow is my one day off. I can relax, maybe think about Blue.. Her graceful walk.. No. No, I shouldn't. I yawn, as my Pearl looks shocked.

"Pearl, take tomorrow off."

Looking alarmed, she nodded.

"And.. Call Blue and tell her to meet me here tomorrow."

She ran off to call Blue, as I sat there all night, thinking off Blue. And one reoccurring question. I grabbed a beer and drank...

"Is this love?"


Blues pov :

I was pleasantly surprised when I got a call from Yellows Pearl, telling me to meet Yellow at her room tomorrow morning.

time skip to the morning

"Yellow!? Are you okay!?"

I'd been knocking for an hour. She still hasn't answered. I had to make sure she was okay, and safe. She could be hurt.. Or worse. No... I can't lose her too. She means to much to me. On 5.



"Fuck it!"

Slamming into the door I didn't see her. She wasn't anywhere I could see. I could go into her room.. But isn't that an invasion of privacy?

"Yellow? Are you here? You're worrying me..."

I could feel tears building, I had to go in her room. I have to.


She was sitting on the floor crying, as I saw 6 empty bottles of beer.


Sitting down with her, she collapsed crying on my lap. Slowly running my fingers through her hair, I could tell she was drunk and tired.

"H-how do you d-do it Blue?"

"What do you mean Yellow?" I whispered, trying not to hurt her ears.

" How do you manage to cry so much? I have so much work to do.. There's TO much. Everyone expects me too be perfect.. I can't sometimes... I keep letting you down... And White..."

" Yellow... You could never let me down. I shouldn't have shoved my work on you."

Then she laughed. She's never laughed. Well.. For eons atleast.


"I promise Yellow."

She snuggled closer without even knowing it.

"Can I just lay here a bit?"

"O-of course Yellow."

About an hour passed of me stroking her forehead. I came to the conclusion. I love her.

"You're really warm Blue..."

I could feel my face get hot. I loved Yellow and she didn't even know.

" I always thought you'd be cold. You're so- *hick* - Blue. And like.. Icy?"

A small laugh parted from my lips, as a few hours passed by without struggle.

"My diamond-dssssss."

"Yes Pearl?"

"Blue Diamond, you have a meeting with the Zircons in ten minutes."

I looked down at my lap, at an obviously drunk, tired, and not mentaly stable diamond.

"Tell them I'm busy Pearl."

She smiled at me and walked away.

"You should go to that.. It sounds important-ttt."

"Your slurring Yellow."


"It's fine. You should get some rest."

"Are you s-shure? I have reports... N I have..."

I cover her mouth.

"Good morning Yellow."

She blushed as I picked her up, walking her to my sleeping chamber. I can't leave her around alcohol at this point. I knew White should have told her no... She didn't believe me when I told her it made gems loopy and addicted.


"Yes Yellow?

"Why are your arms covered in bruises and cuts?"

She had lifted my sleeves up without me even knowing.

"Those.. Those are really old..."

"No they're not Blue. T-this ones still healing."

"Just... Leave it alone.


"Did you just kiss the cut?!?"

"It'll heal better and happier Blue."

I forgot she was drunk. 6 bottles.. Right. She won't even remember this.

"We're here Yellow."

I layed her down on the bed and began to leave.

"Can you stay with me till I'm asleep?"

"Yellow.. I.."


CLIFFHANGER BOOM. Should she stay or no? You tell me! <3


My geeks

My peeps

My guys


Nonbinary pals

Have a good night!

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