Y/n's day off

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Y/n wakes up to a familiar dark place again.
" Huh? Why am I here again?" Y/n said to herself.
Suddenly she hears a dark growl. She looks around to see a familiar red light again. Her being curious walks over to the light.
" Why am I getting some major deja vu vibes here."
Y/n finally reaches the gates to see that they are slightly worn out as if something was trying to break out.
'Should I be worried? Nah.' Y/n thought to herself.
Suddenly the atmosphere darkens as y/n starts feeling tense. A pair of red eyes open up narrowing at y/n's form.

 A pair of red eyes open up narrowing at y/n's form

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" I see you came back. A foolish mistake." The creatures dark voice echoes causing chills to run up y/n's spine.

" Who are you where am I?" Y/n speaks up trying not to show her fear.

" Your worst nightmare." The dark creature starts grinning evilly.

"What do you m-ahhh!" A jolt of pain hits y/n causing her to fall to her knees as the creature grins at her state. Y/n coughs up a bit of blood.
" What the hell!" She screams in pain.

" Your cruel parents are the cause why I am here! If I suffer you suffer human!" The creature scream out causing the place to shake.

" W..what are you talking about! My parents were good people!" She pants.

" Do you really believe that. Your parents were  heartless murderers. They should be considered demons. I'm not much better ,but soon you'll be the same." The creature said angering y/n.

"That's what you think!" Y/n yells out.

" I wonder what would happen if I just killed that little blonde friend of yours."

" Leave him alone! You monster!" Y/n yells at it pulling a kunai out.

" I'm the monster? No dear you are the monster we are the same can't you see. I live in you. You kill me it kills you." The creature chuckles evilly.

"Well it looks like it's time for you to go. Remember I'm always watching y/n." The creature says as it morphed into another form it's face burning into y/n's mind.

" The creature says as it morphed into another form it's face burning into y/n's mind

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~Dream end~
Y/n gasps awake as she wakes up breathing heavily. P/n looking at her worriedly. Y/n slightly tenses up when she feels p/n rub against her arm ,but then she relaxes.

'Was that all a dream. I really hope so.'
Y/n looks at her alarm clock to see it's really early in the morning. Y/n sighs.
" I don't think I can go back to sleep after that dream." Y/n mumbles to herself. Y/n grabs her guitar she had sealed in a scroll and heads towards the living room with p/n following behind her.
She plops herself on the couch and thinks.
'Mother always played me this song when I was little let's see if I can remember the words.'

M/n lays on the couch with 2 year old y/n and 5 year old b/n sleeping as she sung them to sleep.
"Let's go in the garden~. 🎵
Flashback end~
Most of y'all probably already know this song
Y/n finds her words as she remembers happier times with her family before disaster struck.
Tears pricking her eyes y/n hastily wipes them away.
"I promised myself I wouldn't cry no more there's no point. Crying won't bring them back." Y/n said to herself as she puts her guitar in her scroll next to p/n.

Y/n pets a sleeping p/n and she gets ready for the day. As y/n gets dressed she looks at her leaf headband walking over to it tracing her thumb over the metal.
'I'm officially a part of the leaf village now. Mother and Father are you proud? B/n are you still watching over me? I'm sorry I let you guys down. I should have protected you guys.'
Y/n looks over to a picture of her family.

'Y/n looks over to a picture of her family

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Y/n glances at the clock.
"Well we better get going I have to get my picture taken today come on p/n." Y/n walks to the hokage tower.

Hokage tower~
The photographer tells y/n to do 1 more pose. " Old man are we done yet you've took atleast 5 pictures of me I only need one." Y/n said annoyed.

" Oh sorry dear ,but beauty like this should be catched on camera." The photographer said taking one more photo. Blinding y/n slightly.

" Okay dear you can go now." The photographer says.

As the hokage looks at y/n's photos he smiles.
" Don't you look adorable y/n." The hokage teases.

" Quiet you." Y/n glares at the hokage.

"Come on you look adorable Naruto's were a train wreck and he refused to take them again." The hokage said with a sigh.

"Really let me see." Y/n walks over to the hokage as he shows her Naruto's picture. Y/n laughs a little.

"That's naruto for you gramps." Y/n smiles.

"Right.. that's all I need you for now ,get ready for your orientation tomorrow." The hokage tells her on the way out. As y/n leaves he takes one of her pictures and puts it in a frame on his desk.

" I think we deserve some dango p/n. *bark*"
Y/n and p/n walk to the dango store when she see's naruto and some kid practicing the jutsu he used on iruka the other day.
' That idiot.' As y/n watches the scene play out she watches as naruto tells the boy to transform into a random girl. He does transform into a girl just not how he was supposed to in the result naruto gets beat up. Y/n snorts slightly as she watches this.
" Okay let's go get our dango p/n." Y/n and p/n go into the dango shop.
" Dango reminds me so much of them."
Of course you know that y/n has a brother that's deceased he loved dango when they were younger. Then when the small village she was living in was wiped out she would travel the nations meeting new people. Among those people was one of her most favorite people in the world. Uchiha Itachi. They met when y/n was doing a bounty hunter job both going after the same person. They at first didn't like each other but soon after they spent time with each other they became best friends. Although y/n had to leave to protect Itachi from the dangers that follow y/n. The same for Itachi. Maybe one day they will meet again only time will tell.

"They we're alike in so many ways kind,smart,and understanding. I wonder what would happen if they had met. Well I'll never know." Y/n said to herself smiling sadly.

Y/n was enjoying the peace when squealing and whistles caught her attention. She looked toward the sound to see her fangirls and fanboys meters away. 

She quickly broke into a run p/n in her arms. When she finally lost them she decided to go home. " Let's go home p/n." And that is how y/n's day went somewhat good and bad.

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