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Time slows around me for a moment, throwing me into a state of disbelief. Of all the people in the room, it had to be him.

Katsuki Bakugo.

He doesn't seem to react. If he did, he does a good job of hiding it. I'm not sure I can say the same for myself... Bakugo is likely just as shocked as me at our joint misfortune. Aizawa continues on as if nothing has happened. As if he didn't just flip my whole world upside down by condemning me to partner with the ill-tempered delinquent. A delinquent that probably wants to beat the shit out of me. After dealing with my smart ass comments all through high school, I'm definitely high up on his hit list.


The sound of the bell dismissing first block brings me out of my initial state of shock. I turn to my backpack mechanically and start to clear away the few things on the surface of my desk. The desk rattles slightly as Bakugo rises and stalks off, presumably in a rage. I sense someone approaching me from my periphery, and I relax slightly when I identify the presence as that of my Kaminari Denki.

"Hey dude," he says and I hear the sympathy already thickly coating his tone as he approaches me, "Rough go of it, huh?"

"As per usual," I say, allowing the bitterness I was feeling to lightly colour my tone, "Just have to get through it I suppose, nothing more to it than that." I sigh, trying to remain optimistic. "Who were you partnered with Denk?" I ask, trying to change the subject from my misfortune.

Kaminari perches on the edge of a nearby desk, stretching his long legs in front of him. He runs a hand through his signature golden hair, ruffling the black streak before sighing, "You don't want to know."

I tilt my head to the side, encouraging him to continue.

"Sero..." he says, a guilty smile spreading across his face.

"You lucky son of a bitch." I say leaning forward to punch him in the arm.

Sero is the official third member of our friendship trio. Taller than me or Kami, he sports raven black hair and is never seen without his impish grin.

Of course Denki would get paired with such a non-problematic person. He hasn't been forever cursed by some sadistic group project deity.

Denki laughs at my playful punch and we make our way to the door so we can get to our next classes. As we move to exit the room however, I notice one of our classmates has yet to make their own way out of the classroom akin to everyone else. The scene that unfolds in front of me makes my heart sink.

Bakugo stands, facing away from me, having what looks like a very heated discussion with our teacher, Aizawa.

He's yelling at the stone faced educator with such ferocity I can only come to one conclusion: there is no possible way their conversation could be about anything other than the partnerships that had just been formed.

Wow. He really hates me that much.

I stop in my tracks, failing to exit the classroom after seeing Bakugo clearly so upset about being partnered with me. I have barely ever spoken to this kid, in exception to our daily banter, and yet he harbours so much resentment towards me?

The dread from earlier begins to mingle with the white hot heat of anger coming to fruition within me. Before I have a chance to turn this feeling into words, Bakugo violently rips away from his conversation with Aizawa in a huff, briskly stalking towards the door I am stood, frozen, in front of. Bakugo rams his shoulder into mine as he angrily stomps past me, causing me to stumble back a few steps. I can't sputter out a word of my outrage before he disappears down the hallway.

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