he came over the next day
luna: i didnt think you would come over?
he hugged her she thought he would kiss her but he backed away
arthur: i needed a sec ya know? to think?
luna: are you mad? did i do something?
arthur: i aint mad at you im mad at myself .. i promise to never fall in love with you and i broke that
luna: and it makes you angry .. im sorry art i had a part in this too .. i hope we can still be homies? for him atleast?
arthur: fuck yea im still here all the way but just as homies
she nodded
but as much as they tried to stay homies
she could feel he tension she wanted so bad to be more than homies .. and so did he
as the weeks passed she adjusted to being a new mom it suited her perfectly ... time came where she had to start working
maria: you have to let us take him for the weekend or atleast till sunday night?
luna: i dont know ive never been so far from him?
maria: come on so you can relax before you start work monday?
luna: sunday night?
maria: yea ofcourse that way i can take my grandbaby to church i have to show him off haha
luna: ok then ill pack him up hes napping
she nodded .. luna went to her room
arthur- i was gonna stop by but i saw my moms car ill threw tomorrow that cool?
luna- shes taking angel till sunday im having a panic attack but i cant say no cuz she wants to show him off at church haha so yea
arthur- oo fuck haha well when she leaves get ready and come threw? that cool?
luna- you wanna kick it?
arthur- why not like old times? you down?
luna- you do owe me a smoke and a beer aha give me an hour
arthur- see you then you got my key just come in
she finished up packing up her babyboy
luna: i love you my angel .. i cant do this sarah .. i cant leave him? he cant leave me what if
sarah: its ok to take sometime for you and you can see the excitment in her eyes hes ok and plus you start work
luna: huh fine ok
she helped maria to the car
luna: please call me i packed him enough milk and diapers if anything ill come over and dont forget his binkie he only likes that one
maria: luna everything will be ok i have everything and your list haha hes ok i promise
luna: ok .. send me pictures ok?
maria: ofcourse ill call you before i put him to bed
she nodded and watched her drive away
she went inside
sarah: you have free time what are you going to do? haha lucky!
luna: haha well Arthur said to go over to kick it but i dont know im nervous i should stay here and wait for her to call
sarah: no go and relax a bit luna before you snap forreals
luna: ok
she showered and got dressed
moreno- dont drink and drive ok i love you
luna- i love you too and i wont
she went over
luna: i thought you wouldve changed the locks? haha you want the key back?
he laughed and hugged her
arhtur: naw keep it and you look weird with no baby belly or baby attached to you haha
luna: is that a bad thing or a good thing? haha
she sat on his couch
arthur: its a good weird you look good
she side smiled and sat back
luna: so wheres my beer at fool?
arthur: fridge get me one and come out to the porch i got something on the grill
she nodded .. he watched her as she grabbed the beers and went to sit down at the table outside
arthur: i know what your doing
she opened the beer and drank from it
luna: what am i doing? aver?
arthur: lets see tight pants low cut shirt showing off aint gonna lie they look good
she shook her head
luna: if i wanted to look good for you i couldve worn a crop top and some shorts i couldve done my hair and make up but i didnt your just checking me out aint my fault they look good i can get a jacket? haha
arthur: naw your good i like the view .. and you dont need make up you look bomb natural
she laughed and got up and walked up to him
arthur: luna haha
luna: you said homies and i was ok with that but i still catch you looking dont act like you dont fool admit it you miss it dont lie
arthur: miss what?
she shook her head
luna: i aint making the first move you make it
arthur: naw naw you called me out on it you make the move
luna: haha im chillin enjoying this beer wheres the blunt you owed me? haha
he went inside and grabbed it for her and lit it
arthur: you gonna play hard to get?
she smiled
luna: im right here haha
he shook his head and sat down across from her
arthur: we do shit we have to live with it
luna: dont you think i already know that? i rather it be with you than any other fool .. i got nothing to loose
he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him
arthur: theres no going back after this .. cuz i want you
she kissed him .. he got her up and sat her on his lap and continued to kiss her
arthur: haha let me turn off the grill real quick
luna: lets eat first
she tried to get up but he hugged her
arthur: that can wait come here
he moved everything as she stood at the back door and smiled at him
arthur: haha i hate you
he walked up to her and picked her up and closed the door behind him he took her to his room and put her on his bed
arthur: you can still back out?
she pulled him towards her and kissed him
luna: shut up already haha
I think I love you.. {completed}
RandomIt was the end of junior year summer was starting and they never thought this would be the summer that would change there friendship forever..