You're Mine and I'm Yours #4

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You're Mine
and I'm Yours #4

Bunch of snacks and drinks are place on the bench that made all the players look. He was a little shocked when he saw that all the players are eating some snacks and drinking juices. They take their rest for a mean time. But Copter did not take it serious and he still walks towards the person who ordered him.

"Phone number?" Copter asked while lending his phone for the third time. But he received was a short and quick look. He understand that he was used and become stupid for following. Yet, he did not take it seriously and think that it just a part of chasing this person. "Can I get your phone number now? I already followed your order." He explained.

"Run 3x in the field. And shout that you like me 3x too. Ask 10 male person what color of their underwear." Kimmon said before wiping the sweat on his face.  He just said it but he did not mean it. Years ago, he gave the same command but the person did not make it. So, he did not mind if this person will not do it.

And he was suddenly stop drinking when his eyes started witnessing that the person runs in the field. He smirked like hell since the same scenario will happen soonest. "He can't do it. He will fail too." He commented before standing up. His feet move forward, going to the nearest comfort room. He need to refresh first before going back to their training for upcoming school festival.

His mind and body freshen up when he wash his face in the running water. Some noise coming and it made him to close the faucet. The noise are getting clear in every second passed. Until, it become clear in his ears.

"The guy in the field is crazy. He's stupid."

"Yah. He ask me what color of my underwear. Such a jerk."

Two man entered the comfort room with smile on their faces. "Look! I recorded a video of him. Asking other person." He shows his phone. And the video played. They laugh together. But when they realized that they are not the only person inside the comfort room, they stop.

"P'Kim!" The one who took the video uttered. His voice cracking because he knows how cold the senior is.

"Erase the video." Kimmon said as he face the two.

The two junior did not say anything nor following the order. The one who is holding the phone, immediately hide his phone in his back.

"Are you going to do it? Or do you want me to do something to you?" Kimmon uttered. His voice started getting annoyed.

Even the junior is not agree. He lend his phone towards the senior and he let this person, erase the video. Not more than a minute, the video was erased and their is no trace left.

Then after that, Kimmon immediately go back to the field. When he is their, the person who followed him is already sitting on the tiny grass. "Jerk." He whispered before walking towards. Before he could go their, someone's stop him by grabbing his wrist.

"P'Kim." A cute girl smiled. She's one of the student in the University. By her look, she's just a freshman. "I like you!" Then, she confessed what she felt towards the senior. "I want to know you more P'Kim." She added as she lend a small box wrapped in a pink flowery paper with reddish ribbon.

"I am not interested in you." Kimmon said without any warm in his voice. Just a normal him, always rejecting person even it is a man or a woman. After he rejected, he did not wait any longer and turn back. As he turn back, he sees saddest eyes from someone. He started walking towards when the person turn back to him.

When he is already their, the person is already fix his things and ready to leave the place any moment. "Phone?" He asked as he lend his palm. Confused face is what he sees after asking the person. Then, he repeat it. "Where is your phone?"

"Oh." Then, Copter immediately give his phone. He let the other man use it.

"Here. My phone number is already saved." Kimmon said it after putting back the phone. Then, he did not say any more words. And he walks pass by,  going to the field to continue the training.

The smile on his face did not fades. The fact that he made stupid things just to get the phone number. All the efforts are paid off. He cannot hide how happy he is. Until he met his two bestfriend in the main gate of the University.

"Oh! What happen to your uniform?" Tee asked when his friend is already standing beside. The messy and dirty uniform is the first thing he noticed.

"Nothing. I just fall because I run going here." Copter lied.

"Are you okay?" Tee asked while wearing a worried face. "Did you got bruise?" He added and walks around to his friend. Just to check.

"Oho! I am Okay Tee."

"You are too OA, Tee." Bas commented. "Copter is a big man now. Stop being a mommy to him." Bas added. Just to tease his friend. This friend of mine is such a great one for over protective.

"Tsk. I will not going to buy your favorite food Bas." Tee said as he walks and left the two. In the three of them, he is the easily one to get irritated.

"No! I am just joking Tee." Bas shouted and follow his friend.

And while Copter witness that Bas trying to make peace by putting his arm in Tee's shoulder and poke the cheeks of it. He did not hide the fact that he was too happy today. And when he look at the screen of his phone, it flashes the number and name of the owner. He put it back to his pocket before he become crazy. "Hey! Wait!" he shouted and run.

Another exhausted but meaningful day passed. Most of the people in the building are charging their body by taking rest. But not the person who cannot sleep by receiving too much texts and calls. He pick it up and went out of his room. By 12 in the evening, everyone's sleeping but he is not, since he is going to somewhere.

When he reached the 3rd floor by using the stair, he did not waste any time to walks towards the last room in the floor. He made loud smashes on the door, so that the owner will know that he is irritated. Before he could smash again, someone's open the door for him.

He look at this person from bottom to top before showing his phone. "I cannot take it anymore. Why did you gave my phone number to him?" Tae asked.

"You went down here for that?" Kimmon asked since Tae's room was in the 5th floor. And went down just for that.

"Of course! My phone will explode in his texts and calls." Tae complained.

"Do not reply. Do not pick his calls." Then, Kimmon close the door after saying it.

"Kim!" Tae shouted while smashing the door again.

➡➡➡ To be continue...

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