You're Mine and I'm Yours #5

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You're Mine
and I'm Yours #5

The sun shines brightly. It reflects in the person's smile. It is from someone's who kept its faith and hope for. "Good morning P'Kim!" He greeted cheerfully. "Special red rose for you!" Then, he lend a fresh red rose as symbolism of how much he likes the person. But his hope and faith did not gone even he just received a quick look. "I will leave it here." He put it down beside the man who keeps himself busy by reading a book. "I should go. See you later, P'Kim." He bids his goodbye before walking away.

And before he could walk too far, he suddenly look back and sees that the senior is already gone. But the senior left something, the rose that he gave. Another sign that the person he likes never get interested to him. He go back to the bench and pick up the piece of flower. "Maybe, he did not like flower." He said to himself before stepping his feet. You will never see in disappointment in his face but hope and faith instead.

He walks from Faculty of Engineering to his faculty. It took lots of time and he is almost late in their meeting hour. The three of them decided to have a group study for their incoming exams even one of them is not in the same faculty. Bas and Copter are in the Faculty of Arts while Tee is in the Faculty of Economics.

The ambiance when Copter came is different from usual. Furrowed head of Tee shown while looking at his phone. The scenario that Copter witness when he came. "I am sorry. I am late." Copter said when he take a sit beside Bas and in front of Tee. "Is there something wrong?" He asked when he realized that Tee is too quiet.

"Do not mind him." Bs said as he lend a book to his friend. "Read this  one Copter. I cannot understand even my notes cannot help me." He said to get and change his friend's attention going to him. 

"Are you sure? Tee is Okay?" Copter asked Bas with worried face. He sees Bas look at Tee first before going back to him.

"He's Okay. Just read it." Then, Bas trying to change the topic.

When Copter starts reading the one Bas said. Then, his other friend did not hold himself anymore.

"Why did you lied?" Tee asked. This question made his two bestfriend look at him. And when he received confuse stare, he continue his words. "Why did you do this to yourself? Why did you make yourself stupid?" He asked towards Copter. But his friend keeps its mouth zip. And to clarify of what he said, he bring out his phone and shows the viral video clip.

Copter did not think that someone's took a video when he did what his crush ordered. The video clip was all about him. Running 3x. Shouting 3x that he likes Kimmon. And asking 10 male student of what color is their underwear. The video did not finish because his friend click the pause.

"You lied to us. Just because of him. Just because of the bullshit phone number." Tee trying to calm himself even he wants to explode. He hates his friend for being too stupid.

"Calm down, Tee. Let us Copter explain his side." Bas said towards his friend who gets annoyed.

"Tee.." Copter uttered with pleading eyes. He try to hold his friend hand that resting in the table, but before he could do, his friend already put away his hand. His tears is almost falling when someone's came. He immediately wipe it.

"P'." Bas uttered.

The senior smiled. He is the senior with the same faculty of Tee. And also, one of the famous guy in the University and the president of swimming club.

"Good morning P'Godt." Copter greeted.

And the intense scene change suddenly. "Why are you here P'?" Tee asked and his voice is already calm.

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