You're Mine and I'm Yours #6

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You're Mine
and I'm Yours #6

Day 1...

Students walk back and forth and still, he did not see the person he waited for an hour. He wake up so early and prepared himself. So that, he will be the first one who greet this person. His vibes is full of positivity even his wrist watch telling that 15 minutes left before his class starts. Even his friend, Bas keeps sending text messages to him. "One more minute." He murmured. But then, his faith did not failed him. The person he wanted to see is already walk pass by. "P'Kim!" He shouted and follow this person. He was lucky that by just one call, this person gives his precious time by facing him.


"Iced coffee." Copter lend it with smile on his face. But his pouty lips shown as his crush did not make any move to get it. Then, he grab this man's hand and give the iced coffee which the ice started melting. "See you later P'Kim." He said as he waves his hand when he walked a bit away.

And Kimmon was left with iced coffee in his hand. But one thing got his attention, the small piece of sticky note. "Good morning P'Kim." He murmured as he read what is written on it. And at the end of greeting, a small happy face drawn. Suddenly, a tiny curve in his lips form. That made other students' attention catched by him.

"He smiled!" Someone's said.

Then, he lift his head and turn it 360 degree to find who owns the voice. But his eyes witness how the girls giggled towards him.

And before he gets the full attention, he immediately leave the place and go to his own class. The main gate of the university is not too  far from his building. So he easily go their.

"Iced coffee in this early morning." Tae greeted words his friend when this one seated beside him.

"Should I stop finding the person?"

Tae furrowed head shown as he heard the question and stop himself from scrolling in his social media accounts. "I thought, you already stop." He said as he look at his friend. And his eyes witness the usual serious face.

"But he keeps reminding me." Kimmon talks while his eyes did not escape the tasteless iced coffee because the ice is already melted.

"Who's?" Then, this time Tae did not understand his less talk friend.

The conversation cut off by Kimmon when he decided to closed his mouth and did not answer his friend's question. And afterwards, their prof in their first subject came. They are in their 3rd year in college and soon will be an intern in their chosen companies.

Kimmon is a famous guy by his appealing looks, his charm when he started perform his hubby, his comfort zone -music, and his capability as athlete in soccer team. He is also an active president of the Music club. And one thing, he did not struggle in his studying because he is smart but he is too introvert where he did not own a cellphone. Just book and music are enough.

The exams are coming. So he decided to skip the lunch and let his glutton friend eat first before reviewing. He is now sitting at the corner part of the library where less people around.

A chocolate cupcake wrapped. And a small piece of sticky note got his attention. Same color and same handwriting. He lifted his head to see if he is right. And he is not wrong, it is from the same person earlier who gave an iced coffee. He sees that the person standing while wearing its lovely smile. The dimple shown beautifully. He always sees it but this is the first that it was too attractive.

"P'Tae said that you skipped your meal. So I bought that one for you." Copter pointed the cupcake after he seated opposite to the person. After he sit, the person back its attention to  the book he read. "Don't worry. I am full. Even my eyes are full." He keeps smiling even the person who made him smile did not look at him.

"I did not agree. And you still chasing me." Kimmon said as he flip the next page of the book. He continue reading and did not mind the existence of the other man.

The time passed. And the lunch break is almost done. It is exactly that he already finished the book he reviewed. And when he is fixing his things, the cupcake beside made him to stop. "P. Kim, I like you." He said as he read the note. At the last, there is a small heart drawn by a glittered red pen. The person who gave it was sleeping peacefully. It is the first time he stare for too long in one person. And it is the first time he noticed that Copter is a cute guy.

But something in his mind plays, he immediately get his black pen. Open and draw using it. But not in a piece of paper yet in the face of sleeping boy. After he satisfied his mind, he walks away and leave the man with a small note in a piece of white paper.

The afternoon class started. The hallway become quiet as all the students are in their respective classes. The exams day are fast approaching. And the hallway started become noisy as the last professors are dismissing their classes.

The sun almost bid its goodbye as Kimmon change his clothes for their training. The training happen every 6 in the evening and lasted for 2 hours. But before his feet landed in the field, someone's greeted him.


Kimmon bids his respect by facing and giving his little time to the person who called him. She is the President of the Dance club. And also, a beauty and brain lady from its own Faculty. A one and only girl who linked to him.

"I already discussed to Tae what is our plan for the upcoming school festival." Yumi said with her sweet voice. She's stunning. No one can compete to her in terms of beauty.

"Whatever is your plan. I am okay with it."

"That's good!" Yumi said as she put her arms in Kimmon's shoulder. As always, she did not received rejection. "Are you going to the field?" She asked. And he received nod as response. "Then, I come with you." She added.

They walk together in the field. Everyone's ship them as couple because they believe that Yumi is the only girl for Kimmon. No rejection from others. And when they reached the field, Yumi leaves Kimmon and walks towards the cheer dance practice at the side of field.

"Are you interested on her?" Copter greeted question when Kimmon passed by. The question that he did not received answer. And also made him to feel a little jealous even he do not have any right to be jealous.

He just let himself to feel sadness in the first half of practice. He cannot help himself to feel insecure towards the lady. And when he heard that the coach gives them 15 minutes break, he tried himself to show that he is not affected. He prepared a bottle of mineral and a clean white towel. "Water? Towel?" He asked when Kimmon stands in front him. The sweat runs on its forehead.

But then, Kimmon did not take any offer yet he took a bottle of mineral in the soccer team supply. When he almost taste the tasteless mineral, he stop and close it. His eyes witness that the cheerful aura change into gloomy. So he decided to walks towards Copter and seated beside. "She likes the person she talking right now." Kimmon said from nowhere. The person look at him with confused face. But he did not elaborate what he said. He just drink the water.

"A girl?!" Copter exclaimed. "She likes girl?" He asked when he turn his face to his crush. And a sudden rosy cheeks form when his crush is looking at him too.

➡➡➡ To be continue...

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