You're Mine and I'm Yours #2

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You're Mine
and I'm Yours #2

It was another exhausted day for everyone who is currently studying of their chosen course. And one of them is not exemption even he is a bubbly one. Copter's head resting on the table after the bell rang for the lunch break hour.

"Let's go! I am hungry." Bas uttered while putting all of his stuff inside of his bag. But his bestfriend kept showing how the energy leave him. It just half of the day but the body is already lowbat. "Na! I am done fixing my things. Let's go!" He added after carrying his bag.

"Aha! I almost forgot." Copter said with full of excitement. His mood change in a glimpse of eyes after an idea pop up in his mind. He looks something inside of his bag and when he sees it, the smile never fades. He put all of his thing inside and prepare himself to leave. "I gotta go now. Do not wait me." He said when he started to walk outside. His bestfriend, Bas did not say anything and just let him to do what he wanted to do. "Tell it to Tee." He shouted as he is far away.

Copter did not miss any of his time to court someone. He immediately walks and go to the Music Club room. Hoping to see the person he wanted to see. Music Club room is located far away from his Faculty. But it is not a hindrance for him. It took lots of his time to go their. As he is getting near, his smile slowly getting wide. Until he stand in front of the room. He inhale and exhale first before he enter.

The faith and hope to see his crush is finally achieved. Kimmon is sitting alone and listening to his earphone. The room filled a silent ambiance and the only noise was the foot step of the person who wanted to see closely his love of his life.

Not more than a minute, Kimmon open his eyes. And it made the other person step backward. He did not say anything. It just, he took his guitar beside and started moving his fingers to the chords. Slowly, it forms sound that pleasant to ears. "Why are you here?" He said as he stop moving his fingers and lift his head to look at this person.

"Uhmm.." Copter feels shyness suddenly. But he close his eyes and exhale all the negative inside of him. "I brought a lunch for you." As he said it, he take a sit in front of his beloved. The cold floor touches his butt but it is okay to him. The place that he can be near at this person. But before his heart will become crazy, he took the lunch box and a bottle of juice. "I prepared this." He said while removing the cover of lunch box.

"I am not hungry."

That words made Copter to look disappointed. Because he is not good in terms of cooking but he tried his best to prepare the not so good dishes.

"But I want iced coffee."

And in a glimpse, the feeling of disappointment change into happiness. "I will buy. Just wait." And he runs suddenly as the moment he went outside of the room. All of his stuff left are scattered on the floor.

The exact time Copter gone, another person came -the Vice president of the club. "Oh!" The food is already twinkling in his eyes and immediately took it. "Can I?" He asked before putting the spoon of food inside of his mouth. But he did not received any words, so he take it as YES. Not a minute, he suddenly put down the lunch box and drink the bottle of juice. "Oh! It's too salty. Who made this suck food?" He asked while wiping his mouth.

"We have practice. So, you can go home by yourself." Kimmon said as he stand. He did not wait any response from his friend.

Tae, the Vice president left alone. He rest his body in the wall and let his eyes close as he reminisce the past. But before he went to the climax, someone's entered the room and it took him to open his eyes. "Oh! Mr. Panuwat." He uttered. He sees how this person grasping his breath but one thing got his eyes, the iced coffee. "Is that for Kimmon?" He asked for confirmation.

"Y-Yes. Where he is?" Copter said as he recovered.

This made Tae smiled. "He never change." He whispered.


"Nothing. He is in the soccer field. They have practice."

"Oh. Thank you." Then, Copter carry his bag and left the lunch box. He did not bid any goodbye and
just leave the place.

Copter did not waste any of his precious time. And he immediately went to the soccer field. The sun is slowly bidding its goodbye when he witness the soccer players. They are already exhausted and tired for countless practice.

As their coach give them 15 minutes break, Copter did not waste it. He immediately walks towards Kimmon who is going back to bench. "P'Kim." He called as he stand in front of this person. He received a stare only. Until he rememebered why he is here. "Your iced coffee." He lend it.

Instead of getting it, Kimmon took a bottle of mineral in the supply of soccer team. He drink it in front of Copter and trying to show that I don't like you by not minding its presence.

"I will leave it here." Copter said after putting down the iced coffee on the bench. "Thank you for letting me to court you." He smiled. He is aware that his crush is not interested on him. "But I will continue until you say that you like me too." He said before leaving. He did not wait any longer. Or, he did not wait to hear something that can destroy his hope.

Copter walks with sadness and disappointment written on his face. But this is just the beginning of everything and soon, he will get the answer he wanted. But as soon he sees his two bestfriends waiting at the main gate of the University, his smile shown. His two jerk bestfriend who are supporting his crazy decision in life.

"Bas! Tee!" He shouted and run towards the two.

➡➡➡ To be continue...

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