You're Mine and I'm Yours #7

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You're Mine
and I'm Yours #7

Day 2...

The sunlights strike to its face as he look at above. It is almost time of his first class yet he still keep waiting in the main gate of the university. And when his eyes back to the huge black gate, the person he waited come. He wears his smile as walks towards him. As usual, he started the day with full of positivity. "Good morning P'Kim!" He greeted the senior. Instead of looking at him, the senior's attention focus on the drink he holds. It is an iced coffee again. "Here!" He lend it towards. And for the second day, still the senior did not make any move to get it. So, Copter did the same. He grab the man's hand to give it. "See you later, P'Kim." He said as he waves his hand to bids his goodbye. The senior offered him a stare before he turn back.

Kimmon left standing while holding the iced coffee. "I never like iced coffee." He murmured. But one piece of note got his attention. "My face is not a drawing paper." He read the note. And a little curve in his lips shown when he sees the drawing on the last part of the note. It is an angry face drawn by black ink pen.

When he realized that he feels weird, he immediately shake his head and wash away a tiny opportunity to feel interested. But before he could be late, he started walking.

He was lucky that the professor is not yet come when he entered the classroom. He sees his friend busy from the online game he always played. As usual, he let the ice melted and the taste become tasteless. He focus himself in the class when the professor came.

The morning class ended 10 minutes early than usual dismissal time. Kimmon did not mind his friend's complained in their math lecture. He keeps himself arranging his things.

"My brain explode because of the formulas." Tae uttered.

"You must study and stop playing games." Kimmon said as he carry his bag. He is ready to leave the place.

"Are you not going to bring your iced coffee?" Tae asked when his friend started walk away. But he was a little shock by the response. The tasteless iced coffee is now in the hands of his friend. "You kept asking for iced coffee but you did not drink it." He said as hold his book and ready to leave.

Less talk means Kimmon. He nodded when his friend tells the plans of Yumi for the school festival. He said before that he is okay to Yumi's plan and he will never complained. Unlike his friend.

"Yumi gives me lot of things to do. Such a mean girl." Tae said as he put down his plate before sitting down. He sit in the opposite of his friend. "I think, I should eat in the Music club and do my obligation their." He said as his eyes look at the back of his friend. Someone's coming.

It made Kimmon turn his head and sees the thing Tae seeing. But when he face his friend, Tae already standing up and holding his plate.

"See you later!" Tae uttered and walks away.

Kimmon did not get distracted when other person came and seated where his friend sit awhile ago. He looks to the two iced coffee that resting beside the plate of this person.

"Here!" Copter move one iced coffee towards the side. "You know? I liked iced coffee so much." He said before sipping on it. He did not received any words but he keeps talking. "But even I like iced coffee, I still like P'Kim more." He said with a lovely smile on his lips. And because of what he said, the senior look at him.

"Are you not going to eat?" 

"Oh! I am full. As what I see right now, I am full." Copter said and move the plate away. Then, he just let his eyes stare more. Sometimes, he drinks his iced coffee but his eyes did not escape the beautiful view. "By the way P'Kim, did you already choose a song that you are going to perform?" He asked by the curiosity.

"Not yet."

"Mmm.. I can you sing 'Dreaming of you?' The one I sang before." Copter plead. "Please P'Kim!" He added.

"I do not like."

"Ouch! That is my theme song for you." Then, Copter's pouty lips shown. When he shown it, others will surely agreed whatever he plead. But then, he realized that this kind of technique will never succeed to the person who is not interested on him. "Okay!" He said with a disappointment tone of voice.

"Go back to your class." Kimmon said as he look at his wrist watch. Telling that 15 minutes left for the lunch hour.

"I hope the time will paused." Copter uttered as he stand and carry his bag. "See you later P'Kim." In just a glimpse, his cheerful back to his body and wears his smile again before he waves his hand.

Kimmon left. He stay 5 minutes more in the place where he is. His eyes focus on the two iced coffee. The one is full and the other is almost empty. But one thing got his attention, another written message on the plastic cup. He lifted Copter's iced coffee and sees the note written. "I hope the time will stop when I am with you." He read it. He is not aware when Copter wrote the note. "You keep reminding it." He commented before he leave the place.

As the afternoon class dismissed, Kimmon and Tae immediately go to the Music club room to finalize the plan. Kimmon decided to skip the first half of the training for this day. He said it to their coach and the coach let him.

When they reach the Music club, all the members united in making the back drop design for their event. They are assigned to give entertainment in the evening. The two entered the room first to check what is happening their. They witness that all the members who will perform are practicing their prepared special number.

"Did you decide what song you are going to sing?" Tae asked the person beside him. But then he did not heard the voice. The thing he heard was a sound produce in the guitar. When he look at his friend, he sees that this person is already carrying a guitar and trying to produce a pleasant sound. "Are you going to sing 'Dreaming of you?'" He asked as he wanted to sure that the sound he heard was right.

➡➡➡ To be continue...

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