CHAPTER 6 -- Andy

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Troy's POV

As I sat and ate my lunch quietly, I thought about how my day had gone up to that point. It was amazing to be in school and in America -- a great experience. I had been so intrigued during the courses -- learning about liturature and science in the human world. I didn't want to forget my time here, and I couldn't wait to go to my next class.

I had decided to eat a hamburger, fries, and yogurt with a bottle of apple juice. Perhaps it was a weird-looking meal to the humans, but everything there was weird to me. I quite enjoyed the fries and I thought the hamburger was okay, but I didn't care for the yogurt too much. I was able to wash it down with my apple juice, but not without sprinkling half of the salt from the shaker on everything (this act earned me some weird looks, so I stopped so as not to draw too much attention.)

But of course, it's hard not to draw attention. Even without looking up from where I was I could sense the stares of humans all around me, unashamed and unguarded. I felt uncomfortable, but a lot of things had made me feel uncomfortable that day. Like when that girl Amy touched me, or when that boy named Eddie yelled at me. Or when that weird girl Hannah kept staring at me . . .

There was something weird about that girl. While everyone else would stare as usual, she could actually look away. It was strange because it's usually very hard for humans to look away so easily. Also, why was she looking at me so differently, as if she knew what I was -- but that was impossible because there was no way that any human could possibly come close to discovering my secret. So why was this Hannah chick so different?

A backpack slammed onto the table in front of me, making me jump. My senses went into overdrive as I immediatly put my guard up, my eyes focusing in on the new comer. It took only a second to realize that it was just some kid -- a boy around my age with messy dark brown hair and a lip ring. He was tall and thin and wore one of those fur aviator hats. What was the point of that when it was still august?

"Hey man, 'sup?" he asked, sitting down. My eyes never left him; his easygoing attitude wasn't gonna make me relax.

When I just kept staring at him, he continued like it didn't even phase him. "You're Troy right? My name's Anderson Wood, but you can call me Andy." He didn't even wait for me to reply before he kept talking.

"So man, where ya from? I heard you were from Australia but I came to find out for myself. Hey! It looks like you've caught some attention from the chicks, am I right mate?" He laughed like what he had just said was funny. It wasn't.

"Hey, what classes do you have next? Let me see your schedule." He held his hand out and waited expectantly. I stared back at him distrustingly. Was there something wrong with him or were all humans like this . . .

"I'm not gonna bite, brah, just curious to see if we have any classes together."

I still stared, yet Andy didn't look concerned nor embarrassed. He just waited with an outstretched hand, unmoving. Well, he sure was persistent. It took me all of three seconds to decide that Andy really wasn't a threat. So I finally let my guard down and pulled out my schedule, handing it to him.

Andy studied it as he pulled a red lollipop out of . . . wait, where exactly did that come from? He unwrapped it and was about to put it in his mouth when he exclaimed, "Oh look, we've got free period together! That's cool. Maybe I can show you around before-" he caught me looking at his lollipop. "Oh, sorry for my manners, dude. You want one?" I shrugged. Andy gave me one, which I realized had come from his pocket. Kind of gross, I suppose, but it was still considerate. And it tasted good too.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"Oh, that maybe I could show you around school before someone like Amy tries to." Andy laughed when he saw the face I made at the mention of Amy's name. "Don't like her already?"

"I mean she's really pretty, but I get the idea that she acts the same way with everyone else."

"Correction! That leg spreader doesn't talk to girls that way. But you're right to think she's no good. In fact, I think you're the first guy to see through her act, or at least, the first guy who's vision isn't clouded by their own horomones." Andy nodded and smiled. "I like you already, Aussie."

Aussie? If I haven't heard that one before. But I had to admit that I admired Andy's laid back attitude and honesty. He told things how he saw them, and he was the first human to reach out to me without seeming like he wanted something. It was like he wasn't being affected by me at all. At that moment, I realized that I liked Andy too. So for the first time during our whole conversation, I smiled. "Thanks, uh, brah, for being a friend to me."

"Don't go getting all sappy on me," Andy laughed, but I could tell that he didn't really care either way. He checked his watch. "Sorry, man, gotta run. But I'll catch you later."

"Uh, where should I look for you?"

He shot me a quizzical look. "Don't worry, brah, it won't be too hard." He picked up his backpack and jogged out of the cafeteria. He was a weird kid for sure. But, he was already a friend.

Hah, a friend. Not even half way through the day and I had already made a friend. The thought made me smile.


A/N: so how do y'all like Andy? I'd love to hear you feedback cos im debating making him more important than just Troy's friend. Thanks for voting and commenting and fanning. If you have any questions or ideas just send me a message. I invite any chapter suggestions. Love y'all! Dedicated to KittyKittyCatnip! <3

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