Chapter 3

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As predicted, Austin had a long and tiring day, after having dinner, contacting his brother and giving out orders to the warriors, it was past midnight.

He made his way upstairs, going to the room that had been made ready for him, entering he locked the door behind him, shedding his clothes as he made his way to the bed, falling tiredly on it, instantly passing out.

For a week, Austin's routine was the same. Giving out orders, perimeter checks, interrogating pack members, keeping his brother informed, finding time to visit little Chloe and the list went on.

However, the one thing he was nowhere closer to finding out, was the elusive Selina, it seemed that either this woman was constantly on the move or avoiding him.

He wondered which of the two was a fact, his curiosity in finding out the truth was growing day by day. In addition, frustratingly both Red Moon and Silver Moon pack members, were very protective of the young woman and therefore clammed up, whenever he made enquiries.

Selina wondered how long her luck would last, she had been able to avoid her mate, much to her wolf's immense frustration, for a week. However, she knew that soon, either she or someone is going to slip up and she would be found.

She had debated in leaving the pack, but that left her sister in a vulnerable position to travel. If it was only herself to worry about, she would have been long gone, but taking into consideration, she had her sister, she was stuck.

Leaving her sister at the pack nursery, she made her way deep into the forest, to a place that held special memories, a place where her family was still alive and happy, before the nightmares begun...

Reaching the spot, she took a moment to take in the sight, the peacefulness of the area. An open circular patch of land, with the towering trees surrounding it and a few blossoms peeking through the grass.

Walking to the centre, she lay down flat on her back, gazing up to the clear blue sky, her mind in turmoil, wondering what she should do, hoping being here, it will help her come to a conclusion.

Austin could not take his wolf's nagging anymore, he needed to get out and go for a run. Hoping that would satisfy his wolf, excusing himself from his duties, he made his way outdoors, changing into his wolf form and allowing his wolf to take partial control, letting him choose the direction he wanted to go...

Making his way deep into the forest, it seemed that his wolf had a destination in mind.

The deeper they went, Austin took note of the scents surrounding him, being always alert and aware of his environment.

A faint scent lingered in the air that caught his attention, lilac and lavender. Determined to find the owner of the scent, he moved stealthily through the forest, slowing down when he reached a clearing, going down on his haunches, scanning the area for any signs of danger.

Taking in another deep whiff of the enticing scent, that had lured him there, he searched the clearing for its source, coming upon the still feminine form lying in the centre.

Solely focused on the woman, the one thing registering in his mind, was his wolf's constant chant...


Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now