Chapter 15

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Standing by the bed, Austin placed Selina down, facing him. Taking a step back away from her, he removed his clothes, holding her gaze with his.

She reached out to run her fingers over his chest, smiling when he shuddered, "Your body is perfect..." She huskily spoke.

The look of appreciation smouldered in his eyes, "You are perfect..." Cupping her breasts with his hands, kissing and teasing her beaded nipples.

Taking one of the tight buds into his mouth and exploring it with his tongue.

"Yes..." She moaned out, arching towards him, her hands braced on his shoulder for support, intense sensations coursing through her.

"I want to feel all of you against me." His tone intimate, sending heat flowing through her, taking her into his arms, skin against skin, the hard length of his erection nestled against her belly, setting off tiny sparks to skip over every nerve in her body.

Leading her over to the bed, he waited for her to climb in, stretching beside her and pulling her towards him, "I am going to try to go slow..."

Giving her a tender kiss, his hand skimming down her side to her hip, caressing her thigh, his movements slow and steady. Moving his hand to her centre, gently touching the nub nestled within, teasing and stroking, testing her readiness for him.

Wanting to touch him, she slowly slid her hand over his chest, down his rippled abdomen, finding his hard length. Her heart skipping at the sheer strength of his need, measuring his length and girth with her palm.

Austin stilled, groaning in pleasure at her exploration of his hard member, catching her hands in his, "I want you so much...but I won't last if you keep that up."

The looks in his eyes sent her temperature soaring, "Then please make me yours..."

Kissing her with passion, he held her gaze, nudging her knees apart and rising above her, "Show me where you want me..." Taking her hand in his and placing it on his hardened member.

She guided him to her and felt his blunt tip slowly enter her. His gaze never wavering from hers as he eased himself forward, pushing through her innocence, stilling and waiting for her to adjust to his wide girth.

"It feels so good being inside of you." He whispered out, setting a slow pace. As she held on to him, the need deep within, poised on the edge of finding satisfaction.

He traced her mouth with his tongue until she parted her lips in a soft gasp, slipping his tongue inside to explore and capture her moans of ecstasy. His hand cupping her breast, teasing and stroking her beaded nipple with his thumb.

While still moving in and out of her, increasing his pace, creating a delicious friction.

Quickening the pace of his lovemaking, groaning and grunting at the tight fit of her core wrapped around his hard member, urging him on.

When he sensed that she was close, he moved his mouth down to her mark and bit down when she reached her pinnacle and screamed out his name.

Thrusting into her one final time, groaning her name, as he joined her in a mutual release of pleasure.

His hot semen filling her womb and with each thrust, her core tightened and milked his length for all it's worth.

Holding her securely in his strong arms, as they both remained connected in the most intimate of ways.

Both slowly drifting back to reality, feeling their souls had been united, becoming one.

"You are finally all mine..." He said, kissing her passionately, until they both gasped for air, pulling her close to him.

"That was...incredible." She murmured, kissing his mark.

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now