Chapter 9

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Hearing the click of the bathroom door opening, Austin looked up, taking in a breath, his mate was so beautiful, shy and unsure.

Selina stood by the bathroom door, uncertain and wary.

Austin had no such qualms, standing up quickly, he moved towards Selina, picking her up and placing her in the middle of the bed. Laying down next to her, then manoeuvring them all into a spooning position, with Selina being in the middle.

Laying a protective arm over both girls, "Sleep...we have a long day tomorrow." He gently ordered.

For the first time, in a very long time, Selina felt safe, falling asleep immediately.

Austin smiled, he felt Selina's body going lax, taking a deep breath of his mate's scent, he too fell into a peaceful slumber.

Come morning. Chloe was wide-awake, hungry and ready to play.

Austin and Selina were still sleeping. Austin was lying flat on his back, Chloe never one to miss an opportunity, climbed over her sister and landed on Austin's chest with a thump, giggling when he let out a groan.

Austin had been dreaming peacefully, when a small body, landed on his chest and astounded him. Hearing the giggles of little Chloe, he opened his eyes and gazed at the little mischief maker, "Aren't you full of energy, you little monster." He gently chided, tickling the little girl.

Chloe laughed and squirmed, trying to get away, "Noooo...I'm not a monster." She said between laughs, "I'm a princess..."

"A princess you say?" He asked, continuing to tickle her, smiling at her laughter, "Perhaps a monster princess...then."

"Only a princess..." She cried out, pouting.

"And why has my princess woken me up so rudely?" He queried, quirking his eyebrows.

"Hungry..." She stated simply.

"Forgive me your highness, how could I be so lacking in my duties." Austin declared.

Noticing that during their shenanigans, his mate had not woken up.

Quickly getting up, he placed Chloe in his spot, "Be a good little princess, stay quietly here and I'll see what I can get." He spoke, gently ruffling her already messed up hair, laughing at the glare she gave him.

Austin made it back in record time, getting himself and the girls some food, luckily, the cooks had already started on breakfast.

Entering the room, he noticed that Selina was awake and both were silently watching a program on the TV.

"Morning...I bring some sustenance." He spoke, placing the tray on the bedside table.

Selina smiled her thanks and they all began to eat.

After eating, Selina made the choice to speak out, "You were saying that we need to find alternative accommodation...?" She asked, nervously clutching at the hem of her shirt. Looking up and watching Austin intently, at his nod to continue, "Well...I have a place at the outskirts of town, it's not much...but it is home and Chloe has her own room." Shyly looking away, a blush forming.

Austin smiled, "Then that's what we will do...I'll move in there today." Giving a kiss on Selina's cheek, satisfied that they were one-step closer to strengthening their bond.

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now