Chapter 7

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Meanwhile, deep in the forest, late in the evening, near Lunar Pack.

Three stood huddled together in the shadows, discussing the latest turn of events, while another two stood watch...

"Ryker, did your uncle leave any evidence?" One person asked.

"How would I know? We were attacked...there wasn't any time to destroy anything!" Ryker growled out.

"Watch it don't get to talk to us like that." The second person threatened.

"I'm sorry! But all of this is happening, because my uncle had become greedy and impatient." Ryker responded.

"We have to find a way to get into Red Moon, if there is anything linking us, we need to destroy it." The first person spoke.

"Let's just see what Leo plans to do, he only found out today of the situation, so...let's wait a few more days." The second person spoke, "And in the meantime, we find a way to get into Red Moon."

"Don't you think, we will be risking everything by waiting?" The first person asked angrily, "We should act now!"

"Any sniffing around at this point, is going to bring on more suspicion, then they might tighten the reins. So far, they only know of the missing girls, they haven't found anything concrete." The second person stated, "I'll let you know if we are at risk, should Leo say anything, I'll warn you."

"Aren't you scared in being caught?" Ryker asked the second person, a chill running down his spine at the sinister smile they gave him.

"I have been planning this for a long time. They don't suspect me and they trust me unconditionally...after all, we are almost family." The second person boasted with confidence.

"Enough...! Ryker, I want you to stay within the vicinity of Red Moon and you...don't get too confident." The first person growled out, "Meeting like this is already taking a huge risk. Let's try to minimise it and Ryker, get your bitch on a tight leash, if she squeals, both of you, are dead."

At that, Ryker took his leave, fearing that perhaps, he had taken on more than he could handle.

"How are our prisoners doing?" The second person asked.

"Sedated...why not just kill them?" The first person asked, "We can dispose of their bodies, then we don't have to move around so much."

"No! I want them alive, as collateral." The second person growled out, "If they are dead, we don't have a bargaining chip. Besides...I enjoy the fact, that no one here, knows how important they really are. They came close that one and only time...but luckily, I was there, and they did not know what hit them, they trusted me so easily, believing every word I spewed out. "

"You are one sick person..." The first person stated, shaking their head.

"And that is why we work well together." The second one spoke, "Soon...we will have everything and everyone, at our full control."

"It's a pity we lost Red Moon, it kept our investors happy and our pockets be able to pursue our end goal."

"Don't worry, we have another pack doing our bidding and I know the Alpha there won't be such a big risk as Red Moon's. Soon our investors will have fresh meat." The second person spoke, laughing maniacally, as they walked away, back to Lunar Pack.

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now