Chapter 4

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As Selina lay there, deep in thought, contemplating her choices.

A breeze passed over her, alerting her to the fact that she was no longer alone and that her luck had run out, catching the scent of her mate in the near vicinity.

Standing up slowly, she turned in the direction of the scent, her gaze landing on the large male wolf standing at the edge of the forest, watching her intently...

She could try to outrun him, but would she make it or could she try reasoning with him and accept the outcome.

Either options, were just as overwhelming as the next, in her mind, neither were going to be a positive outcome.

Austin watched as his mate slowly stood up, her body tensing as she caught sight of him.

Instincts telling him to tread lightly, for some or other reason, his mate seemed ready to take flight.

Moving forward slowly, as if he was approaching a scared animal, he got closer and closer to his mate, yet still alert to any sudden movements, ready to pounce and catch his mate, if need be...

Sighing in defeat, Selina saw the determined glint in her mate's eyes and knew she wasn't going to get far, if she attempted to run.

"We need to talk." She spoke out grudgingly.

Austin shivered, the sound of her sweet voice, coursing through his body.

Shifting into his human form, he stood before her naked, "Hello, mate..." He drawled out huskily, smiling internally, as he watched her react to his naked body and voice, glad he wasn't the only one affected by the mate bond.

Gazing upon his mate, he took in every detail of her form. Her long brown hair, blue eyes, heart shaped lips, curvy figure, creamy complexion and small stature. Wishing that she were also naked, so that he could take in her full natural beauty, memorizing every tiny detail for his appreciation.

Selina blushed, taking in her mate's naked form. It was common to see pack members naked. But, it was another thing, to see one's mate, in all his naked glory.

His dark blonde hair, piercing grey eyes, angular jaw and muscular body.

Her blush deepening, as her gaze landed on his growing member, her eyes growing wide in fascination.

Austin was not going to attempt hiding his body's reaction to his mate's gaze, after all...this was all hers. So...he stood there, letting her gaze wander over his body, enjoying her blush unashamedly. Waiting patiently and quietly, to see what she would do next.

Focus...Selina thought to herself, forcibly dragging her gaze away from her mate's rather large, well-endowed member. Licking her dry lips, she gazed up at her mate, irritated that he seemed to enjoy her discomfiture, she growled out in frustration, "Don't you have clothes to put on...!" Stomping her feet, like a petulant child.

Grinning, Austin bent down and unstrapped the shorts, tied to his leg, donning them on slowly, "Better...?" He queried, smirking at her glare, enjoying this interaction, even though they had barely said a word to each other, he knew without a doubt, that his mate will keep him on his toes, challenging him at every turn.

"Urgh...! You are" She growled out, at a loss for words.

"What? Sexy, handsome, good looking, charming..." He asked amusingly, watching as she began to pace up and down, now and then stopping to glare at him.

"You are not making this easy!" She again attempted, taking deep breaths to calm her wayward thoughts.

Taking pity on his mate, "Okay, let's start with something simple. My name is Austin and yours is...?" He asked, figuring he already knew the answer, but needed her to confirm it.

"Selina..." She replied distractedly, her body still reacting to his deep voice.

Finally he found the elusive Selina, now he was determined to find out, why she had been avoiding him, he was sure that she had known that they were mates, most probably since the day he arrived.

But, questions swirled around in his mind. Why had she remained hidden? Why not come forward and claim him? Why was she scared?

These were questions, he needed answers to and looking at the stubborn glint in her eyes, he knew that it wasn't going to be easy for her to open up to him.

For some or other reason, she did not trust him, making him wonder if it was him specifically or all men in general, frowning slightly, as the thought that the former was more accurate.

"I'm not going to reject or hurt you..." He stated, determined to set her mind at ease.

Bowing her head in shame, " will. After you hear what I have to say." She mumbled out lowly, her shoulders sagging in defeat, knowing there was no more hiding from the truth...

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now