Chapter 10

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Selina sat on the couch, watching as Austin and Chloe played around on the floor, smiling and thinking to herself that Austin would be a great father, he had patience and knew when to be firm.

He had moved into her little cottage four days ago and they all had gotten into a routine.

In the morning, after breakfast, they would drop off Chloe at the nursery, then he would go to work, while she would volunteer her time with anyone that needed her help.

In the afternoon, she and Austin would meet up and pick up Chloe, where they would jointly prepare dinner, clean up and entertain Chloe for a bit before bedtime.

And then it was just her and Austin, they would talk, laugh, cuddle and a few heated kisses in-between, before they too retired for the night and that is how it went...

But, as she sat there watching them, a dark thought kept swirling around in her mind, something...with each day that passed, put doubts into her mind and seeing the other she wolves watching her mate with lust, her fear intensified.

She was so deep in thought that she jumped in shock, when she felt a slight brush on her cheek. Only noticing then that the room had gone quiet, looking up, she saw Austin hovering above her, Chloe nowhere in sight.

"What has brought that frown upon your beautiful face?" Austin asked, as he scooped up his mate, sitting down in her place and placing her on his lap, facing him.

"Why haven't you marked me...?" She asked bluntly, getting straight to the point. With each day that passed and having her mate near, she feared that she would be in too deep and love him unconditionally.

Then he would take his revenge and reject her, leaving her in pieces.

Austin was for a moment speechless, he never imagined that she would ask such a direct question, cupping her face, he gazed into her eyes, seeing the fear and uncertainty, "Babe...if it was up to me, you would already be marked."

"Then why haven't you...?" She cut in, frowning at him.

"I didn't want to force you! I wanted you to be able to see that I can be trusted and will be there always for you." He stated firmly and sincerely.

"Prove it! Mark me and let me mark you! Because even though you say all these nice things, you can still walk away!" She retaliated, still unsure of his true feelings.

"So be it...!" He growled out, slamming his lips against hers.

At first, they both each fought for dominance, their tongues duelling, passionately kissing, until Selina moaned in defeat and let Austin lead the kiss.

Abruptly, Austin pulled away, gazing down at his mate, then without warning he yanked her t-shirt off and then his, throwing the clothing to the ground, breathing heavily at the sight of his beautiful mate.

Gazing tenderly at his mate, he place a kiss first on her temple, then her eyes, then moving down to her plump lips, brushing his against hers, whispering, "Mark me first..." He huskily spoke against her lips, his eyes stared right at hers, showing her love, tenderness and submission.

Selina moaned, she began to suck and nip at his lips, her hands roaming the firm planes of his muscular chest. Her lips moving across his jaw, down his neck, to the spot she wanted to mark him as hers.

Urged by his groan of desire, she found the spot, teasing him with little bites.

Growling in frustration, "Do it...make me yours." He gritted out through clenched teeth, only to moan in pleasure, when she bit down hard, piercing his skin and marking him.

For Selina it was euphoric, tasting his blood, his scent engulfing her. Their bond snapping into place, the first step to them becoming whole.

Finally letting go, she lapped at his wound, cleaning and soothing the bite mark, satisfied that he was finally hers.

Bringing his head down to hers, she gave him a passionate kiss, "Mine..." She murmured against his lips.

He moaned out huskily against her lips, "It's my"

Making his way down, nipping and sucking as he went, his hands firmly planted on her sides.

As he reached the spot, that he would mark her, he grazed his teeth over her soft skin. His member hardening at the moans and whimpers she let out. Pushing her down onto his clothed hardened member, he grinded himself against her core, building up his and her passion again.

"Bite me..." She huskily whispered in his ear.

Groaning in defeat, his teeth elongating, he bit down on her sweet spot, holding her firmly in place, marking her as his. Pushing her down onto his length, creating a delicious friction.

Selina gasped, at first, she felt slight pain and then immense pleasure.

Grabbing his head, she held him firmly in place at her neck, enjoying the sensations coursing through her body, her climax hitting her hard, the only word she could utter was his name, as she continued to rub her core backwards and forwards against his hard length.

Austin's groin tightened, tasting the sweet essence of his mate, smelling her arousal and hearing her moans of pleasure, drove him wild, wishing that he could plunge into her sweet core and sate their desire completely.

As she came down from her high, Austin licked the bite mark, groaning again at the sweet taste of her skin. Slamming his lips against hers, giving her a passionate kiss.

"Mine..." He growled out, embracing her tightly against him. Taking in their combined scents, his wolf happy that they have finally marked their mate, their bond growing stronger.

They sat there for a while, clinging to each other, not wanting to let go.

Sensing that his mate was getting sleepier by the minute, he stood up, enjoying the way she clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. Her head laying on his chest, near his beating heart.

Smiling, he made his way to their room, placing his sleepy mate on the bed, with a kiss to her temple.

Taking her shoes and skirt off gently, then removing his pants, shoes and socks.

He lay down on the bed and moved his sleeping mate over his body, covering them both up with a light blanket.

Letting sleep take over, at last peaceful and secure in the knowledge that he and his mate were now connected.

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now