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Book 2 completed.

Will Ryker and his female companion survive? Again...who is his female companion? And who are the other two?

Give me your thoughts on that, it is always interesting to know what everyone assumes.

So watch out for...

Book 3 - His Defiant Mate

So now I am going to take a "shortish break".

You know...sit back and relax.

Chill a bit...© © ©

Just kidding...All books in the series are actually done and dusted. J

Completed in fact.

I'm just actually bidding my time and deciding, when I should publish all the books...evil laugh!!!

I even know, at this very moment, who are the guilty parties, at the end of the complete series...hahaha!!!

Though I might just make a few changes, towards the end of my series, if anyone catches on to whom the traitors are...

And...Yes, I know, some books might have more or less chapters.

But, think of this...once all of them are out, then it will be one fudging long combined book.

Think of Harry Potter, how many parts did you have to watch, before Valdemort was actually truly finally killed.

Just saying...

It is when I receive positive feedback, which urges me on to write more and I hope you enjoy reading my stories, as much as I enjoy writing them.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Ciao for now... J

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now