Chapter Fourteen: The girl next-door

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The next morning I woke up with a killer headache and no regrets. The pain I felt from recent life experiences was back with a vengeance but I refused to deal with it. I had made the decision that I was going to travel to the address that Rachel had given me and see what it was all about, I didn’t know what life held for me after Kyle but I knew that I couldn’t go back to Sydney and pretend anymore. I climbed out of bed, jumped in the shower and planned my escape from Nick’s watchful eye. I was comfortable enough with my anonymity in Paris that I really didn’t think I needed Nick with me when I made my visit to the Paris Royale Escorts offices, but he would disagree. I called through to Nick’s room next door and he answered almost immediately.

“Miss. Reid?” Knowing his routine he had already been to the gym and was ready for anything I needed at a moments notice.

“Nick, I’m not feeling well. I think I am going to sleep a while. Can we go shopping this afternoon?” I tried to sound less awake.

“Of course, would you like me to get you anything from a pharmacy?” I knew he would want to check in on me but I couldn’t risk him not finding me here.

“No thanks, I have painkillers, sleeping tablets and loads of water. I am just going to sleep the day away but I will call you when I am ready this afternoon. Around 4pm?” It sounded like he was buying it but I couldn’t be sure.

“Ok, sleep well Miss...” The pause made me realize he had more to say but I knew that it had something to do with Kyle and I didn’t want to hear it.

“Thanks.” I hung up as quickly as I could.

Ten minutes later I slipped out the door and opted for the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. As soon as I reached the foyer I caught a taxi and gave the driver my destination in broken French. My palms began to sweat as we made our way to the offices in the city. My google maps calculation said it was only 15 minutes away but the closer we got the more I found myself calming. I could feel the nerves subside as I closed off from any emotion that would take longer than 10 minutes to get over. I wasn’t thinking, I switched to auto-pilot.

I walked across the street and opened the glass doors to an open planned lobby by the water less than 10 minutes later. I opted for understated in my style of clothing, I wore a white figure hugging maxi-dress with black closed toe heels, very little makeup, my hair flowing naturally across my shoulders and a black Michael Korrs handbag swinging from my right arm. 

“Bonjour” I said as I reached the red-headed receptionist.

“Hello, May I help you?” she responded in a clearly American accent.

“I am here to see Elice, Rachel sent me” I responded, growing calmer by the second.

“Please take a seat. Antonia” The fact that she knew my name scared me more than I cared to admit. I sat down and waited for a few minutes before she returned from the office to my right.

“Elice will see you now, Please go in...” I walked through the doors and took a deep breath in as I realized there was no turning back now. I was about to walk into a whole new world.

“Welcome Antonia, I am Elice” said a short dark haired woman sitting at an oak desk in front of me in a strong french accent.  

“Hello Elice.” I responded before taking a seat in front of her.

“Australian, I’ve never had an Australian before. You look like the girl next door...Interesting” The look in her eyes said she meant business.

“Rachel tells me you attracted quite a bit of attention last night but showed no interest. So what brings you here?”  I was asking myself the same thing.

“I’m looking for something so far from my own reality that I don’t have to deal with it, if I am honest.” She cocked her head to one side while trying to read me.

“What exactly are you running from Antonia?” I really didn’t want to answer that question but knew that I had to.

“Pain. I need a new life and I think playing the role of an escort is just what I need to start over. No one will come looking for me if I am working in this industry. They won’t expect it.” I was honest and it seemed to throw her off a little as I watched her readjust her position in the seat.

“That’s probably the most honest response I have ever received. I like you already.” 

“There is no point beating around the bush, I know what I want and that is to run away, but I can’t just sit in a hotel room and do nothing forever. I have to start somewhere.” I responded feeling more confident by the moment.

“Are you okay with the fact that my clients are high profiled individuals who just want to have a good time, no strings attached pleasure?” I knew what she was really asking, was I going to bring the baggage into a booking and ruin her reputation.

“I gave it away for love and no profit and it got me no where, so why would I have a problem with selling my soul if it meant I keep my mind occupied on something other than the pain of my past. I know how to play the game and I’m not a big sharer.”

“Hmm, I don’t think you’ll last a month. I’m rarely wrong but I don’t have anyone on my books like you, you’re innocent and fresh. The men will be booking you the moment I put the release out there. You’re hired, I will arrange for your photo shoot and you need to be prepared to begin immediately. Before I crack open the champagne, is there anything you won’t do?” I immediately thought of the one thing that would be dangerous for me.

“I won’t take a booking in Australia. I’ve just left there and too many people know me there. I’ll go anywhere you need me to but I won’t go there.” I was firm on this.

“No problem at all. All requests, once vetted will be filtered to you and you are able to pick what you want to do. Keep in mind if you decide that you want to take a break that I won’t hold your position. Don’t fuck this up Antonia, I only give one chance. You may go, I will be in touch and Tanya will take your address when you get to reception to send you a package” With a final nod of her head she made it clear we were done talking.

When I finally returned to the hotel I was met in the lobby by a very angry Nick.

“Miss. Reid, where have you been?” I looked at him blankly knowing that I didn’t have to answer to him. I walked past him towards the elevator and ignored his question. He was by my side in an instant.

“Miss. Reid, you agreed that I would be here for you.” The elevator doors opened and I walked in silently.

“Miss. Reid!” He raised his voice as he came face to face with me and the doors shut.

“I have a new job Nick, I’m never going back to Australia and I needed to begin accepting that. You can either step in line beside me or leave. I can’t keep suffering for Kyle’s choices. I never want to see him and I never want to have him near me again. Don’t mention his name and don’t ever talk about Australia again. From here in if you want to look after me you need to accept the choices I make. Okay!” I responded.

“Then let me do my job. I care about you, what is your new job?” he said cautiously as the doors opened. I stopped just outside the elevator and turned to see him standing there with a concerned look on his face.

“I’m an escort now” I responded as the doors closed and Nick’s expression showed just how shocked he was. Hearing myself say it out loud didn’t make me regret it. I had frozen my heart and refused to allow it to melt. I wasn’t going to turn back, being so naive for so long had only worked against me. I was now a high class call girl and from this moment forward Antonia Reid, the girl next door ceased to exist.

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