Chapter Eighteen: Special K

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Life has a funny way of throwing things at you when you least expect it. I had never expected to come face to face with Kyle again after fleeing Australia. I made the decision to leave on a whim with the expectation that I wouldn’t have to see the man who had caused me so much pain again. I will never forget the look on his face before I blacked out. There was something there that I had never seen before, pure rage. In the time that I had been in a relationship with Kyle I had known him to be a calm soul, someone who wouldn’t hurt a single person without good reason. I don’t know what it was that he had against Agent Lucas but it was obvious he harbored a grudge of some sort. When I came to I was laying in bed, the dark sky outside told me it was still late. With heavy arms I lifted my hands towards my face and rubbed my aching eyes before stretching out on the bed. I felt like I had just survived the worst kind of nightmare, the ghost that haunted my past had appeared before my eyes and there was no denying it. I cracked my neck and opened my eyes wide before shooting upwards towards the head board, cowering and folding my legs up underneath me. Agent Lucas sat in the corner of the room on a chair that had obviously come from the lounge room. He sat upright with his head rested on the wall beside him, sleeping peacefully. I studied his features as the shock of his presence subsided. There was something abnormally natural about him being there, something that seemed to soothe me. I scanned the room for my phone but I couldn’t see it. I didn’t know why he was sitting there or if Kyle was still in the room just beyond the closed double doors but I wasn’t brave enough to venture out there and find out first hand. I slid of the bed quietly and made my way towards the bathroom, checking to make sure that he was still asleep before I closed the door as silently as possible. Once inside the confinements of the bathroom I turned towards the sink and saw my phone sitting on the bench. I picked it up, slid my finger across the screen to unlock it and saw there, the missed calls from an unknown number. I knew in my heart that it was Kyle, I had no idea what it was that he wanted but a part of me was curious as to why he had just turned up and how he had found me. It was obvious that I was no longer safe. I contemplated calling Nick and finding out but decided against it. I couldn’t handle the idea that he would tell me what I didn’t want to hear, that Kyle wanted me back...why else would he have come to Paris?

I changed into the black flowing maxi-dress I had left in the bathroom earlier during the day and piled my dark curls into a pony tale before applying a thin layer of liquid foundation to even out my now pale complexion. I cracked my neck and rolled my head around my shoulders with my eyes closed, trying to shake the feeling that something big was going to happen because I knew I would end up blind sighted. After a few minutes I snuck back through the door and as I turned to close it I felt a presence behind me, I almost jumped out of my skin as I felt the body so close to me and a thumb running along the edge of my shoulder ever so lightly. I froze and closed my eyes as the identity of the person behind me flooded into my mind in the form of a memory...

* * * *

It was a drunken night out with the girls at Copyright just after I had started dating Kyle. I had never really been able to meet all of the staff at the club despite the frequency that we all attended but the ones I saw all the time, I knew their names. My security detail at the club was always Nick and one other security guard that changed frequently. I’m not sure why but for some reason they would only ever be with us once and I never saw them again, it was for this reason alone that I decided against getting to know any of them past their names. I knew that Nick was one of Kyle’s most trusted employee’s so when Nick promoted one of the extremely attractive general club security to be on the permanent detail, I knew that he would have to be good at his job. I still made sure that I kept my distance as I didn’t want to get involved in Kyle’s business. On this particular night out, the girls and I decided it would be an excellent idea to jump up on some of the tables and begin dancing. I was too drunk to think of the consequences and Nick didn’t stop me, he just stood close enough to ensure that if I fell, he would be there to catch me. Before any of us had the chance to even blink, one of the girls fell. I yelled at Nick to go and help her but he refused to leave my side. I was furious, one of my friends was hurt, I wasn’t and yet he wouldn’t leave my side.

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