Chapter Fifteen: London's Calling

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After a night of restless sleep, reoccurring nightmares of the shooting were playing on my mind the moment I woke up. I shook my head lightly from side to side trying to shake them from my mind. It didn’t help one bit. I leant over to the bedside table and picked up my phone. The moment my eyes adjusted to the bright morning sun reflecting from the glass on my phone I gasped. Kyle had called eleven times. I began blinking rapidly in order to grasp what was happening. I couldn’t understand why he was even trying to get back in touch, I had completely forgotten to change my number but thought it was obviously by my lack of communication with him that we were well and truly over. I had ignored the text messages from everyone back in Australia and put myself on do not disturb the moment I landed here. I didn’t want to be contacted by anyone but now I realized with a new life came a new number. I called my provider and immediately requested a new number. They didn’t argue but charged me accordingly, it was effective immediately. While on the phone with them I made sure that Kyle wouldn’t be able to enquire on my account. 

I checked my email and saw so many emails from him and friends. I didn’t even bother reading them. I selected them all and archived them, I wasn’t prepared to deal with them right then but knew it was a mistake to delete anything. I thought I was done until I saw one email I should read. 

Sender: Nicolai Skenitte

Subject: URGENT - Police Investigation

Miss Reid,

I understand that you have instructed me to not discuss anything in relation to Australia, however I feel I would not be doing my job if I didn’t advise you that I have had calls from Federal officers wanting to take your statement in relation to the incident. During your grieving period I advised them that it was best to post-pone however now they have found out that you have left the country and are requesting an urgent conversation with you. I have advised them that I will speak with you and get back to them. Can you please advise me what you would like to do?

I know from my contacts that they are looking to prosecute the people involved but do not have any current leads. They do have cause to subpoena you to return to Australia and make a formal statement if you decline. My suggestion would be to deal with this now.

To be fully transparent I have also heard from Kyle and he is wanting you to return his phone call. 

Please advise how you want to handle these matters.



I read his email over and over again. Wasn’t it bad enough that I had to live through the ordeal once? Now they wanted me to go through it all over again in extensive detail. I just wanted to put the past behind me, I didn’t know anything and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to give them anything they didn’t already know. I would only be recapping on things that I really didn’t want to have to think about anyway. As for Kyle, he could rot for all I cared. I had lost our child and he wasn’t there when I needed him the most so why should I care if he wanted me to call him back? I appreciated that Nick was looking out for me and I couldn’t take out frustration on him.

Sender: Antonia Reid

Subject: RE: URGENT - Police Investigation


Thanks for letting me know. I really don’t want to have to do this. I don’t know if I would be able to survive the pain. As long as I don’t have to go back then tell them that I will do the statement via a phone call. If that doesn’t work then tell them they have to come here. I can’t go back there.

As for Kyle, please don’t respond. I don’t want him knowing where I am or what I am doing. I’m sorry for yesterday Nick. I’m just not sure where my bearings are.

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