Chapter Nine

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This is like a last minute chapter so i have like 20 minutes to write this so, i'll probably edit it tomorrow sorreh :((

Madeline's POV

After English was over i had a free period. I sat in the front lawn and jumped up into a tree and got out a book. Just because i'm pretty dosn't mean i'm not a genius, even if I don't act it. I was reading 'Uglies" when a shadow fell over me. I looked up expecting to see Payton. Instead i saw three girls wearing skirts that should be classified as belt and shirts that should be called bra's.

She looked up at me, "Look at the new girl, were's your loser friends now?" she looked at me like she was queen bee. She probably was, but not anymore. I jumped out of the tree, my boots making a thudn as i hit the ground. I was shorter then her because of her heals, but just barley.

"Why? When i have my friends does it intimiadate you? Are you scared or something. Scared of a nerd like me? Well guess what, if you think you can bully me you've got another thing comin'." She looked taking aback that i had stood up to her but quickly masked it.

She talked in a horrible country accent, "Where you from, hurh? Out in the sticks with boone docks and cows?" her two friends giggle weirdly, almost forced. I looked at her and smiled, "Actually, I am. Why'd you wanna know?" She looked at me, "Figures some hillbilly would wanna come up here." She flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder and started to walk away with her possy behind her.

My rage got the better of me as I ran up behind her and pushed her flat on her bett. "Don't start something you can't finish." i growled at her. Fear flashed threw her eyes, but she composed herself. "Fine, lets fight. * o'clock at the werewolf princesses caatle, i'm sure she'll love seeing her first fight. Espesially if you of her own werewolves will win." She looked at me oddly.

"Strange how a human thinks she can take on a werewolf." She stood up and walked away.

What the hell did she mean by that? Of course i'm a wearwolf! I shifted my first time a few years back, but didn't tell anyone. I'll have to ask my parents about it later...

The bell rsang singaling lunch. I walked into the cafiteria, and got my food and sat down with Jaz and Bri. They started talking about there classes while i let my mind wonder over what had happened in the past week and wondered, 'When did shit hit the fan?'

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