Chapter Ten

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After lunch i went into History, not the most intresting but i still get good grades in it. I sat in the middle of the classroom and got out a history book and started to takec down the vocab in chapter 13.

While I was writing, a manicured hand closed my book. I looked up to see the slut I saw while I was outside, the one i'm supposedly fighting tonight. I sighed and rubbed my temple, "And you wanted?" I asked her. She flipped her blond hair over her shoulder and got in my face, "I'll give you one last chance to back out of the fight, pathetic human, just because I need to do one nice thing to do today. So, this is your last chance to back out." she said with a smirk.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder like she did and got closer to her face, so I was now a breath away from her, "I say, game on bitch." i said. I sat back in my chair and started to wright again. I heard her growl and stomp off muttering about ruining her manicure.

I sighed again and finished writing my vocabulary as the teacher walked in, lecturing about some war in the 1800's.

~After School~

I learned today that Jasmine and Briston are going to there own castles tomorrow morning, I was surprised that i wasn't as sad as i thought I would be. Why arn't I as protective of my family as i used to be? I shurugged and put on a sports bra and short work out pants. It was just now 4 o'clock, so i was going to the gym for a little while before the fight.

I got to the gym and saw that somebody was already in there, i shrugged and went to the tredmill. The girl was short maybe 5"2 with medium blond hair and was attempting to lift a bar wieght. I stopped the tredmill and went over and spotted her. "You don't have much upper body strength do you?" I ask in a soft voice. She looked at me with somewhat fearful eyes. "Are you a werewolf too?" she asked me. I laughed softly and nodded, "I have somehow fallen into the rank of princess of werewolves." She looked at me astonished, "I have too, does that make us sisters?" I looked at her for a mintute and nodded, "I beleive we are, welcome to the family, I just fiound our parents about a week ago, so i'm pretty new at thuis too."

She nodded, "So do you want to hang out and get to know each other tonight?" she asked me with hopeful eyes. I shook my head, "I can't, I have a fight tonight with this slutty blonde chick." i scruntched my nose and laughed a little, "You should come walk, should be fun to put her in her place."

She laughted and nodded, "Okay when is it?" she asked.

"8 o'clock tonight, don't be late, because I will."

"Okay, i wont be." she nodded and walked out of the gym.

~8 o'clock. The fight~

I was still in my shorts and bra, no point in changing for a fight, i'm just going to shred the clothes anyways. I walked out barefoot, nobody was home, probly going to watch the fight. I ws going to be about two minutes late. Not as late as i wanted, but i'll take it.

I wiggled threw the crowed of people before i emerged in the center of the crowed were the slut and her slutettes were waiting. "1 against 3? Somebpdy must be scared."

"Shut up pathetic human, i'll rip you to shreds." she growled, on the edge of shifting.

Growls erupted from the crowed before Payton stumpled out. The slut started to purr at the sight of him and i rolled my eyes. He looked at me, "You are not fighting in this fight Madeline, c'mon." he grabbed at my arms, but i moved them out of the way.

"She has threated my position, therefore, she must know her place." I don't know were the words came from but they flowed out of my mouth like a waterfall. He looked shocked for a minute but nodded.

She growl and shifted into her blond wolf, i pushed Payton out of the way and shifted into my white wolf with red tips. I heard everyone gasp and the slut looked at me shocked. I've never really seen my wolf, i've attemptedf to take pictures but i could only get the tips of my fur.

I looked around while everyone starred at me. I looked to Payton who was starrig in shock as well. I whimpered not like the attention when he finally got out of his shocked state. "Are you aware that you have. uhm-" he coughed weirdly, "wings?" I looked at him confused then attempted to move my 'wings' and sure enough i was lifted off the ground, and when i stopped, i fell.

'Huh, what do you know? I got wings.' i said telepathicly.

Payton chuckled slightly, "Yeah, that you do."

I felt something bite into my left wing. I whipped my head over and the slut was biting it. I shook her off and lepted at her, biting her leg in the process. Shge whimpered but attempted to bite at my neck. I flipped her to were i was stanging over her with my teeth over her neck. 'SUBMIT!' i yelled in her head. She winced but stopped struggling and her ears tucked back in submission. I let her go and got up. She attempted to get up but i growled and she layed back down. I didn't want her up while I was in her range.

I walked beside Payton and he looked at me. I looked to the house and he nodded, walking me back home, after my first victory, with my first fight, against my first enemy. I just hope to god it wasn't my last, because i like fighting. Natalie, my sister, caught up to us and hugged my neck. "You're and amazing fighter Madeline, can we hang out tomorrow after school?" she asked with pleading eyes.

I chucked and wolfs chuckle and nodded, 'Sure Natalie, right after school we can have a movie marathon or something.' she clapped and nodded. "Okay, see you later Madeline!" she yelled at me as she ran off towards the house.

Payton looked at me confused, 'She's my sister.' He nodded but still looked confused. We walked into my bedroom and i locked myself in my closet. I got into pj's and laid down on my bed, next ot were Payton was sitting.

I sighed, tired from the fight. I crawled under the covers and sighed, "Night Payton." I went to sleep thinking, 'How had I not noticed I had wings?'


~The next day, Thuresday~

Everyone had heard about the fight between the queen bee and the new nerd. I walked threw the halls with skinny jeans, my combat boots, and a white tank top with a black baggy shirt with purple writing that say 'whatever' with my hair straightened.

Every one got out of my way as i went down the hall. I groaned inwardly, people cannot think it got that bad. I sat in my Chemistry class alone in tha back. A boy sat next to me. He had blond hair that was cut cropped military styled and was vary muscular. I sniffed the air, he was a vampire.

He turned to me, his eys were a dark maroon. "have you met the new vampire princess?" he asked in a hushed tone so that the humans didn't hear. I nodded, "Yeah, she's my best friend..." He looked at me shocked, "And she goes to this school." I said confused.

"sh-she's my mate, I just havn't had the balls to ask her to go out with me." I laughed a little. "She'll say yes, she can't wait to met her mate." He smiled, "Really? He  asked excited. I nodded, "Yeah." the teacher came in and we started our labs on the Chemistry table.

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