Chapter 12

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Madeline's POV

We arrived at the main castle in a few minutes and climbed out, my dogs following behind me while Payton took his place next to me. I walked in the castles doors to be rushed my my mother to the dining room, she hadn't even noticed the dogs.

I was sat down in a chair and and looked at the small pieces of food in front of me. The other royals were sitting eating their micro food with knives and forks. Me, Bri, and Jaz looked at each other. I could tell what they were thinking, because i was thinking it too. We need WAY more food then this. It looked like a bone with a piece of meat on it, some orange thing, and a squishy brown substance.

I poked at it with my fork, when i felt someone's stare on me. I looked up to see my mother starring at something behind me, then to me. I figured it was my dogs in their tux's. I looked at her, "Is their a problem mother?" I asked seriously, but couldn't hide the smile playing at my lips when i saw her jaw clench.

"Why do you have dogs with you?" she asked, annoyance in her voice. "Well mother, you see, my dogs are my real family, because you would rather have me live on my own with no parents and just some cleaning lady that I have NO idea what her name is because i never saw her either. They were there when i needed someone, even if they couldn't give me advice on what to do they comforted me. They're more of a family to me then you'll ever be. Dogs or humans."

"And this," i picked up the plate for effuses, "Is NOT food. It is scraps of food." I threw the bone to Jacob and he caught it and gnawed on it. My mother looked at me, smirking an evil smirk, "You do realize making this stand means you wont be heir to the thrown, you're brother who grew up here will be."

I shrugged not even bothered by the idea that I didn't know I had a brother. "Okay, I didn't ask to be in this life, you drug me out of mine because there was a threat. Threat or no threat I DON'T CARE. So, with that on your minds, i'll be leaving. I'll be out of the castle by tomorrow and back in my old house, I won't miss any of you, besides Jaz and Bri, of course."

She gasped and covered her mouth, drama. I rolled my eyes and did the same as her, "Why so shocked mother? You're too uptight and serious anyways." I flipped my hair over my shoulder dramaticly and walked away into the living room..

Jaz and Bri followed me into the living room, Jaz spoke first. "If you don't stay I wont either." she said strongly, but disappointment clouded her voice. Bri nodded, "Me too, I love you both too much to let you go. You were my family before they were. They could've at least sent a post card or SOMETHING." We all laughed at that. "C'mon, I gotta go pack everything I can manage and run before anyone tries to stop me."

They nodded in agreement and we walked outside. Bri's white BMW was in the driveway. We got in quickly, M&J got into the backseat with me while Bri was driving and Jaz was to her right.

We quickly went to the werewolf castle and I got out with M&J. "I'm going to drop Jasmine off to pack too. Meet us at the old ice cream parlor in town okay?" Bri said. I nodded and raced towards the doors.

Mom must have sent a message to the guards because the doors were sealed tight. I went to the side of the house and jumped onto the lowest balcony. Two werewolves were making out so i jumped to the next balcony. I jumped up a few more until I saw a familiar dark room.

I walked into my room and grabbed as many bags as i could find and stuffed them all full with clothes, jewelry, shoes, toiletries. When the closet and bathroom and library were nearly empty, I had five huge bags stuffed about to burst.

I quickly grabbed them all, thank the Moon Goddess for werewolf strength and jumped to the ground. I landed gracefully and ran to my truck. I threw all the bags in the trunk and loaded up the motercycle. What, that thing is my baby now. I opened the back door for Max and Jacob and whistled so high that it was silent for everyone but dogs...and werewolves. I saw many lights flicker on, the dogs climbed in quickly and I shut the door.

I raced to the drivers side and climbed in. Someone got in on the passengers side, it was Payton. I looked at him confused"I'm not going anywhere without my little mate." he poked my belly and I rolled my eyes and started the truck.

I pulled out of the driveway with about 15 angry guards chasing after me. I quickly shifted gears and left so fast I think I saw flames. I kept driving and groaned when I saw I was nearly empty. I stopped at a gas station and went to unbuckle, but a hand went over mine and stopped me. I looked up t Payton and he pointed out the window. 3 or 4 guards had followed us.

I let out a string of cuss words and Payton laughed. "I'll get the gas, if they start learning who we are i'lljump in and pay for the amount we have, just don't stare at them or they might start to realize." I nodded and looked towards the building.

I glanced towards the guards and I saw them pointing towards the truck and whispering. Just as I was about to get Payton's attention, he payed and climbed in. "Drive." he said firmly. I nodded and started the truck again and pulled out onto the road.

The parlor was about a mile or two away, so hopefully we would lose them by then. We pulled into the parlors parking lot and climbed out. I kissed Max and Jacob on their foreheads and they stayed obediently. I whispered to them, "If anyone tries to take you or the stuff in the trunk, attack. Okay?" They both nodded and hopped out and sat at the tail of the truck.

Payton looked at me weird, "What are you a dog whisperer?" I laughed and nodded, "Yup." i said popping the 'p'. He came beside me and took my hand. We walked in together and sat at one of the tables in the far back. "So...."he asked making the 'o' longer then it needed to be. "Why did you leave and or being followed?"

I sighed, "I told my mother off, took most of the shit and the vampire and witch queen are joining us soon on our adventure." I pointed at Briston who'd just walked in. She looked worried, wen she saw me and Payton relief washed over her face. She sat with us, "Where's Jasmine at?" I looked at her, "She isn't here yet."

Worry flooded her face again, she should've been here before me, where could she be?" I looked confused, "Maybe she got lost?" Biston shook her head, "You know as well as I do we could get here if we were blind and had no hands." I nodded and looked at the table.

"I'm gonna go back to fi-" I was cut off by two dogs barking, MY two dogs. I raced outside to see Max and Jacob fighting off two guards, were was the third at? My question was answer when a fist connected toy my jaw, I stumbled, but didn't fall.

I got my knife out, which was stained with silver, and jabbed it into were his arm. He cried out in pain, the silver working like poison, lacing it's self threw his blood. He fell to the ground twitching, I climbed over him and looked towards Max and Jacob. They were both attacking one guard while Payton was with another.

Briston stood to the side looking in some book, I shrugged and went to help my dogs. I whistled and they drew back, reveling a torn up man about 30 years old. I bent down close to his ear, "If I ever see you or another guard around my dogs again, you'll wish you had silver inside of you."I stabbed his arm with my knife and he howled in pain.

Payton had the other guy out cold on the ground. I kicked him out of the way and lowered my motorcycle onto the ground. I got onto it and nodded to Bri then Payton. Bri nodded back while Payton shook his head, "You are NOT going without me." he said firmly. I nodded to Bri again and she nodded back and said something.

I started the bike, Payton tried to move forward, but, couldn't. I smiled sadly at him, it'll were off in about 30 minutes, byt then I'll be back with a Jasmine. Okay?" He growled but stayed put, not like he had a choice, and drove off towards the vampire castle.


Where's Jasmine >:O

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Good bad horrible keep writing, I NEED TO KNOW >:OOOOOOOOOOO

Peas and Pickles?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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