Chapter 2: Gun's Family

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He decided to find a public restroom to change. When he's done changing he checked his appearance in front of the big mirror.

"Hmm~ finally fixed!" one last retouched and he left.

Gun sit at the waiting shed waiting for his bus. He looked at his watch and sigh when his watch says it's 4:00 pm already. He needs to get home before his parents listed him as a missing person. Sometimes, he don't know if he's a boy or a girl for how over-protected his parents are to him.

When Gun's bus arrived. He immediately get on it and sit at the farthest part beside the window. Gun is so exhausted encountering that kind of events. Especially when New smiled at him. He feels like he is foreshadowing his own death. Even though he doesn't have any idea what kind of job is waiting for him.

He looked outside the window. He watched how people in street walked, how the street vendor pursue the lady to buy some ornaments to him and how the irritated some of the driver because of how traffic the street. Maybe...just maybe if his parents know-- no, he shouldn't think about that. He shaked his head to let the bad thoughts away.

When Gun saw that he's in street where he lives. He pressed the button to let the driver know that he arrived in his destination. He get his backpack and get off the bus. He walked to their street gulping really hard. He fixed his polo one last time and start walking to their house. He wishes that his father wouldn't know.

"I'm home!" he cheerfully announced when he entered their house. A man peaked to the kitchen counter. He smiled when he saw Gun. The man's skin is tanned, he's not that tall he only got an average height, he has a beautiful eyes that's like sparkling when you stare at it but looks like a rainbow when he smiles, perfectly shaped eyebrows with long eyelashes that's like a girl, he also got a seductive lips, a pointed nose and sharp jaw.

"Just in time for dinner."

"What's for dinner, Dad?" Gun happily asked. His Dad's cooking is what he really love to eat. If you ever asked if what he want between eating in a restaurant with a professional chefs food or eating in their home that his Dad cook. He'll eat his dad's cooking, though in the past eating his Dad's cooking is such a tragic thing. But he improved, like what they say "Try and try until you succeed."

"Why are you still asking. You'll still eat whatever he cook, right. You don't want to see your Dad sulking. Besides you're not a picky eater." A Man interjected the talked between Gun and his Dad. This time the man has a milky skin, perfectly shaped eyebrows, long eyelashes, pointed nose, cute eyes that's like hypnotizing you to stare at it, lips that's like have a permanent red lipstick and fluffy cheek with dimples. But he's sitting in a wheelchair.

"Kit, you shouldn't get up on your bed. You should be resting." Singto felt like he's having a heart attacked when he saw Kit sitting in his wheelchair as if it's the most natural view.

"Oh, shut up, Tuan. I'm tired laying in that bed and do nothing aside from counting how many lizards is in our ceiling."

"Papa, there's a lizard in our home?" Frightened Gun hold his Dad's arm. Hearing that his Papa saw some lizard in the ceiling makes Gun shivered.

"Hahahahaha. No, little one. I was just making my sentenced more dramatic for your father to let me atleast get up and do some household chores." Krist ruffled Gun's hair which Gun really, really disliked.

"Pa, not my hair." Gun complained pouting.

"Don't you missed my cooking? You're father cooking is so bland. He never cooked spicy or salty food. I'm getting sick of it." Krist said rolling his eyes while crossing his arms.

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