Chapter 14: Knotted and Bonded

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Louis's POV

The next morning I had to leave before Harry woke up because of a meeting I had with another RA. It was scheduled a week ago so we could talk about stress and just to connect with someone who was doing the same thing as me. I enjoyed it, but I loved staying and holding Harry until he woke up.

Harry knew about the meeting in the morning so I'm hoping he got up on time. He set an alarm, but if I wasn't around I think he would be late to most of his classes. I left the cafeteria where our meeting was taking place and went to my first class. My boyfriend assured me to go to class right after the meeting and that he was okay, and I decided to do just that and trust Harry to tell me truth. I know Harry's attack wasn't my fault, but I still felt some pangs of guilt every now and then.

I went to class and texted him before class started and just sent an, I love you, hope class goes well and he sent something similar back to me. I looked at my phone after a bit and saw his text, "Not feeling so good. I don't think it's my heat because it's almost never early. Just thought I'd text you. Small head ache is all." I texted him back and told him to update me if anything else changes.

Honestly in class I couldn't concentrate on anything and decided just to voice memo the lecture. I decided to go get Harry some water and meds at the book store on campus and then walked to his class. I stepped in trying to be as quiet as possible and made my way to his seat. He spotted me and looked at me confused. I lifted the water and meds and put it on his desk infront of him and kissed his head. He felt warm, but I just thought it stemmed from being shy and red in class because I was there.

I waved bye, trying to be as quiet as possible and left. Walking back to my class I saw one of Harry's guards give me a head nod and I nodded back and exited the building. I made fast time and before I got to class I felt my phone vibrate, 'thanks for the meds Louis.' The text read and I texted him that it was no problem. I really loved taking care of him and his little heart. It made my heart full when he was content and happy, which he was most of the time because of his easy goingness.

I got back to my class and was better able to focus on the teaching and started writing down notes. Knowing that I did as much as I could for him gave me peace and I was able to not waste time in class. Teachers in general know that a lot of alphas and even omegas had responsibilities to each other, and studies show that both of those secondary sex's show aggression and mental health problem if needs of there mates weren't met. Besides, as long as you turn in assignments and for work the deadlines, then usually no problems arise from it.

Harry's POV

The alarm blared and I got startled because I didn't feel arms around me... Oh right Louis has that meeting. I sluggishly get out of bed after a bit and got ready. I skipped the shower because of how slowly my mind seemed to process things this morning. I speed walk to class and was 10 minutes late.

I wasn't in the mood to eat nor was I really focused on class. My head had a dull pain to it and I felt a bit warm. Is it my heat? It can't be! It would be 6 days earlier and I've never been so early. I must be getting sick, I saw Louis's text and send him a reply and wasn't expecting him to come to class. He gave me some meds and water and he left as fast as he came and I took the meds. The teacher looked our way, but he could clearly see the meds and water and let it slide.

I texted him thanks and went on with class. The meds helped to clear up my ache and then I started to feel warm. I wanted my alpha. I... I needed my alpha.... I felt an overwhelming push to go to my nest. Shit, it was my heat. I rushed out of the class and made my way to my dorm. Literally running there because if I stayed out longer than I should, alphas would be able to smell me. In theory, alphas could control themselves, but some let their nature completely take over.

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