Chapter 5: New Agent

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I felt myself on a mattress under some blankets. "Damn, this is so comfortable and cozy." I thought, snuggling into the covers. Then I remembered what happened earlier. I immediately sat up and looked around. I was in a really fancy bedroom. "Well, at least I'm not tied to a chair or something." I thought. I got up to check the door to the bedroom, of course it was locked. I humphed, knowing that I was still in the same building as that psychopath Midas. But to my surprise, all my belongings were already put away neatly in expensive-looking dressers, and I had a desk with my laptop on it. I even had my own bathroom.

Maybe it isn't as bad as I thought being here, I mean, at least I have somewhere to stay. "This job better pay well." I thought. I didn't really care about anything else to be honest, as long as I can get the money. Bored, I decided to go play some video games. (With hacks, obviously.) For some reason, I like seeing everybody getting angry at me. I guess I just don't like playing by the rules.

Eventually, I heard a knock at the door, I closed my laptop quickly as the large door creaked open. I immediately knew it was Midas "Darling? Why don't you get changed into your new uniform and come and introduce yourself to the other agents."
I heard Midas speak. "Fine." I said, not really caring. I spotted an outfit on the other side of the room on top of one of the dressers. Midas exited the room and I went to go get the outfit. It was basically the same thing Midas was wearing, but with a skirt and tights instead of trousers. At least we wasn't making me wear something too flashy. I slipped everything on and went over to the mirror to check myself out. I posed in the mirror. I chuckled a little and made my way over to the door. I hesitated. "What if they don't like me?" I started worrying. I told myself to shut up and it'll be fine. I took a deep breath and twisted the gold door knob.

I seen Midas standing outside my door, ready to introduce me to the other agents. "There you are darling, now just follow me." He said, as I started to follow him into another room. Annoyed with his nicknames, I told him that my name was Y/N, not darling. He just laughed and said "I call you what I want, darling." But in a slightly harsher voice. I just rolled my eyes.

I was led into this room, where a few other people were waiting for me. I have to mention that there is a literal banana and a buff cat in there, they all just looked at me, some of them smiled. "Alright everybody, I brought you all here to introduce you to our new agent, Y/N." Midas introduced me to the others. I didn't know what to do so I just waved and smiled a little. They looked amazed when Midas mentioned I'm the Golden Nova. "My name is Tina, nice to meet you." One of the girls stepped forward and held out her hand for me to shake, I shook it. She didn't mind the fact that I had golden hands, that's a good sign I guess. The rest of the agents introduced themselves. Me, Tina, and Skye were automatically friends, so we decided to go hang out together in the break room.

"Woah..." I was amazed at how large and comfortable the break room looked, there were cabinets full of food, a large TV, and possibly the most comfortable chairs in the world. I sighed happily as I sank into the soft couch. We all sat on the couch together with and immense amount of food and talked about things. "So I heard Midas just kinda forced you to become an agent." Tina started. "Well, yeah. I don't think I should've told him I'm the Golden Nova, then I would've maybe had a chance at leaving." I said. "Aww, don't worry. It isn't so bad being here. I mean, you get free food, a giant workplace, and you've got us!" Skye said. I smiled. "But Midas keeps calling me darling. Is that normal?" I questioned. "Really? Midas hasn't ever made up a nickname for us like that. The only nickname he has made up for us is 'idiot' or 'stupid'." Tina replied. We all laughed together. "You know, I heard Maya is after Midas." Skye began. I just shrugged my shoulders, I didn't really care about Midas going out with anybody. But I must admit, he is kinda good looking for a guy who forced me to become his agent. Me, Tina and Skye all watched TV together while eating popcorn. But I wasn't really concentrating on the TV show, I was thinking. "Did Midas really like me? He's the only one he called darling according to the girls." I debated in my mind.

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