Chapter 18: Mario Kart and Movies

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After Midas comforted me, I went to the break room as I did regularly to talk with Tina and Skye.

"Now remember Y/N, no making babies yet." Tina told me and wagged her finger at me as if I was a little child.
"Oh my god Tina." I facepalmed and groaned.
"Yeah Y/N! But remember, if you ever have a baby coming on the way, remember to invite us to the gender reveal." Skye said, eating some chocolate.
"You guys are so immature" I mean, we are all immature, but when it comes to me and Midas, Skye and Tina act like school children shipping their classmates.

"Anyways, who wants to play some Mario Kart?" Tina said, grabbing the Wii controllers. We all agreed to play and sat on the couch, making ourselves comfortable.

"Tina? Can you not get popcorn everywhere?" Skye complained.
"Whoops, sorry, I'll try to keep it in the bowl this time." Tina said, stuffing her face full of popcorn.

I heard the door slowly creek open, revealing Midas standing at the door.
"You ok girls?" Midas asked.
"Yeah, now can you please leave before I fall off Rainbow Road." Tina said, keeping her eyes focused on the screen.
"God dammit Tina! Why did you have to knock me off the track?" Skye said, throwing her hands in the air.
"Well I had to use my red shell somehow." Tina said, determined to win the game.
"Hah! Losers! Now I'm winning!" I laughed evilly as I threw a bomb to where Tina and Skye's characters were, blowing them up and knocking them off track.

I never even realised that Midas came over to the couch and sat next to me.
"Can I join in?" Midas asked, reaching for the fourth controller.
"Of course, get your controller ready for the next match." I said. I thought it was sweet that he wanted to play video games with us, I thought Midas was the type of guy to find video games a waste of time, turns out I was wrong, he was actually a God at Mario Kart.

"Ugh." Me, Tina and Skye groaned as Midas won a race for the fifth time in a row.
"So who are the losers now?" Midas nudged me playfully.
"Hey!" I nudged him back.
"I know you're using hacks, Midas, there is no way you can be that good." Skye said, crossing her arms.
"It's called skill and practise, Skye." Midas said, leaning back in the couch.

"Y'know, we've played Mario Kart for a while now, how about we watch a movie?" Skye suggested.
"Yeah, I'm tired of Midas beating us." Tina agreed with Skye.
"Sure, which movie should we watch?" Midas asked.
"Hmm, how about F/M? (Favourite movie)" I said.

We put F/M on the TV as Skye made some more popcorn.
"Haven't you ate about 3 bowls already? Isn't that quite unhealthy?" Midas said, a little concerned.
"Calm down boss man, it's our day off. And I've actually ate 5 bowls of popcorn, so you were wrong." Skye said.

I snuggled into Midas' chest, he chuckled at my actions and placed his arm around my waist, now cuddling me.
"Aww, look at you two! Wait! I'm gonna take a picture!" Skye said, fumbling around and grabbing her camera.
"Don't you dare!" Midas said, trying to grab the camera off Skye. This sent me and Tina into a laughing fit. Midas eventually got the camera off Skye and returned to his position with his arm around my waist.

After the movie and cuddles with Midas, I went to go check if there was any new information on the Shadows, I've already learnt that they have a new boss and now they are recruiting way more people.

I opened up my laptop and got to work. As I was scanning through everything, I noticed the agent list. One of the agents caught my eye.

Maya - Agent 4736251

Mission: Eliminate GHOST agent
Y/N L/N and GHOST boss Midas

There's chapter 18 for y'all! Sorry for the slow updates, but I'm trying my best to update as much as possible! Have a good day/night! Love y'all! 💞❤️ (no homo)

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