Chapter 7: Oops.

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I groaned, knowing it was now morning. I heard the sound of birds chirping, I could tell the sun was shining right onto my face through my eyelids. I sat up casually, stretching my arms and looking out the window. I walked over to my mirror, I was still in my clothes from the night before. My hair was a complete mess so I done my hair to look a little bit more presentable.

I was extremely hungry, so I decided to go to the kitchen to get a granola bar or something. But the second I walked out I seen Maya leaning on the wall opposite my room. She gave me the dirtiest look ever. And I mean the dirtiest look ever. That told me that Maya had seen me and Midas on the balcony last night. But why would she care? Then I remembered what the girls said about Maya going after Midas. Whoops.

I pretended I didn't see her and walked into the kitchen. I picked out one of the many granola bars and leaned on the counter. I happily ate my granola bar with no interruptions. Thankfully.

I let my thoughts take over. I thought about maybe escaping, but for a reason I don't know, I didn't really wanna leave this place. Was it because I made some friends? Was it because this is the only place where I could stay? Is it because of Midas? No, not because of Midas. I punched myself for thinking that. But the thing is, it probably was the truth. Many questions clouded my mind.

I shook my head and came back to reality. I was on my way to my room when I seen Midas coming down the stairs.
"Good morning, love, I hope you had a wonderful sleep." He said as he came down the last few steps. "Good morning Midas, I had a great sleep, thanks." I smiled. As I turned to go back to my room I remembered where Maya was standing. She was still there. Her face was absolutely fuming. Her eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. As I did before, I pretended I didn't see her and quickly walked into my room. I was told to try and hack into the Shadows and get some information like when they are planning their next attack or something.

The screechy sound of alarms suddenly filled my ears. I grabbed my shotgun from the side of my desk and dashed out the room. I seen Midas getting shot by some intruders, Tina and Skye were hiding behind a large statue, and Maya was stupidly close to the enemy.
"Oh Midas! Help me!" Maya shouted dramatically. That was it for me. I vaulted over a table and within a few shots of my shotgun all of the enemies had collapsed on the floor. I lowered my gun as if nothing had happened, I also realised I was in my fully gold state, but a few seconds later, the gold returned to my hands. I learned that the adrenaline made the gold spread throughout my whole body. The amount of adrenaline, the percentage of my body which is covered in gold.
"This is a battle, Maya, not the high school theatre. Stop being so dramatic." I said, sick and tired of Maya being weird.
"Oooo Maya just got toasted." Tina shouted, as if she was the commentator for a sports game.
"Ohh she just got burned." Skye went along with Tina. Maya stormed into another room.

I turned to look at Midas. He was clutching his arm in pain.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I rushed over to him.
"Darling, I'm ok, it's just a little wound. It'll heal." Midas said, he sounded like he was in pain.
"No, you're not ok and you're gonna bleed to death if you don't get a bandage or something." I said firmly. I helped Midas to his office and then went to go get a first aid kit.

I came back to Midas' office and he was still in his chair, clutching his arm. He tried smiling at me to show that he wasn't in pain although I knew better. I walked over to him and inspected the wound.
"You know love, you really don't have to do this, I'm fine." He said, still trying to convince me that he's fine.
"I insist, I have to make sure you are healthy." I cleaned the wound with some wipes and started to wrap the bandage gently around his muscular arm, trying to not irritate his injury.
"This guy has some muscles." I thought to myself.
"Pardon?" Midas turned to look at me. I accidently said that out loud. Oops. "Oh, nothing." I said quickly, now embarrassed.

I finished with Midas' arm within 15 minutes. "Thank you darling." He said as he stood up from his chair.
"You're welcome, remember to be careful." I said, concerned for his safety. We both walked out of the room, he went to go get something upstairs and Tina, Skye and I decided to go have a little break and talk about things.

"Oh my god! Did he kiss you?!" Tina sounded really eager to hear what happened in the office.
"Jeez guys I only bandaged his arm." I said, trying to convince them that it was the truth.
"I don't believe you!" Skye nudged me playfully.
"I'm never gonna be able to convince you guys, am I?" They would probably not believe me, no matter what answer I gave. Oh well.

After about 20 minutes of lazing around with Tina and Skye, I decided it was time to go back to work. As I walked back to my office, I felt like I was being followed. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Maya was standing only a few centimetres from my face, her face was the most angry face I had ever seen in my life. Suddenly Maya took out a gun and pointed it at my head. I raised my arms in surprise.
"Woah! What are you doing?!" I raised my voice at Maya.
"I know what you're trying to do with Midas. I wanted to tell you something. He's mine." She said angrily, keeping her aim on my head. I recognised the jungle of keys from behind one of the doors, Midas was coming. Although both me and Maya knew Midas was about to enter the room, Maya kept her gun on me.

The door creaked open. I think I could tell what was going to happen next.
"In my office now! Both of you!" I heard Midas shout, he sounded about just as angry as Maya. Midas sounded like an extremely angry teacher who was sending a student to the principal's office. I giggled at the thought.
"What are you giggling about?" Midas snapped at me. That was when I must've said 'Oops' for the 50th time that day. Midas sat at his desk, Maya sat at the chair in front of Midas' desk, while I leaned on the cold wall.

Midas asked what happened, Maya tried to say something but instead stuttered. Losing my patience, I just told him what happened.
"Basically, what Maya is trying to say is that she is in love with you but she thinks that I'm trying to steal you from her, that's why she had a literal gun pointed at my head." I told the truth. He turned towards me, looking surprised, then back to Maya. Maya was trying her hardest to not make eye contact with neither me or Midas, she just swung on her chair.
"Is this true Maya?" Midas said as he turned back to Maya.
"Yes." Maya simply said quietly, still not making eye contact with a anyone. Midas opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I just observed the situation, with my arms crossed, leaning on the wall.
"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you but I have no intention to find love at the minute. And anyways, I find that extremely immature, this is your workplace, not somewhere to find love. If this happens again, you're fired" Midas finally said.
"Well that's my relationship with Midas out the window." I thought, slightly disappointed. "Why should I be disappointed? I don't even have an interest in Midas!" I thought, irritated with myself. But I was still questioning why Midas kept calling me names like 'love' and 'darling'.
"Ok but why do you keep calling me 'love' and 'darling'? According to Tina and Skye you've never called anyone else that." My curiosity took over. Midas was completely silent. Then he turned and looked into my eyes, of course my heart fluttered.
"You'll find out someday." He said quietly. "Ok back to work you two." Midas said. As I walked out of the room my mind was all over the place with enough questions to make a novel.

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