Chapter Twenty-Four

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Prom is finally here!

Adrian is finally allowed out of the hospital. His face still had a bruise on the right side of his forehead and a small wound on his cheek, but he looked great.

And I hope I do too.

As I stepped out the dressing room, Adrian and my mom stared at me like I was a rare diamond.

Maybe I really am.

"You look beautiful my dear!" My mom hugged me and looked at me. "How much you've grown."

"Thanks, Mom," I smiled.

"You look great, Jazz," Adrian came towards and gave me a light kiss.

"You do too," I smiled at him. 

"Quickly, quickly," mom got the camera and made us pose. "Prom picture. Now smile!"

I beamed my brightest smile.

I was aware of Adrian's hand at my back, of how tall he was.

And of how everything changed since he came.

The camera flashed and we went outside to wait for Chaz and the others.

A limo appeared at corner and Adrian grinned.

"Here's our ride," he announced.

"What?" I asked, laughing.

The limo pulled up in front of us. The windows rolled back revealing Chaz, Carter and Innes in different colored tuxedos. Chelsea was seared next to Chaz in a baby pink ruffled gown. Lizzie looked angelic in a white gold gown with silver trimmings. 

"Hey there!" Innes said.

"Get in," Chaz waved a hand at both of us, and we immediately went inside.

"Where's Katrina?" I asked as soon as we sat down.

"We still have to pick her up," Adrian answered.

"I hear she has a date to the Prom," Lizzie said.

"Yep." Adrian confirmed, "The little brother of her nurse at the hospital. His name is Ian,"

"Is she allowed to go outisde?" Chelsea inquired. "She just recovered from cancer!"

"Yeah, but she insists upon it anyways," Chaz shrugged, "I have her entrance ticket already,"

I smiled at Adrian and he smiled back.

Who cares about what they say about him? All that matters is what he really is.

We stopped by Taki's to pick up Katrina and her friend, Ian.

"Hey there, everyone," Ian said, as a manner of greeting.

"Hello," I said.

"Yo, I'm Innes," Innes extended his hand.

And with that, everybody exchanged friendly gestures, and we all got to know Ian.

When we arrived, we all had fun as soon as we entered the doors.

Party Rock Anthem echoud through the school's gymnasium walls.

"Well this is fun!" Chelsea beamed and dragged Chaz off to the dance floor.

"Let's go!" Innes laughed as Lizzie blushed when they went to Chaz's direction. 

"Wanna dance, Katrina?" Ian asked Katrina shyly.

"Of course," She smiled and off they went. Which leaves Carter, Adrian and me.

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