Chapter 6 - Attack on USJ

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After we reached USJ, we met space hero thirteen. After they explained everything, I saw a portal from the corner of my eyes. I immediately warned Aizawa sensei. I saw villains coming out of the portal and instantly recognised a person with blue hair, Tenko. (If y'all don't know, Tenko is another name of Shigaraki) I got into a fighting position but sensei told me to stay with my classmates.

I went to them and when we were running to the exit, Kurogiri came in front of us and said," sorry for our rude interruption but we thought that this would be a good place for the symbol of peace to take his last breath. And we also have to take a girl named y/n Kayama." "What do you want from me Kurogiri?!" I snapped. " Ah, there you are y/n. Tenko was missing you." "he has turned into a villain so I don't care if he misses me. Do you know how bad it hurts when your childhood best friend turns into something that you have to fight when you grow up?!"

The whole class gave me a questioning look. Before I answered , we were warped into different zones. I was warped into the shipwreck zone. Before I fell into the water, I flew towards the ship. There I saw Mineta, Midoriya and Tsu. " Kayama you're here too I see." Midoriya said. "tell me about your quirks so that we can make a plan." I said. "You say that you have super strength and not one for all." I whispered into Midoriya's ear. He looked at me with wide eyes and whispered,"how did you-" "I can do everything a frog can do. I have a 20m tongue and can climb walls." "uh- I have o- super strength." "I have these sticky balls that stick according to my mood and they don't stick to me." " my quirk is darkness and healing. Basically I am an angel of darkness, I have wings and a halo. I can shoot dark light and control shadows. I can heal people by touching them. The drawbacks are that if I use darkness for more than 6 hours I will either go berserk or pass out. When I control shadows, it gives me a dry eye and I can only control only for 15 seconds. healing someone absorbs my energy."

we then thought of a plan. "wait, I have an idea. I will control their shadows, Midoriya you punch  the water so it creates a whirpool and Tsu, you carry Mineta out of the ship and when Midoriya punches the water, you grab him and land safely. Now Mineta, you have the most important job, after Midoriya creates the whirpool, I will stop controlling their shadows and you throw your sticky balls into the water, ok? Everybody understood?" They all nodded. "Ok plan in action!" I quickly flew and controlled the villains' shadows. Then Midoriya punches the water to create a whirpool. I stop controlling the shadows and Mineta starts throwing his balls. the villains get stuck and we land safely on the ground. I then saw Midoriya's broken finger and healed it.

I went to help the others. When I was going to help Bakugo and Kirishima, I saw something that I wished would only stay in my nightmares. Aizawa sensei was on the ground all bloody and Tenko disintegrated his elbow. Then Kurogiri told him something and he quickly went to attack Tsu but sensei activated his quirk to stop him. Then a bird like human slammed him onto the ground. I quickly landed in front of the bird thing called Nomu and controlled it's shadow. I then saw All might and let him do his thing. I carried sensei to Midoriya and others and told them to carry him to safety. When I landed on the ground someone grabbed me by the neck with four fingers. I controlled his shadow and got out of his grip. I then saw Nomu charging towards me and punched me in the stomach, I went flying to the nearby wall. Luckily only my wings were damaged, so I quickly healed them and went towards Nomu to help all might.


I released his shadow because it was 15 seconds. I saw it running towards Bakugo to hit him. I pushed him aside and took the hit instead.

Midoriya's POV:
I saw kachaan dodge the Nomu's attack. "Wow kachaan you dodged its attack!" "I didn't dodge, I was pushed." My eyes widened and turned towards the direction where kachaan was standing. I saw y/n getting punched by it. "Y/N!!!" All of us yelled. I saw her slam into the nearby wall. I saw that she passed out and was all bloody. I ran and lifted her into my arms. She had bruises and cuts. Her wings were bend into an odd position meaning that they were broken and blood was coming out of her mouth. I quickly ran to where the others were and carefully placed her on Uraraka's lap since she was the only one sitting. Their eyes widened at the sight of her being injured.

I then saw all might injured so I ran towards him and tried to hit Nomu. But, the dude with hands came in front of me and tried to disintegrate my face but a bullet hit his hand. I then saw other pros at the gate and they took care of the villains. When Midnight saw y/n, her eyes widened and she said,"What happened to my baby?!" Baby? "She took a hit for our classmate and got injured." The doctors took her to the hospital.

Y/n's POV
I woke up in a hospital and saw my friends. Their eyes widened and they gave me a hug. I asked what happened and they told me everything.

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