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"Bye Logie!!! Remember 10 I need you to pick me up!"
"Alright have Fun babe!"
"Love you!" He said, Walking Out the door.
"Love you too!"
Thirty minutes later Patton arrived at Remy's.
"Hey Patton, babes. Ready to have a contest.?"
"Sure kiddo!"
"Alright, first one to not be able to say a sentence without hiccuping has to drink a whole bottle." He got out shot glasses and the big bottle.
"Ready?" He took a shot.
Patton nodded, "mhm!" He took the shot, coughing slightly.
"You good?" He took another shot.
"Mhm" Patton took another shot.
"Good." Remy took two shots.
Patton followed his moves, getting more quiet.
"You good babes?"
"Y-yup" Patton said, stuttering to not hiccup.
"Good I wouldn't want you feeling unwell."
"Yeah! I'm fine!"
"Good." He downed three shots.
Thirty minutes later they were both fully drunk.
Remy held his breath before taking another shot, "ready to lose?"
"No way!"
Remy giggled and let out a little hiccup, "dang it!"
"Yaaayyyy!!!" Patton cheered.
Remy huffed, "you're the only person I've ever lost too."
"Should I feel *hicc* proud?" He said as his phone rang.
"I don't know."
Patton smiled and answered the phone "hey Kiddo!" He said as Roman spoke.
"Hey, I'm gonna be picking you up. Logan's drunk."
"I'll be there soon."
Roman hung up and went to Remy's house.
"KIDDDOOOO!!!" Patton cheered.
"Yeah?" Remy asked as Emile came down the stairs, Remy looked over and smiled.
"Hey sweetie... I thought you said you would stop."
"I just made plans with him so I had to deliver."
"Ok... as long as you promise"
"I promise baby."
Emile nodded "kay. Hurry back upstairs please. Bye Patton." He said as Patton waved happily.
"Bye! Let's go kiddo!!"
"I'll be up soon baby." He smiled.
Roman arrived at the house and knocked.
Emile nodded and went back upstairs.
Remy got up and opened the door, "hey babes."
"Hey. Is Patton okay?"
"Yup, he won the game."
"Good for him."
"I wanna see my Logie!" Patton whined.
"Okay Patt, c'mon."
"Bye babes."
"Come back soon!" He closed the door as they both went outside and ran upstairs to Emile. Patton smiled the whole way home. "I get to see my Logan"
"You usually call him Logie, are you okay?"
"Mhm!~ I'm great!"
"You got hammered, huh?"
"I think so." He giggled as they pulled up to the house, Logan was waiting outside.
"Don't be too loud." Roman parked and unbuckled and went to Patton's side and helped him get out of the car.
"Hm?" Patton asked quietly.
Patton looked at Logan, his first two buttons were undone and his shirt was untucked. Patton was wearing shorts and a light pink sweater that made him look like a child.
Logan had his face in his hands, he didn't realize that Roman and Patton came back.
"Logie?" Patton asked worriedly.
Logan looked up with red and puffy eyes, seeing Patton he got up and stumbled a bit before going up to him and brought him into a hug.
Patton hugged back, "let's go inside babe." He whispered as Roman left already.
Logan nodded, taking Patton's hand and stumbled as he went inside.
Patton fell slightly, his sweater riding up slightly.
Logan caught him and looked down, seeing his stomach his eyes changed. Patton knew these eyes from that one night.
Patton giggled "do as you wish Logan."
Logan smiled, "oh I will. But we need to stop at Remus' room for something."
"You'll find out."
Patton giggled, "ok. I'll be in the roooommm."
Logan nodded and let go of Patton's hand, walking over to Remus' room and grabbing a few pairs of handcuffs.
As he walked down the hall to their room Logan could hear small pants from his room.
Logan walked in and saw Patton already making himself feel good, "bad kitty."
"S-sorry... I couldn't w-wait Logan..."
Logan shook his head as he walked towards him, pulling the handcuffs out and strapping him onto the bed.
"I-I wanna t-touch!~" patton begged, being more bottom than last time
"You already touched yourself, kitten."
"I wanna touch L-Logan..."
"Not this time."
Patton pouted, looking genuinely sad.
Logan kissed him to make his pouty lip go away, he then pulled away and started to strip slowly. Enjoying the desperation in Patton's eyes.
He shifted "p-please L-Logie!~"
"Be patient kitten."
Patton whined using a child's voice to go with his outfit though he only had the sweater on "no faiwr"
"Bad kitty no pouting."
"Then lemme touch!"
"No, no no."
Patton lifted his legs "then in!"
"We need to get that shirt off of you before I can do anything."
"I have an idea, but I need you fully naked."
"I tant move..." Patton said, keeping the voice liking Logan's face every time he did.
"That's the point, kitten."
Patton pouted more "howeeeyyy!"
"Do you even like this sweater that much?"
"I like it cause Logie likes it."
"He'll buy you a new one." He leaned toward Patton's face and ripped the sweater off of him.
Patton blushed, he felt insecure so he had started working out.
"Was someone working out?"
"M-maybe... I wanna be like my Logie... i wanna be smexy!"
"You already are, kitten."
Patton smiled, looking Logan up and down and bit his lip, he brought his leg up and rubbed against Logan's member lightly.
"No, no no." Logan put his leg down and rubbed it.
"I wanna make Logie feel good."
"I know kitten." He bent down and licked his neck, starting to tease him a bit.
"Hnn~" Patton whimpered, his hands in small fists as he closed his eyes and moved his head back to give Logan more room.
Logan went down and bit and licked all the way down to his v-line.
Patton's legs squirmed as he turned his head to the side, biting his arm. "Nn~"
Logan looked up and moved his head, making him face him. "Don't bite yourself."
Patton nodded, he had always been a biter, but he felt bad if it was to someone else. "O-ok.... M-master..."
Logan smirked, "master? That's a new one."
Patton just nodded "mhm!~"
"I like it kitten."
"B-baby boy... I wanna be called baby boy..." Patton begged, his eyes locked onto Logan, his eyes the same color because of his glasses.
"Alright baby boy, can I take off your glasses?"
"Y-yes." Patton said, closing his eyes.
"Thank you." Logan took off Patton's glasses. "Do you want me to go in?"
Patton opened his eyes again, the beautiful blue and hazel shining brightly. "In! In!"
"I'll take that as a yes." Logan smiled and before he went in he teased him again by licking his member.
This being a new sensation Patton squeaked "n-not there... it's Icky!"
"No, it's not baby boy."
"Y-yes! It's all sweaty!"
"That's only the reason because you were making yourself feel good."
"Still icky!"
"I won't go in then." Logan said as he got up.
"N-no! I want Logie!" Partton cried out, whimpering "I-I... I'll let Logie do anything!"
"Good boy," Logan hovered over Patton, "but you still called me by the wrong name baby boy."
Patton looked confused "I-I did?"
"Yes love."
"O-oh... OH! sorry master... " he blushed. "I won't get it wrong again."
"Good boy." Logan went to his neck to tease him again, not giving him what he wanted.
"Ngh~ pleassseee!~" Patton begged, almost biting his lip.
"Please what?"
"N-no teasy!"
Logan laughed, "you're adorable when you beg."
Patton turned his head to the side and whimpered, his hands going in,and out of fists in the cuffs, And for a split second Logan saw tiny little fingernail marks in his palm.
Logan sighed and slowly went in, still wanting to tease him.
Patton let out soft and slow moans "f-faster please...."
Logan smiled and went a bit faster but way harder than before.
Patton went from his eyes.closed to wide open as he felt it, "H-H-Holy sh-shiiiittt!~" he moaned, not stopping himself from biting his lip harshly. He needed to bite something.
Logan stopped, "cursing isn't in your nature sweetheart."
"I-it felt t-to good.. I'm sorry.." Patton said quickly, moving his hips to even slightly continue the movement.
"It's alright sweetie." Logan continued going as hard and as fast as he could.
As he did before Patton let out a stream of cuss words, biting his lip harder. He knew Logan would notice and do something but he didn't care, he needed to bite something, and that something was for now his lip.
Logan shushed him for saying cuss words, and continued his motions.
Ngh~ k-kissy!" Patton begged, returning to his child-like state as he lifted his legs to give Logan more access.
"In a moment baby boy." Logan lifted his legs even more to hit all of his sensitive spots directly.
Patton started screaming "ah!~ ri-right there master! Right there!!"
Logan smirked and hit those spots even harder, abusing each and every one of them.
Patton's eyes rolled back as he arched his back, getting pretty high off of the bed. "M-more! More, I want m-more~!" He begged, looking at Logan, his eyes needy and lustful.
Logan nodded, "I know sweetie. You'll get more." He then continued to abuse them.
Patton closed his eyes, his mouth gaping open as he tried to form a sentence but couldn't anymore, there was too much pleasure running through his body and mind to form anything but one word. Logan, hit a particular spot that made Patton scream "L-LOGAN DON'T S-STOP!"
Logan smiled and abused that spot going faster and harder.
"C-close!!! L-Logan I'm *huff* close! K-kissy now!" He demanded.
Logan nodded and went up to kiss him, biting his lip.
Patton whimpered and kissed back, noticing that from this angle his body moved with Logan's movements more sharp and he liked it, since he was just barely close enough Patton stretched out his hand from the cuffs and touched Logan's hair, giving it a small tug, he wanted to hear him moan his name. Just once.
Logan pulled away and pulled out of him, going to the cuffs and unstrapping him. Flipping him over and cuffing him back in.
"N-no! I wanna -t-touch! I wanna h-hear Logan scream my name... for once." He pouted, still enjoying the whole thing though.
"Next time sweet thing." He went on top of Patton and rammed into him, going as fast and as hard as he was before.
Patton moaned, barely able to get out his next sentence "i-i want it now!" He said, making himself tighten around Logan.
Logan huffed and went to his ear, whispering. "Not tonight kitten, now that you said that you're getting a punishment~"
Patton shivered but didn't loosen himself around Logan.
"Loosen up or you'll get a bigger punishment."
Patton shook his head "n-no! Not until I can touchy!" H×e moaned, looking at Logan next to his head.
"You're being a big brat."
Patton's face didn't even falter ''''touchy." He said shortly as Logan felt him loosen up slightly.
"I don't like big brats."
Patton sighed, if it was one thing that made him stop whatever he was doing it was Logan saying he didn't like it. "After touchy?" He asked, meaning after they were done and Logan needed to finish.
"Fine." Logan pulled out of him and unstrapped him.
"N-not yet! I haven't finished!" Patton whined, keeping his hands in place. Ye had gone back to his normal child-like self and dropped the brat as soon as Logan told him he didn't like it.
"Now you can touch." He flipped him back over and hovered over him.
Patton's smile was happy and wide "in! in!" He begged "I wanna touch while in.." he looked to the side, thinking Logan was gonna say no.
"Alright." He slowly went in.
Patton looked back up at Logan moaning quietly, his hands first feeling his cheeks and lips.
Logan smiled and kissed his hands, going a bit faster and harder.
Patton moaned, it was soft and sounded so sweet to Logan. His hands slid to his hair, lacing his fingers through the soft strands.
Logan smiled even more, going to his neck.
Patton knew what that meant and turned his head more to the side.
Logan stopped and went to his face, kissing him roughly.
Patton kissed back, pulling Logan closer, opening his mouth and biting Logan's lip. His hands now moved to one staying in his hair and the other scratching his back.
Logan smiled and put his tongue in Patton's mouth, exploring every inch of it.
Patton moaned and accidentally moved his tongue against Logans making him jump.
Logan's eyes went wide and he pulled away for a quick second, their lips barely touching. "How close are you now?"
"C-close.." Patton said, his eyes fluttering back open, after he spoke he quickly kissed Logan.
Logan laughed into the kiss, Patton was being very needy right now and he low key loved it.
Patton wrapped his legs around Logan's waist, moving them to get him to move.
Logan knew what he wanted and wouldn't give it to him.
"Mooovvvee!~" Patton begged, getting more needy by the second and his right hand that was on Logan's back was now sliding down his neck and going lightly up and down his chest.
"Needy Little boy."
"Please... I need Logan.." he begged more, biting his lip, making him that much hotter to Logan.
"Logan isn't here. Only your master is." He smiled as he slowly started to move.
"T-then M-master....move f-faster.."
"Whatever you say baby boy." He moved a bit faster.
Patton moaned, his eyes closing as his right hand pushed against Logan but definitely not as a stop.
Logan went faster and harder, making sure that Patton couldn't walk after this.
Patton started screaming again, getting closer and closer to finishing.
"Getting closer baby boy?"
"Mhm!~" Patton moaned.
"Good, so am I."
Patton smiled and just hearing that sent him over the edge.
Logan lifted his legs up and started to abuse him all over again.
"W-wait! I wanna make you finish!"
"Hang on baby boy."
"O-ok..." Patton nodded, closing his eyes, his head going back.
Logan slowly started to go slower, he was getting tired and the alcohol was wearing off.
Patton moaned, his hands moving to his mouth and hair.
"It's time baby boy."
Patton launched up as soon as Logan pulled out "stay there. Sit down." He smiled.
Logan nodded and sat down, his head was bobbing. He was getting sleepy.
Patton noticed and quickly got to work, putting Logan in his mouth, going fast.
Patton hummed and went faster, gagging every now and then.
"I-I'm close..."
Patton made sure to keep eye contact with Logan as he hummed faster and took him in deeper.
Logan threw his head back and quietly moaned Patton's name.
Patton smiled and relaxed his throat and took him in all the way.
"Patton~ I'm done..."
Patton hummed a "nuhuh." As he took Logan out "you haven't finished." He said before putting him right back in.
"Yes I have."
"I didn't taste it." He said, taking him out once more.
"I wanna be done though.."
With that Patton nodded and stood up, wobbling slightly. "Ok Logie." He giggled.
"Did I hurt you in any way?"
"I'm a little sore but I'm fine Logie. To be honest I really liked that."
"Oh good, do you wanna do it again sometime when you're healed?"
Patton giggled and nodded.
Logan smiled and got up, "do you wanna clean up?"
Patton nodded and tried to stand but just fell. "Owie."
"Sorry love." Logan helped him to the bathroom.
"It's ok Logie. I did ask for it... repeatedly.." he blushed.
"Yeah, you were really needy."
"You sir. Seemed to like it."
"I did, sorry for ripping your sweater."
"It's Ok. You said you'll buy me a new one!"
"Do you want a blue one this time?"
"Deep blue!!!"
"Alright." Logan lifted him into the bathtub and turned on the water.
Patton giggled more, watching the water.
Logan was helping him get clean, as he put on a pair of shorts.
Patton played in the water, making little splashes.
"You're adorable." Logan smiled.
"You're handsome"
"You're gonna be a great dad."
"H-how...?" Patton looked down.
"Because I know that no matter what our kids are going to love you."
Patton blushed, "um... I actually have something to tell you..."
"I um... I can have children..." he said, waiting for Logan to call him weird and look disgusted.
"Oh, you have an extra X chromosome. That's cool."
"R-really... you like it?" Patton looked at Logan, small tears going down his cheeks.
"Of course love." Logan wiped Patton's tears away.
"D-do you want a child? A little nugget of our own?" Patton smiled, holding his arms like he would hold a baby.
"Absolutely, I've always wanted one." Logan smiled.
Patton smiled and kissed Logan softly, small tears flowing happily down his cheeks.
Logan kissed back and wiped the tears off Patton's face.
"I love you so much"
"I love you more. Do you want to get out?"
"Yes please."
"Okay love." Logan turned off the water and lifted Patton out.
Patton smiled, yawning.
"Hey love?"
"Before I get you all pregnant and stuff. Do you want to get married?"
Patton's cheeks went red "of course!!!"
"Great, I'll pick up a ring later this week."
Patton smiled, getting his clothes on and ran to the dresser, pulling on the secret drawer and pulling out a box "I already have yours.." he handed it to Logan.
"Awe Patt. I love it." He smiled. The ring was a light blue and the lining around it was silver
"I ordered mine.. it's a deep blue."
"That's okay love."
"Ok.. wanna see it?"
Patton limped to his phone and opened it, his ring was deep blue and in the actual ring there were small roses.
"It's beautiful, just like you."
Patton smiled, yawning "nigh nigh?"
Logan nodded and lifted Patton onto the bed, he then laid down next to him.
Patton curled up next to Logan, "next time... inside.." he smiled, holding his stomach.
"Of course love." Logan smiled, bringing Patton closer and closing his eyes.
Patton smiled, the whole night he held his stomach, staying close to Logan.
During Pattton and Logan's time together Virgil heard him talk about him being able to have kids and he could do the same. He had to think of a way to tell Roman without just plainly telling him.
Roman was in their room, watching tv.
Virgil got up from the couch and went to their room, knocking on it.
"Yeah?" Roman called, thinking it was Logan or Patton.
"Can I come in and tell you something?"
"Of course babe" Roman called and the noise from the tv was off.
Virgil opened the door and sat on the bed.
"What's on your mind baby?" He asked sweetly though Virgil could hear the clear worry in his voice.
"Um well what do you think about kids?" Virgil asked, taking Roman's hands in his.
"I love them. They're so cute! I wanna adopt some with you!" He smiled.
"You don't have to adopt." Virgil put his head down slightly.
"Why not?"
"Well um I have an extra X chromosome, so I can have kids."
Roman started crying and held onto Virgil "BABY BOY THAT'S AMAZING!" He gushed. "We can have little princes and princesses!"
"I'm glad that you're excited about this." He smiled.
"Of course I am! It's you we're talking about!"
Roman smiled, "let me take you to dinner tomorrow. I have a surprise "
"Oh um okay."
Roman smiled, "it'll be fancy but wear your normal clothes"
"Shouldn't I wear fancy clothes if it's fancy?"
"Nope! I want you to be you. Not some fancy you." Roman smiled, remembering something and launching up "oh! I got you a new jacket."
"You did?"
"Mhm. Here." He handed him a box. "I saw it and it just screamed you "
"You shouldn't waste your money on me." Virgil smiled.
"Trust me. Not a waist. Now hush and open it!"
"Okay, okay." Virgil opened the box to find a black jacket with purple patches on it. "I love it!"
"Yeah? I did good?"
"Yeah, you always do good." Virgil smiled.
"Why thank you.
"Oh, look under your bed. There's a box there for you."
Roman Nodded, getting up and looking "the fancy white one?"
Roman picked it up, sitting back down opening it, it was a white shirt with a red sash design. It looked like the typical prince wear. "Oh maaaaaaahhhh gaaaaahhh!!"
"You like it?"
"Oh my Gods I do!" Roman said. Sounding like a prince
"Good, I found it at the Disney store."
"Thank you my prince."
"You're welcome Princey."

If you guys cant tell in someway they match up storyline wise.

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