the next night when Remus came home

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Remus was acting different from the second he walked in the door "hey babe."
Deceit walked up to him and kissed him, "hey kitten." 
Remus smiled but it was different from normal. "How was your night?" He asked sweetly, setting his stuff down, not taking off his jacket.
"Lonely without you." 
"Awe I'm sorry babe." He chuckled, kissing Deceit.
Deceit kissed back and pushed him against the wall. 
Remus almost gave in but then he remembered the dark bruises and pulled away, "n-no…" 
"What do you mean no?"
"I don't wanna tonight.." he avoided Deceit's concerned look.
"Okay.." Deceit walked away. 
Remus had small tears in his eyes as he walked to their room, he did want Deceit he just couldn't have him at the moment. When he got to the room he grabbed sweatpants and a baggy hoodie.
As he was getting changed Deceit walked in and saw the dark bruises. "Remus. Who made those?"
Remus jumped, turning to face Deceit, revealing even darker ones on his stomach and chest. "Um…"
Deceit's eyes went wide and his fist clenched. "Remus." 
"D-Damien…" Remus muttered, flinching on accident, when Damien was with him if he didn't do something the way he was told to specifically Damien would hurt him.
"Where is he?" Deceit asked, grabbing his bat.
"I don't know…. Please… put the ow!" Remus yelled as he accidentally hit the dresser ever so lightly on his bruise.
Deceit dropped the bat and ran to Remus' side. 
Remus held his side, tears trickling down his cheeks, "I'm okay."
"No you're not." Deceit got some ice packs and put them on his bruises. 
"I-I forgot! I have to g-go somewhere." He said, remembering Damien gave him his address and told him to make an excuse to meet up with him.
"No, you're staying here. You're hurt." 
Remus whimpered, the way he did when he was scared, "I have to."
"Remus, baby, what's wrong?" 
Remus looked at the bruises and then at a slip of paper on the edge of the bed. "I need to go."
"Remus, please."
Remus looked at Deceit, now fully crying, "h-he'll hurt y-you if I don't!"
"Damien? Don't worry I'll beat him up for you." Deceit carefully brought him into a hug. 
"N-no! H-he wants m-me!" Remus said, hugging back before pulling away and getting out of bed before Deceit could pull him back.
Deceit sighed and stayed on the bed, his mind going somewhere dark. 
Remus got redressed and got his shoes on, kissing Deceit roughly, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Deceit kissed back and pulled Remus closer. 
Remus grabbed Deceit's hair, sitting on his lap.
Deceit moved his hand carefully up Remus' shirt, pulling him as close as he could. 
Remus, though he was still crying, bit Deceit's lip, being needy like this was the last time he would ever see or feel Deceit.
Deceit moved his tongue in and went up Remus' shirt even more. 
Remus moaned, pulling away for a moment to breathe before going right back where he was. 
Deceit moved his other hand to rub Remus through his pants. 
"Ngh~" Remus moaned into the kiss, moving his hips with Deceit's hand.
Deceit smiled and moved his hand faster. 
Remus pulled away from the kiss, now holding into his shoulders as his head flung back as he moaned, "Oh~ Deceit~"
Deceit moved to his neck, keeping his hand there with it's motions. 
Remus moaned louder, gripping Deceit's shirt and biting his lip.
Deceit bit his neck, moving his hand to go even faster. 
"Mmm~ shit~" Remus moaned, his mind taking over his words and actions.
Deceit pulled Remus closer, moving his other hand down to add double the force on Remus' area. 
Remus bit his lip harder, slipping his hands up Deceit shirt, feeling his skin as much as possible.
Deceit shivered, "don't you have to go?" 
Remus had forgotten and as soon as he remembered the tears returned and he silenced Deceit by connecting their lips, "a little longer.." he whimpered.
Deceit nodded and kissed back, moving his hands even faster. 
Remus moaned, pulling away and moving to Deceit's ear, whispering "Daddy~" 
Deceit smiled and kept those motions, moving faster each second. 
Soon Remus was shaking, repeating Deceit's name as he lightly bit his shoulder.
Deceit moved one hand away to rub Remus' back. 
Remus shook more, "c-close~"
"Good." Deceit rubbed more, moving the second hand back. 
"C-clothes… p-pants.." Remus moaned out, tilting his head back again.
"You can change." Deceit moved to his neck again. 
Remus moaned, biting his finger as he shook more, he grabbed Deceit's head, forcefully pulling him toward his lips, smashing them together again.
Deceit smiled and kissed back, licking his bottom lip.
Without missing a beat Remus opened his mouth. He moaned again.
Deceit moved his tongue in, roaming his mouth.
Remus moaned louder, shaking as he finished, not pulling away from the kiss.
Deceit kissed him more passionately and pushed him onto the bed.
Remus' phone alarm went off and his eyes went out and he pulled away, his eyes showing full blown panic.
Deceit looked at Remus with concern.
"It's T-Time… I have to go… or I'll be late.."
"Oh, be safe."
Remus didn't say anything but kissed him again, changing quickly, putting on a crop and a hoodie and grabbing his keys and walking out.
Deceit waited until the door closed so he could get dressed and followed Remus, making sure he couldn't see him.
Remus followed the addresses directions and parked the car, walking to the door and knocking, Damien answered, he wasn't wearing a shirt.
"Hey kitten." 
"H-hi…" Remus said, taking off his hoodie revealing his shirt that said his stage name in gold letter and in cursive. "I wore it like you told me to.."
"Good kitten." 
Remus looked away, rubbing his arm.
Deceit was hiding behind a bush, waiting for the right moment. 
Remus had more tears go down his cheeks, they were easily seen by Deceit as he watched Remus shake with fear. "C-can we hurry up I-I have a husband to go back to."
Damien sighed and pulled Remus into a kiss. 
Remus flinched and pulled away "n-no."
"What do you mean no?" 
"I mean  no. I have a husband."
Damien smacked Remus, "divorce him kitten." 
Remus' head turned toward the Bush Deceit hid behind, his cheek bright red as his face we filled with pain. "O-okay.."
When Deceit heard the smack he got flaming mad and was about to reveal his hiding spot but waited. 
"Good kitten." 
Remus whimpered, "d-don't Hurt me… please?" He asked, tears streaming down his Bright red cheeks.
"I won't hurt you anymore when you're not with him." 
"But-but I love him… I don't love you." 
"Then I'll hurt him." 
Remus got a spark of confidence, "no!" He yelled angrily, "you said you wouldn't!"
"Oh but kitten that's where our new deal comes in. Your husband already hurt one of your clients." 
Remus looked shocked but his confidence didn't falter "HE'LL HURT YOU TOO!" He screamed, his hands in fists.
"He can try, but I have a secret weapon." 
Damien laughed and pulled out a gun. 
Remus' eyes went wide "no! Hurt him and I'll leave!" 
Damien got that same twinkle in his eyes that he got when he hurt him, "oh will you now?"
Deceit saw Remus back away, "y-yes!"
Damien walked up closer to him, he had a knife in his hand. "I don't think you will, kitten." 
Remus' eyes widened, and he backed up faster, passing Deceit's hiding spot, Deceit could see his face clear as day now, terrified and hurt. His voice cracking as he spoke, "do anything you want to me! I'll still leave you!"
Damien laughed and grabbed his arm, "no you won't." He slowly pushed the knife into his stomach. 
Out of instinct he shouted "DECEIT!" His voice, full of pain as he shrieked.
Deceit ran to Remus and punched Damien, taking the knife out of Remus and beating Damien to death. 
As soon as the knife was out of him Remus collapsed.
Deceit got off of Damien and picked up Remus, putting him on the passenger's side of his car and quickly drove to the hospital.
Remus was fading in and out of consciousness, "Babe?"
"I'm here. You're gonna be fine." 
Remus held Deceit's hand as he passed out again.
Deceit pulled into the hospital parking lot and quickly got Remus out of the car, running in and telling the doctors what happened.
The doctors nodded and rushed Remus to the ICU. 
Deceit followed, not wanting to leave Remus' side. 
At the entrance the doctor turned "I'm sorry but you cannot follow past this point."
Deceit sighed and sat down in an empty chair near the doors. 
*time skip to a couple days later when Deceit is allowed in*
The nurse opened the door and let Deceit in. "Be careful sweety, he's still hurt."
Deceit nodded and followed the doctors to Remus' room.
When he walked in Remus was pale, he had dark bags under his eyes and he was skinnier. The doctor told Deceit that when the knife was pulled out some of it broke so Remus had to get surgery.
"O-oh.." Deceit remembered that he was the one that pulled the knife out. 
The doctor motioned for Deceit to enter the room.
Deceit entered and sat on the chair next to his bed. 
Remus' eyes fluttered open, "De?"
"Yes baby, I'm here." 
Remus looked over and smiled weakly, touching Deceit's bottom lip with his thumb. Gliding it across.
Deceit smiled and kissed his thumb. 
Remus smiled, "I'm sorry…" his smile faded.
"It's fine. It wasn't your fault." Deceit grabbed his hand and slid his thumb across his knuckles. 
Remus held his hand too, small tears slipping down his cheeks.
Deceit wiped his tears away. "Don't cry." 
Remus smiled again, "okay babe." He said, playing with his ring.
"I love you." 
"I love you more my hero."
"I'll always be here to save you." 
"Good." Remus smiled, moving his lips to what kind of looked like he wanted a kiss, barely being able to pucker his lips. 
Deceit smiled and leaned over to kiss him. 
Remus kissed back, a happy sigh leaving his nose. 
Deceit smiled and pulled away. 
Remus smiled before yawning, stretching before wincing slightly, the smile never even faltering.
"You okay?" 
"Mhm. Just the killer scar I'm gonna have."
"Sorry you had to go through that." 
"It's okay."  He smiled, motioning for Deceit to come closer. 
Deceit came closer and kissed Remus' hand.
Remus smiled and whispered "when I'm back and healed we'll have to continue what we were doing before that happened."
Deceit laughed and nodded, "we will." 
Remus laughed and nodded,  "I'll keep you up to that promise Mr." 
"I know you will." 
Remus smiled, kissing his cheek lightly as the doctor came in and told them visiting hours are done.
Deceit kissed Remus' forehead before he got up, "I'll be back tomorrow." 
Remus smiled and nodded, "okay."
Deceit walked out and drove home.

There's gonna be one more part to this where it has full blown smut. Sorry again for the spam! Good night! (Well morning for me cause ya boi posted this at 325 am!)

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