Demus *slight smut*

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Remus looked at Virgil, then back at Deceit, "hey sir…"
"Just call me Deceit." 
Remus nodded, "okay Deceit." He looked into Deceit's eyes, smiling, "sorry about laughing last night.. it was funny to hear." He giggled.
"It's fine. No sweat. Also I heard some...things last night."
Remus looked confused, "that Roman likes Virgil?"
"I already knew that but you think that I'm hot."
Remus' cheeks went red, "I-I don't have any clue W-what you're talking about…."
Deceit stepped closer to Remus. "Oh yeah?" 
Remus' breath caught, "m-mhm…"
"Stuttering are we?" Deceit stepped even closer. 
Remus shrugged, "maybe…" he said, putting his hand on Deceit's chest.
Deceit chuckled and made Remus go against a wall. 
Remus yelped, looking down to hide that he was blushing more and biting his lip slightly.
Deceit moved Remus' head up with two fingers. 
Remus looked up and immediately released his lip.
Deceit raised an eyebrow, "you're a very interesting person." 
Remus blushed, "so are you…" he shifted, scooting closer to the wall, his back fully against it. 
Deceit smiled and moved his other hand to Remus' area and rubbed it a bit before walking away. 
"Ngh~" Remus bit his lip, staying in place as he closed his eyes.
Deceit laughed and walked to Remus' room.
Remus didn't see what room he went in, thinking Deceit went to his own room Remus rushed to his room, not expecting Deceit to be there.
"Hey there."
Remus jumped as he heard Deceit's voice, "h-hey.."
Deceit laughed and walked up to Remus, close enough to where they could kiss and closed the door.
Remus stiffened a bit but eased into it, stepping closer to Deceit, grabbing his jacket.
"Whatcha doing?" 
Remus looked up, "nothin… nothin… what're you doin?"
"Closing the door."
Remus blushed, knowing exactly why even through his question, "why?"
"Because I wanted to." Deceit smiled.
Remus nodded, biting his lip again. "Why…?"
Deceit laughed and brought one hand down to his area again and rubbed it. 
"Ngh~" Remus shivered, closing his legs.
Deceit shook his head. "Bad kitty, open your legs."
Remus looked up and slowly moved his legs.
"Good kitty." Deceit moved his hand a bit faster.
Remus bit his lip, his head going back and hitting the door lightly.
Deceit smiled and moved his hand away. 
Remus whined, looking at Deceit, need filling his eyes. 
Deceit cupped Remus' face in his hands. "You're so whiny."
Remus closed his eyes, "s-sorry…"
"Stuttering again?" 
Remus looked at Deceit, "yeah.."
Deceit snickered and moved Remus to the bed.
Remus started to loosen up and giggled.
"You're not getting what you think."
Remus looked confused, "what am I getting then?"
"You'll see."
Remus nodded, staying still.
Deceit laid Remus down on the bed. 
Remus was still smiling, looking at Deceit, his eyes not once leaving him.
"Now, this may happen when you go undercover."
Remus nodded, "okay. What do I do?" He hadn't ever been undercover for anything. Logan only had him fight sometimes.
"Well, I'll show you." Deceit smiled and got some handcuffs he had and took off all of Remus' clothes.
Remus blushed and his breathing hitched. 
Deceit looked at him. "Now we might have you go undercover for many different things." He then handcuffed him to the bed. 
Remus nodded, looking Deceit up and down slowly, "okay…"
Deceit smiled and went on top of him. "Now I'm gonna pretend to be the enemy, okay? Oh, and don't make a noise." 
Remus nodded, "okay.."
Deceit then got off of him a bit and slowly put a finger inside of him.
Remus arched his back, squeezing his eyes shut.
Deceit smiled and put in another finger, moving them a bit faster.
Remus tugged on the cuffs, biting his lip as he tried his best to hold back a moan.
Deceit stopped moving. "No tugging." He then pulled out his fingers.
Remus didn't say a word but his tugging stopped, he looked at Deceit, a look of pain and pleasure filling his eyes.
Deceit smirked and trailed his finger along Remus' body.
Remus shivered, letting go of his lip, letting out a quiet, airy moan, no sound came from him though.
Deceit smiled and bent down to bite Remus' neck.
Remus bit his lip again, the beginning part of a moan was cut off.
Deceit smiled on his neck and licked where he bit.
Remus shivered, his breathing slowly calmed down.
Deceit began to kiss down his body, biting it here and there.
Remus shivered more violently, his stomach tensing as he did. His legs shifted eagerly.
Deceit laughed and got off of Remus. 
Remus looked sad as he did, now crossing his legs, shifting them against each other. 
Deceit then grabbed another pair of handcuffs and cuffed Remus' legs down.
Remus whined, his breathing normal again.
Deceit smiled and kissed his cheek. 
Remus smiled again, blushing more.
"This also may happen. Try and get free."
Remus nodded, his hands were decently easy cause he got arrested so many times, he slid his head up and grabbed a hidden Bobby pin in his hair, using it to unlock the cuffs then moving to his legs.
"Good job."
Remus looked up, "n-now what?"
"C'mon." Deceit found a hook and cuffed Remus to it. 
Remus followed, "what is this going to be about?" He asked as Deceit hooked him onto the loop.
"If the enemy really likes you then they'll probably do this." 
Remus nodded, "okay."
"I'm gonna show you what they'll probably do, okay?"
Remus nodded, "okay Deceit."
Deceit smiled and moved Remus' legs so they were over his shoulders and his face was right in front of Remus' area. He slowly licked it and put it in his mouth.
Remus, shuttered sharply, "Ngh~"
Deceit smiled and hummed.
"A-Ah! Deceit!~" Remus moaned.
Deceit took Remus out of his mouth. "Shh, don't wanna make them check in on us." 
Remus nodded, "sorry…"
"It's fine." Deceit put Remus in his mouth again and licked all over his member.
Remus moaned again, his back arching, he wanted to touch Deceit so bad.
Deceit smiled and pulled his mouth off of Remus. "They also might give you marks all over your body, like this." Deceit did as he said and left marks all over Remus' body. 
Remus moaned again, "o-only want you to.." he whispered.
Deceit smiled more and went up to his lips and kissed him. 
Remus hungrily kissed back, pushing his body as close to Deceit as he could. 
Deceit smirked and moved his hands down Remus' body again. 
Remus smiled in the kiss, before Deceit could stop him Remus was at his neck, already making a mark.
Deceit smiled and moved a finger inside him. 
Remus gasped on Deceit's neck, biting slightly.
Deceit laughed and moved another finger inside, moving it a bit faster. 
Remus moaned his name again, moving his head back to look at Deceit. "M-more~"
Deceit moved a third finger in and licked Remus' neck. 
Remus shivered,tilting his head back as slowly and silently he got only one hand free,keeping the other one up.  He brought his hand down and ran it through Deceit's hair. 
Deceit looked at Remus and laughed. 
Remus closed his eyes after he put his hand behind Deceit's neck.
Deceit moved another finger in and bit Remus' neck.
Remus moaned more, sliding his hand down Deceit's shirt and scratching harshly.
Deceit smiled and bit Remus' lip.
Remus gasped, making him open his mouth as subconsciously his other hand came down and joined the other at Deceit's back. 
Deceit laughed and moved his tongue inside Remus' mouth. 
Remus smiled into the kiss, getting an idea. He nipped at Deceit's tongue lightly, chuckling lightly.
Deceit was caught off guard for a second and moved his fingers faster, one of his fingers moved to one of Remus' sensitive spots.
Remus' head flung back so fast he hit the wall sharply but didn't seem to notice as he loudly moaned Deceit's name.
Deceit smiled and purred in Remus' ear. "Are you close yet dear?"
Remus nodded, "y-yeah.. Deceit.~" 
"Good." Deceit moved his fingers even faster and hit his sensitive spot even harder.
Remus shook, "AH~! DECEIT!~" he screamed.
Deceit smiled and went even harder on his spot.
Remus continued to scream as he finished. 
Deceit pulled his fingers out and licked them off. 
Remus blushed, "t-those were icky!" He bit his lip.
"No, it's quite delicious actually." Deceit finished cleaning off his fingers. "Go shower." 
Remus nodded, and decided to get one last bit of payback and kissed Deceit, moving his hand to his area before doing as Deceit did to him and walked away.
Deceit laughed a bit and shook his head, walking to his room and as he passed by Remus he slapped his ass. 
Remus yelped but turned around and smirked at Deceit, biting his lip, "you still want all thiiisss!" He joked, running to the bathroom as he saw the look flash across Deceit's face again.
Deceit smiled and went to his room. 

Next chap won't be any smut but don't worry my children!

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