Chapter 1-We Have a Problem

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   The familiar, suspicious, giggles that my best friend fails to suppress fill the room as I walk in, pitch darkness enveloping me. She was never really good at hiding her emotions even if it meant giving away her hiding spot.

   The door slams behind me, the darkness fully closing in, the only light being the dim moonlight. I try my best to look around for the tall brunette, but it's as dark as if I was closing my eyes.

   I reach down to pull my phone out of my pocket, when a light illuminates the room, two hands grabbing my shoulders and screaming in my ear. I turn around as I let out a deafening scream, my best friend now rolling on the floor, clutching her stomach as she laughs.

   "You dickwad." I laugh as I roll my eyes. I hear the door of the house slam in the distance. I gasp as I realize my mother is on her way towards the small shed. I shush her, knowing we might get in trouble for being so loud. Katie's eyes widen as she attempts to calm down, her hand pressing over her mouth to quiet her giggles.

   "Maddie?" She calls out, concern filling her voice.

   I try to work up the courage to open the door, not wanting to be yelled at and lectured.

   "Madison?" She repeats, her voice getting progressively more concerned. I take a deep breath and open the door as Katie stands up and takes her place beside me. The light from Katie's flashlight shines in moms face.

   "Oh, thank god." She breathes, squinting from the light. Katie quickly points it towards the ground. "Madison Marie, what is wrong with you?" She scolds. I grimace as the lecture begins. "You scared the shit out of me!"

   "Sorry." I mumble, my eyes casting down.

   "Do not ever do that again. What happened, anyways?"

   "Katie just jumped out at me. That's all." She sighs and shakes her head.

   "Come inside. It's late." She requests. We nod and follow her inside the warm and inviting house. I look at my phone, acknowledging that the time is 10 P.M.

Four hours later

   Katie and I sit in my queen bed, watching some chick flick that she forced me to watch with her. We stuff our mouths full of snacks. Popcorn, candy, and a lot of soda.

   This is an almost daily occurrence, seeing as she pretty much lives at my house during the summer.

   "This is so unrealistic!" I laugh loudly. Katie rolls her eyes at me.

   "It's cute!" She whines.

   "So, what, they met out of coincidence, fell in love in two minutes, then just so happened to find each other again?" I scoff. "How is that cute? It's ridiculous!" I protest.

   "Y'know what, Mads, I'm going to find more food while you find your chill." She says jokingly, showing me the empty popcorn bowl.

   I throw an empty candy bag at her as she walks out, laughing as she glares at me. I continue to watch the movie. Before long, I hear a deafening scream. I immediately recognize it as Katie's, and bolt up, sprinting downstairs.

   I see a pool of blood seeping around the corner of the counter. Mom stands, staring in shock at what I hope isn't Katie. I start to walk around the corner when a crash emits from the living room.

   Someone is in the house.

   Mom looks at me and ushers me into the nearest closet and pushes me in. I try to protest, but she quickly cuts me off.

   "No matter what you hear or see do not come out. Do you hear me? Do not come out. This is not the time to be your reckless, rebellious self. Stay in here." She whispers sternly. I nod with a shaky breath. She goes to close the door, when I stop her.

   "Wait, mom." I whisper. She stops for a second, looking back at me. Another noise comes from the living room, mom's attention being drawn to the direction of it with wide eyes. She quickly looks back to me, urgency in her eyes. "I love you." Tears brim both of our eyes.

   "I love you, Madison."

   Those are the last words shared between us before she clenches her hand around the gun she always keeps in the house—for emergencies—and closes the door. I begin to cower in the corner, desperately hoping that Katie is okay.

   Heavy breathing is heard before a gunshot shortly follows. I hear my mom mutter "Shit" quietly. A growl fills the room, followed by my mom's voice, screaming. I have to cover my mouth in order to refrain from screaming with fear and worry. Tears steadily fall down my cheeks as I hear a squelching sound of some sort. I quietly lean down, looking out of the crack at the bottom of the door.

   An unfamiliar guy leans over my mothers unconscious body. My eyes widen and I gasp as he digs his hand into her stomach. I cover my mouth with a shaking hand as he looks towards the door, sniffing the air. He growls, showing sharp teeth.

   Suddenly, a loud noise sounds through the house. Another gunshot?

   He falls to the ground, my mothers intestines falling out of his hand. I back up as two more pairs of shoes come into my view. I backup as far as I can go, my back pressed against the wall.

   This cannot be happening. That guy was not just eating my mom.

   Two deep voices start conversing outside of the closet.

   "Audios, wolverine." The first voice says.


   "Mother and daughter?" The second voice asks.

   "Looks like it."

   "It's a shame we didn't get here sooner." He says. The other guy mumbles in agreement.

   "Holy shit!" He exclaims suddenly. "That's Alison Calgo. I... had a thing with her around 15 years ago."

   I take in a deep, shaky breath trying to prevent myself from letting out a sob. Mom's voice runs through my head.

   "No matter what you hear or see do not come out."

   I nearly sob, but instead let out a small squeak, my hand flying up to cover my mouth. My eyes go wide.

   Who are these men in my house? And why?

   I was too busy with my thoughts to realize that the talking had stopped. Instead, there are footsteps.

   Getting closer.

   Slowly, the door opens and I grimace, preparing to be killed along with my mother and best friend.

   "Dean..." Says the man standing in front of me; the second man based on his voice. "We have a problem."


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